
windows syscalls with a single line and a high level of abstraction. has modern cpp20 wrappers and utilities, range-based DLL and export enumeration, wrapper around kuser_shared_data. supported compilers: clang, gcc and msvc

APACHE-2.0 License


shadow syscalls

Easy to use syscall/import executor wrapper. Syscall is based on shellcode. Function names passed in arguments are hashed at compile-time. Supports x86 architecture, but on x86 .shadowsyscall() is inaccessible.

The repository provides a convenient high-level wrapper over low-level operations, range-based enumerators for modules and their exports. Includes all GetModuleHandle, GetProcAddress implementations in a much nicer wrapper without leaving any strings in binary. Allows calling undocumented DLL functions. Has a built-in forwarded import resolver (HeapAlloc, etc.)

Supported platforms

CLANG, GCC, MSVC. Library requires cpp20.

Quick example

// Execute "NtTerminateProcess" syscall
shadowsyscall<NTSTATUS>( "NtTerminateProcess", reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >( -1 ), -6932 );

// Since version 1.2, the return type may not be specified
shadowsyscall( "NtTerminateProcess", reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >( -1 ), -6932 );

// Execute any export at runtime
// Since version 1.2, the return type may not be specified
shadowcall<int>( "MessageBoxA", nullptr, "string 1", "string 2", MB_OK );

[!IMPORTANT] Make sure you load the dll module that contains the export you want to call. For example - to call MessageBoxA, you need to load "user32.dll" into the current process.

Shellcode uses allocator based on NtAllocateVirtualMemory & NtFreeVirtualMemory

Detailed executors example (x64)

#include <Windows.h>
#include "shadowsyscall.hpp"

// If “set_custom_ssn_parser” was called, the handling
// of the syscall index falls entirely on the user.
// This function is gonna be called once if caching is enabled.
// If not, function will be called on every syscall
std::optional<uint32_t> custom_ssn_parser( shadow::syscaller<NTSTATUS>& instance, shadow::address_t export_address ) {
    if ( !export_address ) {
        instance.set_last_error( shadow::errc::ssn_not_found );
        return std::nullopt;
    return *export_address.ptr<std::uint32_t>( 4 );

// Pass the function name as a string, it will be converted
// into a number at the compile-time by the hash64_t ctor
void execute_syscall_with_custom_ssn( shadow::hash64_t function_name ) {
    shadow::syscaller<NTSTATUS> sc{ function_name };
    sc.set_custom_ssn_parser( custom_ssn_parser );

    auto current_process = reinterpret_cast<void*>( -1 );
    std::uintptr_t debug_port{ 0 };
    auto [status, err] = sc( current_process, 7, &debug_port, sizeof( std::uintptr_t ), nullptr );
    if ( err )
        std::cerr << "Syscall error occurred: " << *err << '\n';

    std::cout << "NtQueryInformationProcess status: 0x" << std::hex << status << ", debug port is: " << debug_port << "\n";

int main() {
    execute_syscall_with_custom_ssn( "NtQueryInformationProcess" );

    // Return type may not be specified since v1.2
    shadowcall( "LoadLibraryA", "user32.dll" );

    // When we know where to look for a specified
    // export it is better to specify it right away,
    // it will speed up the search.
    shadowcall( { "MessageBoxA", "user32.dll" }, nullptr, "string 1", "string 2", MB_OK );

    // Execute any export at runtime. Since we have ct constructor -
    // every string will be converted to uint64_t during compilation time
    auto message_box = shadowcall<int>( "MessageBoxA", nullptr, "string 3", "string 4", MB_OK );

    // "message_box" variable is treated same as "int"
    auto function_result = message_box;
    std::cout << "Result: " << function_result << ", DLL that contains MessageBoxA is: " << message_box.export_location().filepath().string() << '\n';

    auto process = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 );
    const auto current_process = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 );
    auto start_routine = []( void* ) -> DWORD {
        std::cout << "\nthread started!\n";
        return 0;

    // 1 variant - handle error by return value
    // Return type may not be specified since v1.2
    auto [status, error] = shadowsyscall( "NtCreateThreadEx", &process, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, current_process,
                                          static_cast<LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE>( start_routine ), 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );

    if ( error )
        std::cout << "NtCreateThreadEx error occured: " << *error << "\n";
        std::cout << "NtCreateThreadEx call status: 0x" << std::hex << status << '\n';

    // 2 variant - when error handling is not required, get a plain return value
    auto simple_status = shadowsyscall( "NtTerminateProcess", reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 ), -6932 );

Detailed module & shared-data parser example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "shadowsyscall.hpp"

int main() {
    // Enumerate every dll loaded to current process
    for ( const auto& dll : shadow::dlls() )
        std::cout << dll.filepath().string() << " : " << dll.native_handle() << "\n";

    std::cout.put( '\n' );

    // Find exactly known dll loaded to current process
    // "ntdll.dll" doesn't leave string in executable, it
    // being hashed on compile-time with consteval guarantee
    // The implementation doesn't care about the ".dll" suffix.
    auto ntdll = shadow::dll( "ntdll" /* after compilation it will become 384989384324938 */ );

    auto current_module = shadow::current_module();
    std::cout << "Current .exe filepath: " << current_module.filepath().string() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Current .text section checksum: " << current_module.section_checksum<std::size_t>( ".text" ) << "\n\n";

    std::cout << ntdll.base_address().ptr() << '\n';                         // .base_address() returns address_t
    std::cout << ntdll.native_handle() << '\n';                              // .native_handle() returns void*
    std::cout << ntdll.entry_point() << '\n';                                // .entry_point() returns address_t, if presented
    std::cout << << '\n';                              // .name() returns win::unicode_string
    std::cout << ntdll.filepath().to_path().extension() << '\n';             // .filepath() returns win::unicode_string
    std::cout << ntdll.image()->get_nt_headers()->signature << '\n';         // returns uint32_t, NT magic value
    std::cout << ntdll.image()->get_optional_header()->size_image << "\n\n"; // returns uint32_t, loaded NTDLL image size

    std::cout << "5 exports of ntdll.dll:\n";
    for ( const auto& [name, address] : ntdll.exports() | std::views::take( 5 ) )
        std::cout << name << " : " << address.raw() << '\n';

    std::cout.put( '\n' );

    auto it = ntdll.exports().find_if( []( auto export_data ) -> bool {
        const auto& [name, address] = export_data;
        constexpr auto compiletime_hash = shadow::hash64_t{ "NtQuerySystemInformation" }; // after compilation it will become 384989384324938
        const auto runtime_hash = shadow::hash64_t{}( name );                             // accepts any range that have access by index
        return compiletime_hash == runtime_hash;
    } );

    const auto& [name, address] = *it;
    std::cout << "Found target export:\n" << name << " : " << address << "\n\n";

    // "location" returns a DLL struct that contains this export
    std::cout << "DLL that contains Sleep export is: " << shadow::dll_export( "Sleep" ).location().name().to_path() << "\n\n";

    // shared_data parses KUSER_SHARED_DATA
    // The class is a high-level wrapper for parsing,
    // which will save you from direct work with raw addresses

    auto shared = shadow::shared_data();

    std::cout << shared.safe_boot_enabled() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.boot_id() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.physical_pages_num() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.kernel_debugger_present() << '\n';
    std::wcout << shared.system_root().to_path() << '\n';

    std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_11() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_10() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_7() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.system().build_number() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.system().formatted() << '\n';

    std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().utc().time_since_epoch() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().utc().format_iso8601() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().local().time_since_epoch() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().local().format_iso8601() << '\n';
    std::cout << shared.timezone_offset<std::chrono::seconds>() << "\n\n";

    // Iterators are compatible with the ranges library
    static_assert( std::bidirectional_iterator<shadow::detail::export_enumerator::iterator> );
    static_assert( std::bidirectional_iterator<shadow::detail::module_enumerator::iterator> );

Hardware processor parser

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include "shadowsyscall.hpp"

int main() {
    auto support_message = []( std::string_view isa_feature, bool is_supported ) {
        constexpr int width = 12;
        std::cout << std::left << std::setw( width ) << isa_feature << ( is_supported ? "[+]" : "[-]" ) << std::endl;

    std::cout << shadow::cpu().vendor() << std::endl;
    std::cout << shadow::cpu().brand() << std::endl;

    const auto& caches = shadow::cpu().caches();

    // CPU caches parsing is supported for current processor
    if ( caches ) {
        std::cout << "L1 cache size:     " << caches->l1_size() << "\n";
        std::cout << "L2 cache size:     " << caches->l2_size() << "\n";
        std::cout << "L3 cache size:     " << caches->l3_size() << "\n";
        std::cout << "Total caches size: " << caches->total_size().as_bytes() << "\n";
    } else {
        // Otherwise - the library does not yet support parsing for the existing processor
        std::cout << "Cache parsing is not supported by `shadow` on your processor architecture\n";

    support_message( "IS_INTEL", shadow::cpu().is_intel() );
    support_message( "IS_AMD", shadow::cpu().is_amd() );
    support_message( "ABM", shadow::cpu().supports_abm() );
    support_message( "ADX", shadow::cpu().supports_adx() );
    support_message( "AES", shadow::cpu().supports_aes() );
    support_message( "AVX", shadow::cpu().supports_avx() );
    support_message( "AVX2", shadow::cpu().supports_avx2() );
    support_message( "AVX512CD", shadow::cpu().supports_avx512cd() );
    support_message( "AVX512ER", shadow::cpu().supports_avx512er() );
    support_message( "AVX512F", shadow::cpu().supports_avx512f() );
    support_message( "AVX512PF", shadow::cpu().supports_avx512pf() );
    support_message( "BMI1", shadow::cpu().supports_bmi1() );
    support_message( "BMI2", shadow::cpu().supports_bmi2() );
    support_message( "CLFLUSH", shadow::cpu().supports_clflush() );
    support_message( "CMPXCHG16B", shadow::cpu().supports_cmpxchg16b() );
    support_message( "CX8", shadow::cpu().supports_cx8() );
    support_message( "ERMS", shadow::cpu().supports_erms() );
    support_message( "F16C", shadow::cpu().supports_f16c() );
    support_message( "FMA", shadow::cpu().supports_fma() );
    support_message( "FSGSBASE", shadow::cpu().supports_fsgsbase() );
    support_message( "FXSR", shadow::cpu().supports_fxsr() );
    support_message( "HLE", shadow::cpu().supports_hle() );
    support_message( "INVPCID", shadow::cpu().supports_invpcid() );
    support_message( "LAHF", shadow::cpu().supports_lahf() );
    support_message( "LZCNT", shadow::cpu().supports_lzcnt() );
    support_message( "MMX", shadow::cpu().supports_mmx() );
    support_message( "MMXEXT", shadow::cpu().supports_mmxext() );
    support_message( "MONITOR", shadow::cpu().supports_monitor() );
    support_message( "MOVBE", shadow::cpu().supports_movbe() );
    support_message( "MSR", shadow::cpu().supports_msr() );
    support_message( "OSXSAVE", shadow::cpu().supports_osxsave() );
    support_message( "PCLMULQDQ", shadow::cpu().supports_pclmulqdq() );
    support_message( "POPCNT", shadow::cpu().supports_popcnt() );
    support_message( "PREFETCHWT1", shadow::cpu().supports_prefetchwt1() );
    support_message( "RDRAND", shadow::cpu().supports_rdrand() );
    support_message( "RDSEED", shadow::cpu().supports_rdseed() );
    support_message( "RDTSCP", shadow::cpu().supports_rdtscp() );
    support_message( "RTM", shadow::cpu().supports_rtm() );
    support_message( "SEP", shadow::cpu().supports_sep() );
    support_message( "SHA", shadow::cpu().supports_sha() );
    support_message( "SSE", shadow::cpu().supports_sse() );
    support_message( "SSE2", shadow::cpu().supports_sse2() );
    support_message( "SSE3", shadow::cpu().supports_sse3() );
    support_message( "SSE4.1", shadow::cpu().supports_sse4_1() );
    support_message( "SSE4.2", shadow::cpu().supports_sse4_2() );
    support_message( "SSE4a", shadow::cpu().supports_sse4a() );
    support_message( "SSSE3", shadow::cpu().supports_ssse3() );
    support_message( "SYSCALL", shadow::cpu().supports_syscall() );
    support_message( "TBM", shadow::cpu().supports_tbm() );
    support_message( "XOP", shadow::cpu().supports_xop() );
    support_message( "XSAVE", shadow::cpu().supports_xsave() );

🚀 Features

  • Caching each call (it is possible to disable caching)
  • Enumerate every DLL loaded to current process
  • Compute checksum of the DLL section (any) in runtime
  • Find exactly known DLL loaded to current process
  • Enumerate EAT of module
  • Resolve PE-headers and directories of module
  • Compile-time string hasher
  • Hash seed is pseudo-randomized, based on header file location
  • Syscall executor
  • Overriding syscall SSN parser
  • Execute any export at runtime
  • Doesn't leave any imports in the executable
  • CPU instruction-set support checker & cache parser

📜 What is a syscall in Windows?

Thanks to

invers1on ❤️