
My personal website


Personal Website

This is the contents of my personal website, found at


Note that this setup uses Nginx on Debian. The steps will be similar for other setups, but might not be exactly the same.

  1. Initialize a git repo on the server with

    cd [path to site]
    git init
    git config --bool receive.denyCurrentBranch false
    git config --path core.worktree ../
  2. Setup an Nginx site configuration file that includes all configuration files in the repositories out/_config/nginx directory. Ex:

    include [path to site]/out/_config/nginx/*.conf;
  3. Modify /etc/sudoers (with visudo) to allow the user to restart and get the status of the webserver without a password

    [user] ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nginx restart
    [user] ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/nginx status
  4. Link the Git post-receive hook (in .git/hooks/post-receive) to the post-receive script in the repo

    # Make something to link to intially - will be replaced on first push
    touch [path to site]/post-receive
    ln -s [path to site]/post-receive [path to site]/.git/hooks/post-receive
  5. Set up a cronjob to automatically renew Let's Encrypt certificates on the 1st of every month

    crontab -e
    0 0 1 * * ROOT=[path to site] [path to site]/scripts/renew
  6. Locally add the remote repository to your local git remotes with

    git remote add deploy ssh://[user]@[server]:[port]/[path to site]
  7. To update the website, commit changes then run git push deploy