

MIT License



My "opinionated" dotfiles setUp, that can be run with docker or not, and allows me to get my dev stack ready in less than 5mins with a single command line.


Not features, but most likely, what's inside :

  • alacritty (GPU terminal's conf)
  • yazi (File browser conf on terminal just like ranger)
  • polybar (Status bar's app config)
  • i3 (WM conf)
  • mpv (Video player for my local files or youtube)
  • gh-dash (github dashboard for quick overview on my PR/issues (day-job or side-projects))
  • nvim (My PDE conf for coding )
  • rofi (app/windows/workspace switcher conf)
  • tmux (my multiplexer terminal)
  • vagrant (for my vms on term[ubuntu, macOs, window...])
  • Some interesting aliases/functions inside .bash_aliases to install/run/use
    my devs stuffs really quickly and interactivelly


  • docker (If you're planing to run it with docker)
  • make
  • git

NB: This setUp can be done without docker but it will required not use the defaults make target to set it up (and can become a little hard to maintain)


# Clone and go inside the directory
$ git clone && cd dotfiles
# Under docker
$ make
# No docker
$ cp $HOME/.bashrc ~/.bashrc_bk   # put the current bashrc into backup
$ cp .bashrc .bash_aliases $HOME/ # copy all bash scripts and aliases to $HOME
$ _set_dot_files && _install_dev_stack

# This will build the docker image, run it and exec into it !
# you can then get out and make start/stop to get it run
## OR quickly :
$ curl -Ls | bash

For all the make target command :

$ make help
build-cache                     build the dev-container
build                           build the dev-container and skip the cache
run                             run the dev-container
exec                            exec inside an allready build and running dev-container
start                           start an already built dev-container
stop                            stop the running dev-container
go                              build, run and exec the container
build-base                      build-base the dev-container and skip the cache
run-base                        run-base the dev-container
exec-base                       exec-base inside an allready build and running dev-container
go-base                         build and exec the container base (no deps)
help                            print this help
pull-base                       pull the image from docker hub.
push-base                       push the image to docker hub.

After inside the container, you can run :

# To well start
$ _install_dev_stack
## An interactive installer will start with all your options
## Either you activate them or not

$ _set_dot_files
## This will just set a bunch of configuration files

NOTE: you should have a $HOME/code directory created locally, since it will be the volume shared between the container and your computer