
An OpenShift Quickstart template for Facebook's Phabricator.


Phabricator Quickstart

A template app to get Phabricator up and running on OpenShift.

How To Use


  • An OpenShift account.
  • 5-10 minutes of free time.

Create the OpenShift Gear.

$ rhc-create-app -a phabricator -t php-5.3 -l [your username]
Creating application: phabricator in [your namespace]
Now your new domain name is being propagated worldwide (this might take a minute)...
Successfully created application: phabricator

Add the MySQL cartridge.

$ rhc-app cartridge add -c mysql-5.1 -a phabricator -l [your username]


MySQL 5.1 database added.  Please make note of these credentials:

Pull in this Quickstart repository.

$ cd phabricator
$ git remote add quickstart git://
$ git pull quickstart master
From git://
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating f1f79ce..303e532

Move the config file in to place and customize it.

$ cp misc/myconfig.conf.php.dist misc/myconfig.conf.php
$ $EDITOR misc/myconfig.conf.php
$ git add -f misc/myconfig.conf.php
$ git commit -m 'Added my own configuration file.'

Be sure to edit the domain name to point to your namespace/app.

Push everything to openshift.

$ git push origin master
Counting objects: 16, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 2.13 KiB, done.

Create an account for yourself

# Figure out what to ssh to.
$ grep rhcloud .git/config | sed 's/.*\/\(.\+\)\/~.*/\1/g'
[some random username]@phabricator-[your namespace]

$ ssh [output from above]

Once you've ssh'd to the application, create a user using phabricator's accountadmin.

$ PHABRICATOR_ENV=custom/myconfig ./phabricator/repo/phabricator/bin/accountadmin
[follow the wizard to create a user]

And finally...

Go to it in your browser:

https://phabricator-[your namespace]

Have fun!


Repository location

OpenShift gives (as of this writing) 1GB of space with each gear by default. You can request more space, however. See the instructions here.

An important note is that every time you deploy to OpenShift, your live app gets deleted and recreated from the new push. This means that any changes you make to the live app (via ssh, for example), will get overwritten.

Because if this, it's imporant to place clones of repositories that Phabricator tracks, in a "safe" location. In OpenShift terms, this location is ../data/, relative to the live repository. Also known as $OPENSHIFT_GEAR_DIR/data. Files/directories in ../data are persistent through deployments.


I've managed to get Pygments working decently with Phabricator, now that upstream D3091 has landed. Behind the scenes, the Quickstart will set up a python 'virtualenv' in your repository space when you deploy. This means 1) we are able to install Pygments into this environment, and use it; and 2) Every time you deploy (since your live repository space gets deleted and re-created), you get the latest Pygments automatically. Have fun!


Thank you to Evan Priestley for working with me in getting this working on OpenShift and for the awesome job he's done (and continues to do) with developing Phabricator.