
dotfiles of simonvic daily used enviroment

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dotfiles - v3.0.0 Latest Release

Published by simonvic 9 months ago

Yay we hit v3.0!!!

Another one hell of a beefy release with over ~3800 additions and ~4000 deletions.

This release brings massive configurability improvements across the board, an overall more uniform look-n-feel, counteless big and small fixes and tweaks, and a couple of new features, such as sWifi and sScreenshot utilities.

v3.0 also ships a fully featured all-LUA (and slightly opinionated) neovim distribution


  • Easily configurable scripts!

    Each script will source a config sh file, by default:
    XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles/ (e.g. in which is possible to override the settings used in the script

  • sScreenshot script to quickly grab a screenshot to clipboard

  • sWifi script to handle WiFi connections via rofi

  • i3: sWifi keybinding (super + y and super + shift + y)

  • i3: sScreenshot keybinding (super + shift + s)

  • i3: rofi-calc, calculator with rofi added to XF86Calculator keybinding

  • i3: user configs (i3/config.d/*.conf) will now be sourced

  • i3: homerow keys (hjkl) keybindings to focus, move and resize windows

  • i3: wakelock keybinding (alt + XF86ScreenSaver)

  • lazydotfiles alias to launch lazygit for dotfiles

  • polybar: small dedicated bar containing the tray

  • fontconfig: nerdfont family alias

  • fontconfig: sans-serif family alias

  • sBatteryctl: battery monitor and notifications
    Completely rewritten battery level monitoring logic, with added customizable notifications when the battery reaches the configurable thresholds.
    A systemd service and timer are provided and can be activated with systemd

    systemd --user enable --now sBatteryctl.timer
  • sPolybarctl: icon arts in notifications

  • A fully featured all-LUA neovim distro

    • Organized and easily tweakable configuration structure
    • Custom minimal statusline, tabline and winbar
    • Easily configurable keybindings for neovim and plugins
    • Minimal and straight to the point look-n-feel, but without giving up features
    • LSP and DAP ready, for all your coding and debugging needs
      • java and rust development ready


  • dotfiles folder has been moved from $HOME to $XDG_DATA_HOME

  • zsh: increased history size from 1000 to 10000

  • zsh: moved theme from $HOME to $XDG_DATA_HOME

  • completely refactored most scripts

    • renamed variables
    • general performance improvements
    • to improve scripts portability notify-send command is now used to send notification instead of dunstctl
    • sLockscreenctl:
      • massive performance improvements with background type "magick" (former blurAndDim) which allows for much stronger blur too
      • background color by default now is transparent, which allows picom to handle blur (very fast!)
      • improved positioning of indicator, clock and greeter to be correct on different screen sizes
      • fixed not properly going to standby after locking
      • allow for greeter and other texts to have spaces
      • media control players will now pause instead of stopping, allowing to resume the player after resuming from suspend
    • sPlayerctl:
      • added pause and play commands
      • player selection has now been implemented manually with rofi actions, instead of notification actions
    • sTodo: complete rewrite
      • the todo file is stored in XDG_DATA_HOME/simonvic/todo/todo.csv
      • the todo file is in csv format, allowing to change frontend without breaking older todo files
      • great performance improvements
  • i3: changed lockscreen keybinding to super + ctrl + l

  • i3: changed horizonal splitting keybinding to super + x

  • i3: increased gap size

  • i3: "configurable" desktop wallpaper
    i3 will now look for desktop wallpaper in its config directory called desktop_wallpaper.
    It might be a good idea to make a symlink to your desired wallpaper:
    $ ln -s "/path/to/your/image.jpg" "$HOME/.config/i3/desktop_wallpaper"

  • i3: refactored config

  • sBrightnessctl: redshift restore capability instead of separate i3 script

  • picom: disabled fading to give a more responsive feeling

  • polybar: improved icons, fixed outdated (now using latest FontAwesome version)

  • polybar: improved shadow radius and opacity

  • polybar: moved tray to dedicated bar

    The tray settings have been marked as deprecated in favor of a new tray module, but since it's currently not possible to achieve the current look, the new tray module has been configured but it's disabled

  • polybar: removed earbuds module

  • polybar: removed todolist module

  • polybar: replaced scripts with inline commands

  • polybar: internal backlight module is used for brightness instead of relying on sBrightnessctl

  • polybar: replaced deprecated content field

  • polybar: hook format for redshift module are defined in the polybar config instead of being hardcoded in sBrightnessctl

  • polybar: hook format for bluetooth module are defined in the polybar config instead of being hardcoded in sBluetoothctl

  • rofi: complete refactor of styles and config to allow more modularity and customizability

  • rofi: removed unused themes

  • dunst: notification panel minor style changes

  • dunst: progress bar restyle

  • sTodo: remove default header


  • Globbing and word splitting across all scripts

  • Return error masking across all scripts

  • Added format argument to all printf command across all scripts

  • General color consistency across Rofi, Dunst, Polybar and i3

  • dunst: update boolean values from yes/no to true/false

  • dunst: min and max icon size

  • dunst: changed offset

  • i3: update launch args for picom v10

  • sTodo: many instances of notify-send zombie process

  • polybar: temperature module not loading with hardcoded hwmon-path

  • polybar: most spacing issues between modules

  • polybar: missing initial hook for ipc modules

  • sBluetoothctl: polybar icons not updating properly

    In latest bluetoothctl version, power and connection commands are non-blocking, causing polybar icons to not update properly.
    A workaround has been used to poll bluetooth status change; eventually to be replaced with a udev rule

  • sBrightnessctl: screensaver brightness transition

Full Changelog:

dotfiles - v2.6.0

Published by simonvic over 2 years ago

Damn, that's one beefy update! Here's a quick summary:

  • Much less cluttered home!
  • Ditched vim in favor of neovim [ 4e31c724e580e0a8a5571ce841633c726d43f146 ]
  • Yeeted oh-my-zsh! Welcome vanilla zsh! [ fad50e6262f226a411e41e42d20628e18ca941db ]
  • Improved notifications (more icons, better body formatting and cooler fonts)
  • Improved overall scripts quality
  • Fonts changes:
    • sans-serif: Work Sans, Lato
    • serif: Liberation
    • monospaced: Source Code Pro
  • Transitioned to pipewire (you should too, it's amazing!)


  • A lot more comments on all scripts
  • sBatteryctl: wakelock functionality to temporarily disable DPMS/Screensaver
  • polybar: wakelock module (a cup of coffee will appear when wakelock is enabled)
  • zsh: new Cp alias to quickly copy to clipboard (e.g. pwd | Cp)
    • dunst: More icons for sVolumectl, sMicrophonectl and sBrightnessctl
  • fontconfig new rule for explicitly setting preferred font (because of dunst's pango renderer)
    • sans-serif: Work Sans, Lato
    • serif: Liberation
    • monospaced: Source Code Pro
  • New script and polybar module for earbuds (currently unused)
  • polybar: new "connected" icon for bluetooth, when being connected to a device
  • polybar: new bar-switch-main module
  • sVolumectl, sMicrophonectl: new "set" command
  • sTodo: new notification icon


  • Ditched vim in favor of neovim! [ 4e31c724e580e0a8a5571ce841633c726d43f146 ]
    • the configuration has been done in multiple files, to allow more modularity and customizability
  • Yeeted oh-my-zsh! Welcome vanilla zsh [ fad50e6262f226a411e41e42d20628e18ca941db ]
    • .zshrc has been configured to behave like it used to with oh-my-zsh
    • the prompt is now defined in prompt_simonvic-minimal_setup
    • Moved history file to ~/.local/share/zsh/histfile
    • Moved completation dump file to ~/.local/share/zsh/zcompdump
  • Now using pactl instead of amixer
    In order to make everything work with PipeWire, audio inputs and outputs
    are now handled via pactl utility.
  • dunst: enabled recursive icon lookup
    Changed hardcoded icon paths in scripts with symbolic icons; icons theme is set in dunstrc and can be easily changed, reflecting the change in all scripts
  • completely rewrote the script for drawing bar for notifications (finally lol)
    • the script has been moved to ~/.local/bin
  • dunst: overall improvement of notifications body content
  • polybar: update for polybar 3.6.0
    • renamed config to config.ini
    • removed deprecated settings (throttle-output and throttle-output-fo)
  • sPolybarctl: replaced ipc command with message which simply wraps polybar-msg but allows to send messages to named polybar
  • sPolybarctl: redirected polybars and polybar-msg logs to their dedicated logs file (/tmp/simonvic/sPolybarctl)
  • sVolumectl,sMicrophonectl: refactored the up/down options for consistency; they're now named increase and decrease
  • Now using "Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font" instead of "Iosevka"
  • polybar: Removed unused fonts from the configuration
  • polybar: now using DejaVu patched font for wifi ramp icons
  • feh won't create anymore ".fehbg" file in home
  • zsh: moved return code before timestamp in the RPROMPT
  • polybar: Reordered some modules in the main polybar
  • polybar: Left clicking on the AUR module will open a terminal with a list of packages to update; right clicking will refresh the count.
  • keybindings: XF86ScreenSaver will set brightness to 5 instead of 1
  • dunst: notifications are now centered
  • i3: disabled suspend on screensaver
  • picom: removed deprecated refresh-rate option
  • sTodo/rofi: sTodo notification will now invoke i3-sensible-terminal instead of rofi-sensible-terminal, which could fail with some terminals
  • htop: removed some columns


  • Rofi themes for rofi > 1.7.0
  • sLockscreenctl: update for i3lock-color new options names (2.13.c.3)
  • Update for dunst > 1.7.0
    • Dunst keybindings are now handled by the i3 config
    • Cleaned up dunstrc
  • polybar: Fonts are now correctly aligned vertically


  • newsboat configuration and urls files
  • sPolybarctl: ipc command [ 97d3676141f257a0d299980243ac095d3fafbbcd ]
  • zsh: "theme" alias


dotfiles - v2.5.0

Published by simonvic over 3 years ago


  • New features and customization options for zsh theme [021392c844e6770bbb859b61f7f2eb7935e30ed3]
  • HTOP configuration file


  • Changed all dunst notification id [6871953043093c80d8d0f9528d09e4c74233ffe0] [d7dba855468da1be5ae8da3581b6ca55b6708c46]
  • Rewrote zsh theme from scratch [021392c844e6770bbb859b61f7f2eb7935e30ed3]
  • Rewrote sBatteryctl from scratch [b5332d4b16842dccde693e8635e8e1e93706eed9]
  • Support for i3lock-color 2.13.c.2
  • Changed ssh display text to :$


  • Notifications are now aligned with windows top border
  • Fixed missing wakelock icon
dotfiles - v2.4.0

Published by simonvic over 3 years ago


  • sBluetoothctl can now connects using device name
  • sBluetoothctl now creates battery status file if not present
  • sTodo now creates todo file if not present
  • sPlayerctl can now stop all playing players at once
  • Keybinding to stop all players
  • New sLockscreenctl setting: stopAllPlayersOnSuspend
  • oh-my-zsh theme now recognizes ssh connection with a new prompr char (~#)


  • Added shadow on main polybar
  • Minor style tweaks
  • Code reformat
  • Less clutter in /tmp folder
  • Removed clipboard aliases (Cp, Vp, Xp)


  • Silenced polybar hook messages
  • Specified ZSH_CUSTOM in .zshrc
  • Outer gap not shrinking when hiding all polybars
dotfiles - v2.3.1

Published by simonvic almost 4 years ago


  • On-the-fly mpris player selector to sPlayerctl and notifications
  • sPlayerctl "auto" mpris selector
  • keybindings for player selector
  • Connect command to sBluetoothctl
  • Wakelock command to sBatteryctl
  • ZEN mode to i3gaps (W.I.P.)
  • Cp, Xp, Vp (copy, cut, paste) aliases


  • picom config file redone from scratch (with minor style changes)
  • rework of how to manage main polybar gap [32f045492128a38f927a5985d76c348c79f5f08b]
  • rofi themes and config redone from scratch (with minor style changes) [740436d9452b01cc247e745b27acc1453001fe53]
  • minor style changes
  • changed prompt char to "$" (dollar)
  • removed rounded corners to dunst notifications
  • temporarily removed YCM from vim
  • refactored i3 config file


  • minor fixes for polybar 3.5.0 compatibility
  • specified pulse device for sVoluemctl and sMicrophonectl
  • empty parenthesis on lockscreen
  • reduced window title lenght in secondary polybar (causing it to overflow)
dotfiles - v2.2.1

Published by simonvic almost 4 years ago


  • Screenshot (fullscreen and select area) keybinding (scrot)
  • vim keybinding to toggle NERDTree


  • xo alias (xdg-open) now disowns the process
  • Cleaned i3 config
  • Minor style changes
  • removed NERDTree autostart


  • todo module
dotfiles - v2.1.0

Published by simonvic almost 4 years ago


  • New commands abbreviations


  • sLockscreenctl commands
dotfiles - v2.0.0

Published by simonvic almost 4 years ago


  • New vim themes
  • Added sBluetoothctl
  • sPolybarctl (former now supports IPC calls


  • Scripts renamed and restructured
  • Huge performance improvement with polybar IPC
    • Remade most of the module using ipc
  • sPolybarctl (former now uses polybar names instead of IDs
  • Various new icons
  • Updated to dunst 1.5.0-1
  • Faster newsboat
  • Removed preview gifs
  • Minor style tweaks


  • Minor fixes
dotfiles - v1.3.2

Published by simonvic about 4 years ago


  • Calculator with rofi (rofi-calc)
  • Bing wallpaper of the day [WIP]
  • Alias "xo" for xdg-open


  • Correct detection if no players are found


  • Tweaked third polybar
    • It's now smaller and centered
    • Removed todo-list module
    • Removed aur-updated module
  • Polybars are now blurred with picom
  • Increased blur strength