

Changing the videos and splash screens

Changing the video

Place test.h264 in the 'Untitled' volume, available on the server image.

Changing the splash screen

Place splash.jpg in the 'Untitled' volume on any of the screens. It will take 2 full boots for the screen to be fully updated.

Setup from premade images

There are three images - one for the server, one for the left screen, one for the right screen

install the image

tar xf piwall-server.tar.gz # see piwall-left.tar.gz and piwall-right.tar.gz for the clients
sudo diskutil unmount /dev/rdisk1s1
sudo dd bs=16m if=piwall.img of=/dev/rdisk1
sudo diskutil unmount /dev/rdisk1s1
sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdisk1

Setting up from scratch

Here are all the steps required to get from a blank sd card to this working setup.

Install raspbian

Download and burn raspbian onto an sd card, from your local machine

curl -L http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_latest -o raspbian.zip
unzip raspbian.zip
sudo diskutil unmount /dev/rdisk1s1
sudo dd bs=1m if=2014-06-20-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/rdisk1
sudo diskutil unmount /dev/rdisk1s1
sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdisk1

Configure raspbian

Use raspi-config to change the keyboard layout and enable ssh.

Update the distribution

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update

Add a shared partition

Add a 0B (W95 FAT32) partition where the free space was

sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0
sudo reboot

Mount as /shared on boot

sudo apt-get install dosfstools
sudo mkfs.msdos /dev/mmcblk0p3
sudo mkdir /shared
sudo chown pi:pi /shared
sudo sh -c "echo '/dev/mmcblk0p3 /shared vfat auto,rw,user,users,exec,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000 0 0' >> /etc/fstab"
sudo mount -a

Clone this respository

git clone https://github.com/jedahan/piwall.git
cd piwall

Install the shared files, and init scripts

cp shared/* /shared/
sudo cp -r init/* /etc/init.d

Install a splash screen & the splash screen updater

sudo apt-get install fbi
sudo update-rc.d splashscreen defaults
sudo update-rc.d updatesplash defaults

Hide the boot text

sudo sed -e 's/tty1/tty3/' -e 's/$/ loglevel=3 vt.global_cursor_default=0 logo.nologo/' -i /boot/cmdline.txt

Install piwall applications and default wall config

These packages were downloaded from dl.piwall.co.uk

sudo dpkg -i packages/*

Make sure we can convert video

sudo apt-get install libav-tools

Install the default config

sudo cp .pi* /root/

Setup networking

Install the network changing scripts

sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces{,.bak}
sudo cp network/interfaces* /etc/network
echo 'alias lan=/home/pi/piwall/network/localnetwork.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'alias wan=/home/pi/piwall/network/globalnetwork.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Make sure to choose different octets for each pi

nano network/interfaces.local

Now you can switch just by doing lan or wan


Enable the correct init scripts

For each tile

sudo update-rc.d piwalltile defaults

For the Server

sudo update-rc.d piwallserver defaults