
Extra glyphs for your powerline separators

MIT License


Extra glyphs for your Powerline separators

These glyphs are now available in the patched fonts from: Nerd Fonts

NOTE: This repo will soon probably just hold the glyphs.

Vim preview also showing column number glyph:

  • vimrc settings to achieve the above:
    " testing extra-powerline-symbols
    " set font terminal font or set gui vim font
    " to a Nerd Font (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts):
    set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font\ 12
    " testing rounded separators (extra-powerline-symbols):
    let g:airline_left_sep = "\uE0B4"
    let g:airline_right_sep = "\uE0B6"
    " set the CN (column number) symbol:
    let g:airline_section_z = airline#section#create(["\uE0A1" . '%{line(".")}' . "\uE0A3" . '%{col(".")}'])

This prompt is on fiiire (flaming shell), just having some fun:


Sample Configurations

Example configuration I have for Banga's powerline-shell

        # original
        'patched': {
                'lock': u'\uE0A2',
                'network': u'\uE0A2',
                'separator': u'\uE0B0',
                'separator_thin': u'\uE0B1'
        # angly 1
        'patched': {
                'lock': u'\uE0A2',
                'network': u'\uE0A2',
                'separator': u'\uE0B8',
                'separator_thin': u'\uE0B9'
        # angly 2
        'patched': {
        	'lock': u'\uE0A2',
        	'network': u'\uE0A2',
        	'separator': u'\uE0BC',
        	'separator_thin': u'\uE0BD'
        # curvy
        'patched': {
        	'lock': u'\uE0A2',
        	'network': u'\uE0A2',
        	'separator': u'\uE0B4',
        	'separator_thin': u'\uE0B5'
        # flames (flamey)
        'patched': {
        	'lock': u'\uE0A2',
        	'network': u'\uE0A2',
        	'separator': u'\uE0C0',
        	'separator_thin': u'\uE0C1'
        # lego (blocky)
        'patched': {
        	'lock': u'\uE0A2',
        	'network': u'\uE0A2',
        	'separator': u'\uE0CE',
        	'separator_thin': u'\uE0CF'
        # pixelated blocks 2 (large) random fade (pixey)
        'patched': {
        	'lock': u'\uE0A2',
        	'network': u'\uE0A2',
        	'separator': u'\uE0C6',
        	'separator_thin': u'\uE0C6'


  • Add more triangles
  • Add more other type glyphs
  • Create Powerline symbol only font for fontconfig
  • Add to more fonts (just testing the included Droid font for now) see: Nerd Fonts
  • Add glyph set to patcher and fonts in Nerd Fonts