
Windows shellcode development in Rust


Write Windows Shellcode in Rust

Project overview

Windows shellcode project is located in shellcode/, it can build into a PE file with only .text section and has no external dependencies.

Then we can dump the .text section and do some patches to make it position-independent. this idea was from hasherezade's project masm_shc.

How to build it

(Only tested on Win10 x64)

Build shellcode binary

rustup default nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
cd shellcode/
cargo build --release

If everthing goes well, we will get shellcode\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\shellcode.exe

Dump .text section and do some patches

We patch at the start of .text section, make it jump to entry point. In this way, we can have some strings store in the merged section, or we have to use u8 and u16 bytes array on stack to represent string.

cd ..
cargo run

We will get shellcode\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\shellcode.bin, this is the final shellcode file.

Test shellcode

Test the shellcode use your favorite shellcode loader, i use my own little tool rs_shellcode for demonstration.

git clone
cd rs_shellcode/
cargo build
./target/debug/rs_shellcode.exe -f "shellcode\target\x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\release\shellcode.bin" 

This demo shellcode will popup a message box and print some log use OutputDebugStringA, you can check it out in debugview or windbg.
