

My configuration files

What's in here?

This repo contains my personal configuration files so I can easily and quickly set up any fresh-installed system with my favourite tools and appearance.

The configuration files are divided in folders, one per application or software. This way is easy to copy only some configurations without the need to manually scrape through the full collection of dotfiles.

For example:

  • bin: contains a bin folder that hosts some of my personal scripts.
  • conda: contains a .condarc file and an environment.yml for creating
    a default conda environment.
  • git: contains global .gitconfig and .gitignore files.
  • mpv: configurations for the mpv video player.
  • nvim: contains configuration files for Neovim (and for VIM).
  • terminator: configuration for Terminator (terminal emulator with tiling
  • zathura: configurations for the zathura document reader.
  • zsh: configurations for the zsh shell.

How to copy the files

Clone the repo:

git clone


git clone [email protected]:santisoler/dotfiles

Enter into the cloned directory:

cd dotfiles

Use cp to manually copy the dotfiles for certain category.

For example, to copy only the Neovim dotfiles:

cp -r nvim/. ~