
All my dotfiles that I port around from system to system with me

GPL-3.0 License



All my dotfiles that I port around from system to system with me. The purpose of this project is to organize my shell scripts and configs and sync them between machines. This started out fairly simple, but now can also handle my .zshrc and keep things synchronized between machines like .zshenv, etc.

Shell support

These dotfiles are meant to be used with Zsh, but some scripts may work as Bash accepts Z shell interpreter. Also, your shell should support colors so everything works well. Wherever possible, compatibility with Linux as well as macOS is maintained.

Project Structure

Z shell startup files

There are five startup files that Z shell will read commands from in order:


Below is the explanation about each of these files, when it is loaded, and what it does.

Z shell locations

The default location for Z shell system-wide files is in /etc. The default location for Z shell user files is in $HOME; this can be customized by setting $ZDOTDIR.

Thus the default locations are:



Zsh startup files


zshenv is sourced on all invocations of the shell, unless the -f option is set.

What goes in it:

  • Set up the command search path
  • Other important environment variables
  • Commands to set up aliases and functions that are needed for other

What does NOT go in it:

  • Commands that produce output
  • Anything that assumes the shell is attached to a tty


zprofile is sourced in login shells. It is meant as an alternative to zlogin for ksh fans; the two are not intended to be used together, although this could certainly be done if desired.

What goes in it:

  • Commands that should be executed only in login shells
  • As a general rule, it should not change the shell environment at all
  • As a general rule, set the terminal type then run a series of external
    commands e.g. fortune, msgs, etc

What does NOT go in it:

  • Alias definitions
  • Function definitions
  • Options
  • Environment variable settings


zshrc is sourced in interactive shells.

What goes in it:

  • Commands to set up aliases and functions that are needed for other


zlogin is like zprofile, except sourced after zshrc.


zlogout is sourced when login shells exit.

Repo files

This repo contains my Z shell conventions for subdirectories and also my files that I like to use with multiple environments.

Notable subdirectories:

  • .config/zsh/lib/functions is for functions
  • .config/zsh/lib/prompts is for prompts
  • .config/zsh/conf.d is for configuring environment programs via
    environment variables, such as $EDITOR, $PAGER, etc, aldo for
    Z shell settings, such as for aliases, completion, history, etc
  • .config/zsh/conf.d/OS is for OS-wide configuration files


This project is open source software licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. © 2014-2022 Serghei Iakovlev