
rollup node experiments

MIT License


rollup node experiments

Test scripts etc. for experimental optimistic rollup testing of the new Optimism 1.0 specs.

Running ./ will run a complete configuration + installation of the system, so that it is ready to run. Alteratively, follow the instructions below for more figne grained steps.

Config preparation

Change rollup.yaml for custom premine / testnet ID / L1 clique signers.

Then run ./, or follow the steps below. is idempotent: it produces no changes if ran twice in a row. It does, as needed rebuild the contracts, regenerate the genesis file configuraiton and update the optimistic-specs and reference-optimistic-geth submodule. does not build the nodes. To do that, runs ./, which also calls

Initialize submodules


git submodule init
git submodule update

Alternatively, you can run with these directories being located elsewhere. In that case, follow the code snippets in this README and do not run the provided shell scripts.

Optional: recompile system contracts bytecode.

To compile and fetch deployed bytecode, to embed in local testnet genesis states, run ./, or:

cd ../optimistic-specs/packages/contracts
yarn build
cat artifacts/contracts/L2/L1Block.sol/L1Block.json | jq -r .deployedBytecode > ../../../rollup-node-experiments/bytecode_l2_l1block.txt
cat artifacts/contracts/L1/DepositFeed.sol/DepositFeed.json | jq -r .deployedBytecode > ../../../rollup-node-experiments/bytecode_l1_depositfeed.txt

generate configs

Build the L1 and L2 chain genesis configurations:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# generate a `l1_genesis.json` and `l2_genesis.json` for local L1 and L2 geth instances

Node setup

L1 setup

Run ./, or:

# install upstream geth:
go install[email protected]

# Create L1 data dir
geth init --datadir data_l1 l1_genesis.json

# Import the clique signer secret key into geth
echo -n "foobar" > signer_password.txt
geth --datadir data_l1 account import --password=signer_password.txt signer_0x30eC912c5b1D14aa6d1cb9AA7A6682415C4F7Eb0

Run ./, or:

# Start L1 Geth with block production enabled:
geth --datadir data_l1 \
    --networkid 900 \
    --http --http.api "net,eth,consensus" \
    --http.port 8545 \
    --http.addr \
    --http.corsdomain "*" \
    --ws --ws.api "net,eth,consensus" \
    --ws.port=8546 \
    --ws.addr \
    --maxpeers=0 \
    --vmodule=rpc=5 \
    --allow-insecure-unlock --unlock 0x30eC912c5b1D14aa6d1cb9AA7A6682415C4F7Eb0 \
    --password=signer_password.txt --mine
    --dev --dev.period=0

L2 exec-engine setup

Run ./ or...

Clone and build the optimism-prototype branch into the parent directory containing this repo:

# Prepare L2 binary (or `go run` directly from source instead)
git clone --branch optimism-prototype
cd reference-optimistic-geth
go mod download
go build -o refl2geth ./cmd/geth
mv refl2geth ../rollup-node-experiments/
cd ../rollup-node-experiments/

# Create L2 data dir
./refl2geth init --datadir data_l2 l2_genesis.json

Then run ./ or...

# Run L2 geth
# Important: expose engine RPC namespace and activate the merge functionality.

./refl2geth --datadir data_l2 \
    --networkid 901 --catalyst \
    --http --http.api "net,eth,consensus,engine" \
    --http.port 9000 \
    --http.addr \
    --http.corsdomain "*" \
    --ws --ws.api "net,eth,consensus,engine" \
    --ws.port=9001 \
    --ws.addr \
    --port=30304 \
    --nat=none \
    --maxpeers=0 \
# TODO: remove maxpeers=0 and --nat=none if testing with more local nodes

Rollup-node setup

Run ./ or,

# Get the L1 genesis block hash
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x0", false],"id":1}' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r ".result.hash" | tee l1_genesis_hash.txt

# Get the L2 genesis block hash
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["0x0", false],"id":1}' http://localhost:9000 | jq -r ".result.hash" | tee l2_genesis_hash.txt

Run ./ or,

# Prepare rollup-node binary (or `go run` directly from source instead)
git clone
cd optimistic-specs
go mod download
go build -o rollupnode ./opnode/cmd
mv rollupnode ../rollup-node-experiments/
cd ../rollup-node-experiments/

Then run ./ or,

./rollupnode run \
 --l1=ws://localhost:8546 \
 --l2=ws://localhost:9001 \
 --log.level=debug \
 --genesis.l1-hash=$(cat l1_genesis_hash.txt) \
 --genesis.l1-num=0 \
 --genesis.l2-hash=$(cat l2_genesis_hash.txt)

Running nodes in the background

./ &
./ &
./ &

# killing
kill $L1PID
kill $L2PID
kill $L3PID

Verifying that the system works

Run ./, this will run all nodes in the background (just like the previous section) and additionally submit a deposit on L1.

To further play around with the system, you might find it useful to source the cast-env file which sets useful environment variables.


In order to restart the test with a new build, you will likely want to wipe the chainstate, which will also require rebuilding the l1 and l2 nodes. This can be accomplished by running the following scripts:

# kill all running L1, L2 and rollup nodes (may include other mainnet nodes!)

# deletes both data_l1 and data_l2 dirs

# rebuild and start l1-geth
./ && ./

# rebuild and start l2-geth
./ && ./

# rebuild and start rollup-node
./ && ./ && ./


MIT, see LICENSE file.