
A set of mnemonic, discoverable keybindings for the ZSH Line Editor, inspired by Spacemacs

MIT License



SpaceZLE is a set of mnemonic, discoverable keybindings for the ZSH Line Editor, inspired by Spacemacs.

SpaceZLE creates a new ZLE keymap, and by default binds it to the space key (SPC) in ZLE's "normal mode" keymap (vicmd). This keymap consists of mnemonic, prefixed keybindings, like SPC i c to insert the content of the system clipboard, or SPC p f to open a file from the current project in your $EDITOR. SPC SPC opens a command palette, which shows all available commands, their keybindings, and documentation.

These keybindings are also discoverable: pressing SPC shows a description of each prefix below the prompt, SPC i shows the names and bindings for SPC i c, SPC i d, and so on.

SpaceZLE is written in pure ZSH, and there's virtually no performance penalty for using it.


  • SPC SPC: Command palette
  • SPC d: dir
    • SPC d d: Change working directory
    • SPC d w: Insert current working directory
    • SPC d u: Change working directory to parent
  • SPC g: git
    • SPC g a: Launch forgit::add
    • SPC g b: Launch forgit::blame
    • SPC g c: Launch forgit::checkout::branch
    • SPC g D: Launch forgit::branch::delete
    • SPC g l: Launch forgit::log
  • SPC h: help
    • SPC h m: Display manpage (with FZF)
  • SPC i: insert
    • SPC i c: Insert content of system clipboard
    • SPC i d: Insert directory with FZF
    • SPC i e: Insert from history with FZF (exact match)
    • SPC i f: Insert file with FZF
    • SPC i h: Insert from history with FZF
    • SPC i p: Insert file or directory from project root with FZF
  • SPC p: project
    • SPC p c: Change to directory in project with FZF
    • SPC p e: Open EDITOR in project root
    • SPC p f: Open file in project in EDITOR with FZF
    • SPC p M: Run Make in the project root
  • SPC q: quit
    • SPC q q: Exit zsh
    • SPC q r: Reload ZSH (exec zsh)
  • SPC S: sys
    • SPC S H: Halt the computer
    • SPC S S: Suspend the computer
    • SPC S R: Reboot the computer
  • SPC w: window
    • SPC w h: tmux: Left pane
    • SPC w j: tmux: Down pane
    • SPC w k: tmux: Up pane
    • SPC w l: tmux: Right pane
    • SPC w H: tmux: Split window horizontally
    • SPC w /: tmux: Split window vertically
    • SPC w d: tmux: Delete pane
    • SPC w L: tmux: Last window
    • SPC w n: tmux: Next window
    • SPC w w: tmux: New window
    • SPC w n: tmux: Previous window
  • SPC y: yank
    • SPC y c: Copy current working directory to clipboard
    • SPC y h: Copy command from shell history to clipboard
    • SPC y l: Copy last command to clipboard
    • SPC y r: Re-run last command and yank output to clipboard
  • SPC x: tmux
    • SPC x y: Enter copy mode
    • SPC x r: Reload
    • SPC x h: List keybindings
    • SPC x s: Disable status bar
    • SPC x ↑: Scroll up in copy mode



Clone the repo somewhere:

git clone ~/somewhere

Then add this line to your ~/.zshrc:

source ~/somewhere/src/spacezle.zsh

Optional Dependencies

SpaceZLE does not require any external tools, but some of the keybindings are significantly improved if they're available:

A few keybindings won't work properly without these tools, but the goal is to eventually have a fallback when a tool isn't available.


Adding a Command


Adding a Binding