
Simplified, signify-like interface to GnuPG signatures




SimpleGPG is a Bourne shell script wrapper around GnuPG intended to provide a simple, keyring-less signature interface very similar to Signify, but that is still fully compatible with the OpenPGP ecosystem. GnuPG users can verify SimpleGPG signatures without being aware that it exists, and SimpleGPG can verify signatures made by GnuPG users.

The main difference is that the GnuPG keyring is not used, and keys are instead managed as standalone files. This bypasses the usual problems with the web of trust and keyservers. SimpleGPG is like an audio player that doesn't want to manage and own your entire audio library.

Note: Despite the similar interface, the keys and signatures produced by SimpleGPG are not compatible with Signify or Minisign. They have the same underlying primitive (Ed25519), but OpenPGP signatures are fundamentally incompatible with Signify signatures.


In terms of user interface, SimpleGPG could nearly serve as a drop-in replacement for Signify:

usage: simplegpg -G [-n] [-c comment] -p pubkey -s seckey
       simplegpg -S [-x sigfile] -s seckey -m message
       simplegpg -V [-q] [-x sigfile] -p pubkey -m message
  • -G Generate a new keypair.
  • -S Sign a message, creating a signature.
  • -V Verify a signature with a message

OpenPGP data is always ASCII-armored with no option for binary output, though binary input is still accepted as input. The file conventions for SimpleGPG are a bit different in order to accommodate PGP conventions:

  • "keyname.asc" for public keys
  • "keyname.pgp" for secret keys
  • "message.sig" for signatures

Why not ".pub" and ".sec"? Because this doesn't follow PGP's file conventions, plus this differentiates these files from Signify/Minisign. Why ".pgp" instead of ".gpg"? Because this file is just OpenPGP data, and there's nothing specific to GnuPG.

The -c comment sets the OpenPGP user ID for the keypair. It's also added as a human-readable "Comment:" to the key files. Unfortunately, due to limitations of OpenPGP, there's no reliable way to indicate that the comment is untrusted, as Signify does.


Generate a new keypair protected by a passphrase:

$ simplegpg -G -p keyname.asc -s keyname.pgp

Publish and distribute keyname.asc via the appropriate channels for your community. Later, sign document.txt, producing document.txt.sig:

$ simplegpg -S -s keyname.pgp -m document.txt

On the other end, given both these files:

$ simplegpg -V -p keyname.asc -m document.txt


The signify options -C (checksum list), -e (embed), and -z (gzip archive) are currently unsupported. The -t (keytype) option doesn't make sense in this context.

To create the illusion that no keyring was used, a temporary keyring directory is created, the operation is performed, and the keyring is destroyed. This keyring is created under $TMPDIR, or /tmp if unset. GnuPG requires a keyring to do anything, so there's no way around this.

The String-to-Key (S2K) algorithm, i.e. the passphrase KDF, is run three times when using -G. Attacks on the protection passphrase only need to run it once per guess, giving attackers and edge. This is simply a limitation of GnuPG. The problem is that GnuPG uses its own internal S2K scheme separate from the exported, OpenPGP S2K scheme. When generating a key, the internal S2K is run on the passphrase for storage on the internal keyring. Then to export the secret key it's run a second time to decrypt it, then a third time with the export S2K to re-encrypt it.

The GnuPG interface is not powerful enough to fix this. The protection passphrase settings cannot be controlled independently when exporting a key (--s2k-* options are silently ignored), and gpg-agent isn't smart enough to learn freshly-generated keys. The -S command has a similar problem since the S2K algorithm must be run twice instead of once.

Just as Signify keys have no concept of expiration, punting that question up to the context in which it's used, SimpleGPG keys are generated with no expiration date. Perhaps this feature of OpenPGP should be used, though?

GnuPG is loud and noisy with useless messages despite --quiet and --batch, so, in several cases, the script redirects its output to /dev/null and relies only on the exit status. However, when something unusual goes wrong, the script's error messages are vague since it can't tell exactly what went wrong, just that GnuPG failed. The problem is that GnuPG does a poor job at communicating errors (see EFAIL), and even --status-fd doesn't convey enough information. For a great example of how shell commands should communicate a variety of possible error conditions to scripts in a simple way, see curl.


SimpleGPG meshes perfectly with passphrase2pgp. There's no need to produce or store a secret key ("keyname.pgp") since it's stored in your brain. It covers both -G and -S, leaving -V to SimpleGPG.

$ passphrase2pgp -ap > keyname.asc
$ passphrase2pgp -S document.txt
$ simplegpg -V -p keyname.asc -m document.txt