
Basic config for running a flow/neos distribution with docker


Dockerflow helps you developing Flow Framework and Neos CMS projects

DockerFlow creates the necessary Docker containers (webserver, database, php, mail, redis, elasticsearch, couchdb) to run your Flow Framework or Neos CMS project. The package provides a wrapper script in bin/dockerflow which simplifies the handling of docker and does all the configuration necessary.

We created this package to make development on Flow Framework and Neos CMS projects easier and to create a simple reusable package which can easily be maintained and serves well for the standard project.

Development will continue further as the package is already reused in several projects. Contributions and feedback are very welcome.

Install docker (tested with docker v1.9 - v17.03)

Install docker-compose

We use docker-compose to do all the automatic configuration: (tested with docker-compose v1.5 - v1.11)

The repository contains a Dockerfile which will automatically be built in the docker hub after each change and used by docker-compose to build the necessary containers.

On a Mac or Windows

It has been tested working with docker for Mac but not yet with docker for Windows. Feel free to try it out and let us know if you cannot wait.

Install dockerflow into your distribution

Add shel/dockerflow as dev dependency in your composer, using the latest stable release is highly recommended.


composer require --dev shel/dockerflow 5.0.*

Run dockerflow

bin/dockerflow up -d

The command will echo the url with which you can access your project. Add the hostname then to your /etc/hosts and set the ip to your docker host (default for linux is or your boot2docker ip. You can also use any subdomain with *.hostname and it will point to the same server. What you need to do is to add exact subdomain name to your /etc/hosts.

The parameter -d will keep it running in the background until you run:

bin/dockerflow stop

The default database configuration for your Settings.yaml is:

        dbname: dockerflow
        user: root
        password: root
        host: db
        driver: pdo_mysql

Also note that there is a second database dockerflow_test available for your testing context. The testing context url would be test-hostname and this hostname should be added to your /etc/hosts too.

Check the status

bin/dockerflow ps

This will show the running containers. The data container can be inactive to do it's work.

Tips & Tricks

Using different FLOW_CONTEXT

FLOW_CONTEXT=Production bin/dockerflow up -d

Dockerflow also setup a sub-context for testing depends on the current context you are running. In the above example, it would be Production/Testing. Anyway, you can only use the parent context with the bin/dockerflow command. So when there is a need to execute command for the testing context, you need to first get into app container and then call the command prefixed by the context variable.

FLOW_CONTEXT=Production bin/dockerflow up -d
bin/dockerflow run app /bin/bash
FLOW_CONTEXT=Production/Testing ./flow doctrine:migrate

Running flow commands

bin/dockerflow run app ./flow help

FLOW_CONTEXT=Production bin/dockerflow run app ./flow flow:cache:flush --force

Keep Flow caches in the container to improve performance

Add this configuration to your Settings.yaml in Flow:

        temporaryDirectoryBase: /tmp/dockerflow/Temporary/

Using Redis backends for optimizing certain caches

For caches that has tags, Neos becomes slow with lots of content. Add the following to your Caches.yaml to store those mentioned caches in Redis instead:

  backend: TYPO3\Flow\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend
    hostname: 'redis'
    port: '6379'
    database: 0

  backend: TYPO3\Flow\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend
    hostname: 'redis'
    port: '6379'
    database: 0

  backend: TYPO3\Flow\Cache\Backend\RedisBackend
    hostname: 'redis'
    port: '6379'
    database: 0

Using MailHog to test mailing

Add this configuration to yourSettings.yaml:

      type: 'Swift_SmtpTransport'
        host: 'mail'
        port: 1025

And open MyNeosProject:8025 in your browser (use your own hostname) to see your mails.

Send emails from your Flow app and have fun.

Configure ElasticSearch with flowpack/elasticsearch package

Add this configuration to yourSettings.yaml:

          host: elasticsearch
          port: 9200

Configure remote debugging from your host to container

DockerFlow installs by the default xdebug with the following config on the server:

xdebug.remote_enable = On
xdebug.remote_host = 'dockerhost'
xdebug.remote_port = '9001'
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 500

So you can do remote debugging from your host to the container through port 9001. From your IDE, you need to configure the port accordingly. If you are using PHPStorm, this link may be useful for you to configure your IDE properly.

Running a shell in one of the service containers

bin/dockerflow run SERVICE /bin/bash

SERVICE can currently be app, web, data, db, redis, elasticsearch or couchdb.

Access project url when inside app container

As of current docker doesn't support bi-directional link, you cannot access web container from app container. But in some case you will need this connection. For example in behat tests without selenium, you need the url of your site in Testing context while running the tests has to be done inside the app container.

Dockerflow adds additional script after starting all containers to fetch the IP address of web container and append it to /etc/hosts inside app container as below:

WEB_CONTAINER_IP    project-url
WEB_CONTAINER_IP    test-project-url

You need to define the default test suite url in your behat.yml to use http://test-project-url:8080 and then you can run the behat tests without having to connect external selenium server

bin/dockerflow run app bin/behat -c Path/To/Your/Package/Tests/Behaviour/behat.yml

Access database inside container from docker host

While you can easily login to shell of the db container with bin/dockerflow run db /bin/bash and execute your mysql commands, there are some cases that you want to run mysql commands directly from your host without having to login to the db container first. One of the best use cases, for example, is to access the databases inside the container from MySQL Workbench tool. To be able to do that, we have mapped database port inside the container (which is 3306) to your host machine through 3307 port.

Running functional tests for Flow package

DockerFlow installs by default sqlite in the base image so that functional tests can be run out-of-the-box. Example below is for running all functional tests of Flow Framework package in one-off command:

bin/dockerflow run app /var/www/bin/phpunit -c /var/www/Build/BuildEssentials/PhpUnit/FunctionalTests.xml /var/www/Packages/Framework/TYPO3.Flow/Tests/Functional/

Make sure you run composer install with --dev mode when setting up your Flow project and adjust the path to the test directory of your own package.

Access CouchDB

From your host machine, you can access couchdb from web interface or command line:


Cli: curl -X GET

From inside your app container, you can also access couchdb through the command line:

bin/dockerflow run app /bin/bash
curl -X GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs

Attach to a running service

Run bin/dockerflow ps and copy the container's name that you want to attach to.

Run docker exec -it <containername> /bin/bash with the name you just copied. With this you can work in a running container instead of creating a new one.

Check open ports in a container

bin/dockerflow run SERVICE netstat --listen

Further reading

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