
Scripts that hopefully help in managing and shipping WordPress plugin release flows on GitHub and SVN.


Script that hopefully help in managing and shipping WordPress plugin releases on GitHub and SVN.

Get started with ./

Release branch management

This script is designed to help keep your release branches stay in order. Typically used to kick off a code freeze and start the beta cycle.


Options Description
-h or --help Shows help message
-v or --version Shows script version
-n or --new Start a new release branch
-u or --update Update existing release branch
-r or --release The release number you are branching
-p or --plugin-slug Plugin's slug
-o or --github-org GitHub organization (default "Automattic")
-b or --branch Build branch source (default master)
-c or --clean Clean build directory

Customize the build.

This script will always respect the custom variables set in .custom above anything in the target plugin.

.releaseignore: A txt file that comprises of lines of file patterns to exclude from production release branches. Add file patterns to purge extra things from the release branch that is not defined in the plugin's .releaseignore.

  • This will be concatenated with the plugin's .releaseignore and/or .svnignore file if they are found.

.custom: A file containing many over-writable aspects of of the script, such as:

  • BUILD_COMMAND: A string to be eval'd during the script that will "build" the plugin. It defaults to yarn build-production.

Example commands

Kick off a new beta release!

  • ./ -n

Create a new set of release branches for version 2.1.

  • ./ -n -o="Automattic" -p="vaultpress" -r="2.1"

Update the 2.2 release branch based on the branch hotfix-branch

  • ./ -u -b="hotfix-branch" -r="2.2"