
This allows you to clean a PDF and it's embedded images from any metadata.

GPL-2.0 License



This allows you to clean a PDF and it's embedded images from any metadata. Please leave any comments in the issues section, and I welcome a security and thorough code review. Thanks and enjoy.


If you are running OSX, you can try the install.sh (coming soon) file to install all the prerequisites. Otherwise manually find the following: QPDF, pdftk, pdfinfo.


the easy way with homebrew brew update brew install qpdf


as of writing the easiest way is just to download the latest package that works for El Capitan, when a homebrew version becomes available, I will hopefully update this. download https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/pdftk_server-2.02-mac_osx-10.11-setup.pkg


the fastest way is to download the precombiled binary from foolabs for xpdf, which includes pdfinfo:

move to your proper downloads folder to stay organized cd ~/Downloads

get precompiled binary of xpdf which included pdfinfo curl ftp://ftp.foolabs.com/pub/xpdf/xpdfbin-mac-3.04.tar.gz

untar tar -xzvf xpdfbin-mac-3.04.tar.gz

move the executables to the proper location cd xpdfbin-mac-3.04 cd bin64 cp * /usr/local/bin


To run, make sure you have the prereqs installed then drop the .sh file into your bin folder somewhere in your path, I use /usr/local/bin, so you can do a git clone https://github.com/jamesacampbell/pdf-cleaner.git into any folder then do a ln -s pdf-cleaner/clean_pdf.sh /usr/local/bin or cp pdf-cleaner/clean_pdf.sh /usr/local/bin/

Then run sudo chmod +x clean_pdf.sh to make it executable (assuming you cd to properly location first).

Then simply anywhere in your path where your PDF exists, for example cd ~/Downloads then run clean_pdf.sh filename.pdf.

The script saves the original and saves a .clean.pdf version.

I found the original in a github gist and decided to make a project out of it for easy deployment.