
Demonstration of setting up a secure pipe using containers and SELinux

APACHE-2.0 License



Demonstration of setting up a secure pipe using containers and SELinux. These scripts were last tested on Fedora 27.

Install Required software

$ sudo dnf install podman

Build securepipe container image

$ git clone && cd securepipe/
$ sudo podman build -t securepipe .

Install securepipe container image

$ sudo podman container runlabel install securepipe

Run securepipes

In three different terminals execute:

Terminal 3:

$ sudo /tmp/ sp3

Terminal 2:

$ sudo /tmp/ sp2

Terminal 1:

$ sudo /tmp/ sp1

Now type into the terminal running sp1, and you will see output in sp3

You can also cat entire files to sp1

$ sudo cat /etc/passwd | /tmp/ sp1

Attempt to breakout of securepipes

In a fourth terminal execute

$ sudo podman exec -ti sp1 sh

And play around