
my personal dotfiles and other home stuff vcsh style



Caleb Maclennan's personal computing environment, including but not limited to:

  • system initialization and configuration tools
  • home directory managment via
  • misc other scripts and paraphanalia

system setup


  • bash, curl
  • working network connection
  • logged in as root

Setup a fresh system from scratch (or update an existing one):

bash <(curl -sfSL https://raw.github.com/alerque/que/master/bin/que-sys-bootstrap.bash)

Optionally add desktop as an arugment to install base GUI package set.

home setup


  • Dependencies installed from sys-bootstrap
  • Logged is as user with Zsh (su - caleb)

Initialization on a fresh user directory:

read -s "BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN?Bootstrap API Token: "
zsh <(curl -sfSL https://raw.github.com/alerque/que/master/bin/que-home-bootstrap.zsh)

Otherwise to update:

mr up

No really, that's all.


Adding a new repo

  1. Create config file .config/mr/available.d/$NAME.vcsh
  2. Create sylink cd .config/mr/config.d; ln -s ../available.d/$NAME.vcsh
  3. Add config to que repo vcsh run que git add -f .config/mr/available.d/$NAME.vcsh
  4. Init repo vcsh init $NAME
  5. Setup ignores vcsh write-gitignore $NAME
  6. Add something to get the repo off the ground vcsh run $NAME git add -f <at least one something>
  7. Commit so we actually have a repovcsh run $NAME git commit -m "initial commit"
  8. Optionally add an upstream vcsh run $NAME git remote add origin $URL
  9. Optionally push to upstream vcsh run $NAME git push -u origin master

After that, the usual mr up, mr ci, mr push etc should just work.