
reliable reverse-ssh tunnel for raspberry pi

MIT License


Reverse SSH Tunnel

Suppose you have a machine (like a Raspberry Pi) that lives behind a home router or on another inaccessible network. Or, maybe this machine occasionally changes it's IP address. This repo will set up a tunnel from the machine (called the local machine) to another machine (called remote) that has a reliable internet-connectible address. You will be able to reliably connect to local by first connecting to remote and then jumping from remote to local via the configured remote_port.

Remote setup

Make sure the remote machine is reliably online. I use a server with a static IP address, but you can also use a dynamic DNS name.

Create a remote_user for the tunnel; here, I use pitunnel. Replace <ssh_key> with the SSH key you create in the Local setup section.

$ sudo useradd -m pitunnel
$ sudo su - pitunnel
$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
$ echo <ssh_key> > .ssh/authorized_keys
$ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
$ exit

This user is only used for tunnels, so we can deny it interactive access.

$ tee /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/pitunnel << DONE
Match User pitunnel
  AllowTcpForwarding yes
  X11Forwarding no
  PermitTunnel yes
  AllowAgentForwarding no
  PermitTTY no
  ForceCommand /usr/sbin/nologin

You should also configure the SSH service to time out stale connections. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make add a section like so:

# disconnect idle clients after a minute
ClientAliveInterval 20s
ClientAliveCountMax 3

This will cause the SSH server to ping connected clients every 20 seconds, and disconnect if 3 pings fail. Make sure your sshd_config is still valid by running:

$ sudo sshd -t && echo 'looks good' || echo 'sshd config is invalid'

If it outputs looks good then you can go ahead and restart sshd:

$ sudo systemctl reload sshd

Local setup

First, install autossh:

$ sudo apt-get install -y autossh

Next, create an SSH key for your tunnel. Don't specify a password.

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
$ cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub

Copy the output (<ssh_key>) and paste it into the /home/<remote_user>/.ssh/authorized_keys file on remote.

Next, clone this repo and edit tunnel.sh. You will need to customize these variables:

  • remote_host -- the hostname or IP of the remote server
  • remote_port -- the port on the remote server where local will be available
  • remote_user -- the user you created in the remote setup section

If you're not running on a Raspberry Pi, you should also edit tunnel.service and customize this line:


Replace pi with the local username (output of whoami).

Once configured, you can run install.sh:

$ sudo ./install.sh

This will begin running the SSH tunnel.


To connect to the local machine, first connect to remote. Then, on remote, run:

$ ssh pi@localhost -p <remote_port>

Replace pi with your local username (whatever you put as User= in local setup.


So long as local can communicate with remote, the tunnel will be re-created if it does for any reason. It might take a minute or two for existing connections to time out, so keep trying if it doesn't work at first.

To check on the status of the tunnel, you can run:

$ systemctl status tunnel