
Combine a RaspberryPi (a wifi module) and a SSD for an awesome little file buoy

MIT License


RaspberryPi BitTorrent, WebTorrent and IPFS server

Combine a RaspberryPi (a wifi module) and a SSD for an awesome little file buoy ⛵


  • get rasbian LITE: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/
  • sudo raspi-config
    • activate locale en.US-UTF8
    • change hostname
    • set userpassword
  • ssh-copy-id ...
    • uncomment/set PasswordAuthentication to no in sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    • sudo service ssh restart
  • sudo visudo and comment out pi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  • sudo apt-get install screen unattended-upgrades macchanger
    • sudo dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades
  • sudo apt-get install fish
    • change line pi:x:1000:1000:,,,:/home/pi:/bin/bash to pi:x:1000:1000:,,,:/home/pi:/usr/bin/fish
    • nano ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_prompt.fish and fill in:

function fish_prompt set_color 5FAF00 echo -n (basename $PWD) echo -n ' ' set_color normal end

- [x] `sudo nano /etc/default/macchanger` and set `ENABLE_ON_POST_UP_DOWN` to `true`.

### set up the wifi module

## prepare folders && access rights

`sudo nano /etc/group` and change the line `debian-transmission:x:114:` to `debian-transmission:x:114:pi`.

# find the uuid of your usbstick or usbdrive
# add to `fstab`
# add folders
# set accessrights for transmission


transmission configuration

sudo apt-get install transmission-daemon
sudo service transmission-daemon stop
sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

set the following values:

  • blocklist-url: https://jult.net/bloc.txt.gz, blocklist-enabled: true
  • download-dir: ..., incomplete-dir, incomplete-dir-enabled: true
  • preallocation: 0
  • watch-dir: ..., watch-dir-enabled: true
  • encryption: 2
  • prefetch-enabled: false
  • peer-socket-tos: lowcost
  • download-queue-enabled: false, queue-stalled-enabled: false
  • rpc-bind-address:
  • rpc-authentication-required: false
  • disable autostart: sudo systemctl disable transmission-daemon
sudo service transmission-daemon start


touch start-torrent.sh
chmod +x start-torrent.sh
nano start-torrent.sh

and add:


# mount encfs
sudo su -c 'encfs --public /media/usbdisk/.torrent /media/usbdisk/torrent' root

# start transmission
sudo service transmission-daemon start

You need to manually run this after every restart.

set up pagekite


set up webtorrent


set up ipfs

TODO sudo nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json: script-torrent-done-enabled to hook ipfs?