
Local development environment for building Drupal sites hosted on Pantheon

GPL-2.0 License



The purpose of this project is to create a useful local development environment to build Drupal sites hosted on Pantheon. Since the infrastructure is built on VirtualBox, this configuration can work on virtually any host operating system. The entire LEMP stack is installed and configured. Drupal installations are fully automated based on existing Pantheon Site Names. This includes Nginx virtual hosts, PHP configuration, MySQL databases and user permissions, and Drupal site installs via installation profiles.


2015-10-13: This project is now using Nginx, which more closely resembles the Pantheon infrastructure. Also, Debian has been upgraded from version 7 (aka wheezy) to 8 (aka jessie).


Install VirtualBox.

Install VirtualBox Extension Pack.

Install Vagrant.

Install Git (MAC/BSD/Linux) via your package manager or Git Bash (Windows). See Git for Windows.


Open Terminal (MAC/BSD/Linux) or Git Bash (Windows). Windows users should run as administrator.

See Configure Applications to Always Run as an Administrator.

Although not necessary, if you want to open VirtualBox, you should also run as administrator.

Replace site with the Pantheon Site Name and optionally [env] with the environment.

$ git config --global core.autocrlf false This step is important

$ git clone

$ cd pantheon-local-drupal-development

$ vagrant up

$ vagrant ssh

vagrant@debian:~$ ssh-config

vagrant@debian:~$ git-config (follow prompts)

vagrant@debian:~$ site-install (follow prompts)

vagrant@debian:~$ exit

$ add site [env]

Visit http://*site*-*env*.site in your favorite browser (Example: where my-pantheon is the Pantheon Site Name and dev is the environment). Enjoy.


Once the VM has been provisioned, if you want to create additional sites, simply execute the following:

$ cd /path/to/pantheon-local-drupal-development

$ vagrant up

$ vagrant ssh

vagrant@debian:~$ site-install site env profile multisite

Replace site with the Pantheon Site Name, env with the environment, profile with the Drupal install profile and multisite with the Drupal multisite domain On site-install, if you don't provide site, env, profile or multisite, you will be prompted to enter the appropriate values if needed.

vagrant@debian:~$ exit

$ add site [env]

The default value for env is dev. The only time you would want to provide env is if you are installing a multi-dev site.


To restart the LEMP stack:

vagrant@debian:~$ restart-lemp

To repair the database and file permissions:

vagrant@debian:~$ site-fix site

To display the Nginx logs:

vagrant@debian:~$ site-log site env [access|error] [less|tail]

The site and env arguments are not needed if you are within the Drupal root directory and want to accept the defaults. The default value for env is dev. If the third or fourth arguments are omitted, the default values are error and tail.

To download the latest database and upload to your local database:

vagrant@debian:~$ site-db site env

To download the latest files backup to your local environment:

vagrant@debian:~$ site-files site env

To download the latest code, files and database backup to your local environment:

vagrant@debian:~$ site-sync site env

To list hosts:

$ list


Install phpMyAdmin:

vagrant@debian ~$ phpmyadmin-install

Install vim configured for Drupal:

vagrant@debian ~$ vim-install

Install webmin:

vagrant@debian ~$ webmin-install

Install codespell:

vagrant@debian ~$ codespell-install

Install compass:

vagrant@debian ~$ compass-install

Install less:

vagrant@debian ~$ less-install

Install XHProf:

vagrant@debian ~$ xhprof-install

Install Xdebug:

vagrant@debian ~$ xdebug-install


If you notice an error similar to the following:

./ line 17: /C/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts: Permission denied

Make sure the hosts file is not read only. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in File Explorer. Right click on hosts, select Properties, uncheck the Read-only box next to Attributes: and then click OK.

If you forgot to execute the first step: git config --global core.autocrlf false, you may not be able to execute git-config or site-install. To fix, execute the following:

vagrant@debian:~$ dos2unix /vagrant/

vagrant@debian:~$ dos2unix /vagrant/

If you are having trouble with rsync during vagrant up in Windows with a message as follows:

"rsync" could not be found on your PATH. Make sure that rsync is properly installed on your system and available on the PATH.

Download cwRsync Free Edition, extract and copy into your Git bin directory (usually in C:\Program Files\Git\bin or C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin).

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-rsync

$ vagrant reload

If you installed cwRsync as instructed above and execute vagrant ssh, you may get a message similar to the following:

cygwin warning: MS-DOS style path detected: .../.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key Preferred POSIX equivalent is: .../.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning. Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:

If you don't get a vagrant@debian:~$ prompt, press Ctrl+C and try connecting via iTerm 2 (MAC) or PuTTY (Windows). See Tips section below for more details.

If rsync still doesn't work with Vagrant 1.8:

See this workaround:

If you get a message that states GuestAdditions are missing or not matching the host version during vagrant up, try the following:

$ cd /path/to/pantheon-local-drupal-development

$ cp "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxGuestAdditions.iso" . <<< Don't forget the trailing dot

$ vagrant reload

$ vagrant ssh (see previous troubleshooting tip if you have issues)

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo mkdir /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /vagrant/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ cd /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo ./

vagrant@debian:~$ exit

$ vagrant reload

Alternatively, you could install from the iso on the VM if you know the host version is the same.

Just replace /vagrant/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso with /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso on the mount line above.

Follow the steps below:

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo mkdir /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ cd /media/vb

vagrant@debian:~$ sudo ./

vagrant@debian:~$ exit

$ vagrant reload

If you are unable to bring up the site in your browser after vagrant up in Windows 10, try reinstalling VirtualBox to get the bridged network working again.


Use iTerm 2 (MAC) or PuTTY (Windows) to connect via with username vagrant and password vagrant to improve your terminal experience.

Download iTerm 2 (MAC) or PuTTY (Windows).

To check your code syntax for errors:

vagrant@debian:~$ cd /path/to/custom/code/directory

vagrant@debian:~$ drupalcs my_custom_module/

To automatically fix code syntax errors:

vagrant@debian:~$ cd /path/to/custom/code/directory

vagrant@debian:~$ drupalcbf my_custom_module/

To spell check your code for errors:

vagrant@debian ~$ codespell-install

vagrant@debian:~$ cd /path/to/custom/code/directory

vagrant@debian:~$ codespell my_custom_module/

To examine your database:

vagrant@debian ~$ phpmyadmin-install

Browse to and login with Username: drupal and Password: drupal

To update all composer installed apps (drush, terminus, etc.):

vagrant@debian ~$ composer-up

To get the ip address of the server:

vagrant@debian ~$ ip

To adjust the VM resources:

If your host system supports it, you can increase the vb.cpus and vb.memory values in Vagrantfile to improve performance of the VM. Remember to vagrant reload after making changes.

A warning about synced folders:

If you want to reinstall a site using site-install and you have enabled synced folders, you should clear out your synced folder locally beforehand, otherwise you may notice errors when the script attempts to remove existing files.


Q. Can I install more than one site?

A. Absolutely. Just execute site-install and make sure the site name is not the same as an existing site, otherwise, it will be overwrote. Also, the site must first exist in your Pantheon dashboard.

Q. Can I install a multi-dev site?

A. Absolutely. Just make sure the site already exists in your Pantheon dashboard and include the multi-site name in the env argument.

Q. Where do I access my site on the server?

A. All sites are subdirectories of /var/www. So if your site is a dev environment of my-site, it would be located at /var/www/my-site-dev.

Q. Why don't I see my VM instance running after I launch VirtualBox in Windows?

A. Did you launch VirtualBox as administrator? If you started Git Bash as administrator, you must also start VirtualBox as administrator, otherwise, you will not see any running instances. Another reason might be you didn't execute "vagrant up" in the Git Bash terminal.

Q. Why do I get the message "The Pantheon site cannot be located." when attempting to load the live environment database into my local environment?

A. In order to pull down the live envirnoment database, you must execute the "site-db my-site live" command within the Drupal root of your local environment, otherwise, the command will not be able to locate your local "cloneable" environment.

Q. Where is Solr?

A. I may plan to install Solr in a future release.

Q. Where is Varnish?

A. I may plan to install Varnish in a future release.

Q. Why did you choose Debian instead of Ubuntu or CentOS?

A. This is a very good question. I felt Debian was lightweight and included everything I needed for a barebones development environment I could build around. I also figured it would be easier to upgrade without having to reconfigure or reinstall the entire operating system.