
Tendermint Elixir ABCI Application Boilerplate

MIT License



Table of Contents


  • Write an Elixir Application that uses the Tendermint Core (Blockchain Engine)


  • Install Tendermint Core (BFT Consensus) in Go tendermint --help
  • Install Tendermint ABCI-CLI abci-cli --help
  • Create Boilerplate Elixir Tendermint Application
  • Load Merkle Tree Elixir Library with Mix into Elixir Tendermint Application. Merke Tree Erlang Library is used perform Merkle Proof Calculations to verify State-Replication https://github.com/yosriady/merkle_tree#usage
  • Load Tendermint ABCI Server (Erlang) with Mix into Elixir Tendermint Application
  • Run Elixir Tendermint Application (optionally using Interactive Elixir (IEx))
    • Start the Tendermint ABCI Server (Erlang)
    • Stop the Tendermint ABCI Server (Erlang)
  • Create Shell Script to generate Tendermint Testnet with four (4) Nodes bash launch_testnet_nodes.sh
  • Create Elixir ABCI Application and processes ABCI-CLI (Tendermint Client) and cURL requests to say the broadcast_tx_commit endpoint of the Tendermint ABCI (Tendermint's server-side Application BlockChain Interface API) that uses the Tendermint Core, which is a Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) Blockchain Engine Middlware that processes a State Transition machine input from any language (i.e. Elixir) and replicates it on many Tendermint Testnet Nodes as output. Successful transactions are included in the Mempool, broadcast to Peers, and eventually committed in a Block with the return value containing check_tx and deliver_tx properties (each containing data and log sub-properties) to signify that the transaction was run through the CheckTx and DeliverTx ABCI messages of the TMSP (Simple Messaging Protocol)
  • Implement the Merkle Tree Elixir Library example code https://github.com/yosriady/merkle_tree#usage
  • Generate Documentation with ExDoc and published on HexDocs
  • Publish on Hex

Installation (of Elixir and Tendermint)

Install Elixir

Install Tendermint

Install JSON Pretty Print

Initialise and Configure Tendermint

Initialise Tendermint

  • Create new Private Key priv_validator.json, and Genesis File genesis.json containing associated Public Key
    tendermint init

Reset Tendermint (if necessary)

cd ~/.tendermint 
rm -rf data/
tendermint unsafe_reset_priv_validator

Configure Tendermint

  • View Tendermint Directory Root

    $ ls  ~/.tendermint
  • View/Edit TOML Configuration File - https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wiki/Configuration

    $ cat ~/.tendermint/config.toml
    # This is a TOML config file.
    # For more information, see https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
    # ABCI Application Socket Address
    proxy_app = "tcp://"
    # Node Name
    moniker = "<MY_NETWORK_NAME>.local"
    fast_sync = true
    db_backend = "leveldb"
    log_level = "state:info,*:error"
    # Allow Tendermint p2p library to make connections to peers with the same IP address
    # https://tendermint.readthedocs.io/en/master/using-tendermint.html#local-network
    addrbook_strict = false
    # RPC Server Listening Address
    laddr = "tcp://"
    # Peer Listening Address on Tendermint
    laddr = "tcp://"
    seeds = ""
  • View New Private Key from initialising Tendermint

    $ cat ~/.tendermint/priv_validator.json | python -m json.tool
        "address": "E472...",
        "last_height": 18,
        "last_round": 0,
        "last_signature": {
            "type": "ed25519",
            "data": "B755..."
        "last_signbytes": "7B22...",
        "last_step": 3,
        "priv_key": {
            "type": "ed25519",
            "data": "D11C..."
        "pub_key": {
            "type": "ed25519",
            "data": "8373..."
  • View Genesis File containing Public Key

    $ cat ~/.tendermint/genesis.json | python -m json.tool
        "app_hash": "",
        "chain_id": "test-chain-gZoesi",
        "genesis_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "validators": [
                "pub_key": {
                    "type": "ed25519",
                    "data": "8373..."
                "power": 10,
                "name": ""

Install ABCI-CLI (using Go)

Run Tendermint (Single Tendermint Node) with Example ABCI Applications

Run Tendermint (Single Tendermint Node) with Example ABCI Applications (i.e. "Dummy" (GoLang))

  • Start Tendermint Single-Node Blockchain and Compile in-progress ABCI Application written in GoLang (i.e. Dummy App https://github.com/tendermint/abci)

    $ tendermint node --proxy_app=dummy
    I[01-22|21:35:03.283] Executed block                               module=state height=1 validTxs=0 invalidTxs=0
    I[01-22|21:35:03.283] Committed state                              module=state height=1 txs=0 appHash=
    I[01-22|21:35:04.295] Executed block                               module=state height=2 validTxs=0 invalidTxs=0
    I[01-22|21:35:04.295] Committed state                              module=state height=2 txs=0 appHash=
  • Review Example Application built with ABCI Server - https://github.com/KrzysiekJ/abci_counter

Setup and Run Elixir ABCI Application and ABCI Server (Erlang) (in IEx REPL)

Update GNU Make

Switch Directory (to the Elixir ABCI Application)

  • Change into App Directory.
    cd blockchain_tendermint;

Configure Mix Dependencies. Add ABCI Server (Erlang) (to the Elixir ABCI Application)

  • Add ABCI Server (Erlang) to mix.exs. Choose a Release Tag
    defp deps do
        # ABCI Server (Erlang) - https://github.com/KrzysiekJ/abci_server
        # Tendermint List of ABCI Servers - http://tendermint.readthedocs.io/projects/tools/en/master/ecosystem.html?highlight=server#abci-servers
        {:abci_server, git: "https://github.com/KrzysiekJ/abci_server.git", tag: "v0.4.0"}

Install Mix Dependencies (for the Elixir ABCI Application)

  • Fetch Mix Dependencies defined in mix.exs
    mix deps.get

Show Documentation for ABCI Server (Erlang)

  • Documentation Generation. Open Documentation in Web Browser
    cd deps/abci_server/ && make docs && open doc/index.html && cd ../../

Compile Elixir ABCI Application with Mix

  • Compile Mix Project into _build/ Directory
    MIX_ENV=dev mix compile

Run Elixir ABCI Application in Interactive Elixir (IEx) REPL to Demonstrate Verification of Transaction Sender/Recipient

  • Interactive Elixir (REPL) within context of Elixir App and dependencies injected into IEx runtime

    iex -S mix
  • Run Tendermint Node

    tendermint node
  • Send cURL Request to ABCI Server endpoint.

    curl -s 'localhost:46658/broadcast_tx_commit?tx="sender=___&receiver=___&data=___"'
  • View Logs from ABCI Server in IEx Terminal Window. Shows Outputs of handle_request function in Elixir ABCI App

    iex(1)> BlockchainTendermint.start_server
    {:ok, #PID<0.168.0>}
    iex(2)> Processing Transaction
    Received Arguments to handle_request: "sender=a&receiver=b&data=''"
    Validity of Transaction: true
    20:32:18.499 [error] GenServer #PID<0.176.0> terminating
    ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :abci.e_msg_ResponseInfo/3
    Last message: {:tcp, #Port<0.5191>, <<1, 10, 34, 8, 10, 6, 48, 46, 49, 53, 46, 48, 1, 2, 26, 0>>}
    State: {:state, #Port<0.5191>, :ranch_tcp, "", BlockchainTendermint}
    20:32:18.502 [error] Ranch listener BlockchainTendermint had connection process started with :abci_server:start_link/4 at #PID<0.176.0> exit with reason: ...
  • Stop Server


Run Mix Unit Tests and Doctests

  • Run Unit Tests and Doctests with Mix
    mix test

Run Tendermint (Multiple Testnet Nodes)

  • Launch Testnet Nodes (4 OFF) (in separate Terminal Tabs using Shell Script)

    $ bash launch_testnet_nodes.sh
    Tendermint Testnet Location: /Users/Ls/code/blockchain/tendermint-elixir/mytestnet
    Loading Nodes: mach0, mach1, mach2, mach3
    Loading Seeds:,,,
    Successfully initialized 4 node directories
    • Troubleshooting: If nothing appears in each of the separate Terminal Tabs then in restart the server in IEx with:

      k = BlockchainTendermint.stop_server
      {ok, _} = BlockchainTendermint.start_server
      • Example output in each separate Terminal Tab

        E[01-27|23:38:17.914] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: EOF    module=abci-client connection=query
        E[01-27|23:38:29.069] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: EOF    module=abci-client connection=mempool
        E[01-27|23:38:29.069] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: EOF    module=abci-client connection=consensus
        E[01-27|23:38:29.068] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer module=abci-client connection=query
        E[01-27|23:38:29.068] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer module=abci-client connection=consensus
        E[01-27|23:38:29.069] Stopping abci.socketClient for error: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer module=abci-client connection=mempool

  • Optional Alternative Deployment

Experimentation with cURL Requests to ABCI Server (Erlang)

  • Show all available API endpoints by going to

  • Send Request to ABCI Server endpoint. Note: Must use NOT localhost

    curl -v '' | jsonpp | grep app_hash
      *   Trying
      * TCP_NODELAY set
      * Connected to ( port 46658 (#0)
      > GET /status HTTP/1.1
      > Host:
      > User-Agent: curl/7.57.0
      > Accept: */*

Experimentation with ABCI-CLI


  • Experiment with ABCI-CLI (from separate Bash Terminal Tab after starting ABCI Server in IEx)
    • CheckTx

      abci-cli check_tx "0x00" --address tcp:// --abci "socket" --log_level "debug" --verbose
    • Echo

      abci-cli echo "Hello" --address tcp:// --abci "socket" --log_level "debug" --verbose
    • DeliverTx

      abci-cli deliver_tx "0x00" --address tcp:// --abci "socket" --log_level "debug" --verbose
    • Query

      abci-cli query "0x00" --address tcp:// --abci "socket" --log_level "debug" --verbose

Experimentation with Tendermint (Single Node)

  • Run Tendermint Core (blockchain engine) Node
    tendermint init;
    tendermint unsafe_reset_all;
    tendermint node --help;
    tendermint node \
      --abci "socket" \
      --consensus.create_empty_blocks true \
      --fast_sync true \
      --moniker "LS.local" \
      --p2p.laddr "tcp://" \
      --p2p.pex true \
      --p2p.seeds "tcp://, tcp://, tcp://, tcp://" \
      --p2p.skip_upnp false \
      --proxy_app "tcp://" \
      --rpc.laddr "tcp://" \
      --rpc.unsafe true \
      --home "/Users/Ls/.tendermint" \
      --log_level "state:info,*:error" \
      --trace true

Experimentation with ABCI Server (Erlang) Library (in IEx REPL)

  • Run IEx
    iex -S mix

Experiment with ABCI Server in IEx

  • Reference: Loading an Erlang Library into Elixir - https://elixirschool.com/en/lessons/advanced/erlang/

  • Important Note: __info__/1 is an Elixir thing the compiler adds, you probably want module_info/1 which is the erlang equivalent - https://elixir-lang.slack.com/archives/C03EPRA3B/p1517018221000028

  • Show ABCI Server Module Information. Start ABCI Server. Stop ABCI Server

    iex> :abci_server.module_info  
      module: :abci_server,
      exports: [
        start_link: 4,
        start_listener: 2,
        child_spec: 2,
        stop_listener: 1,
        init: 1,
        handle_call: 3,
        handle_cast: 2,
        handle_info: 2,
        terminate: 2,
        code_change: 3,
        module_info: 0,
        module_info: 1
      attributes: [
        vsn: [86973587470476204871336807197797490126],
        behaviour: [:gen_server],
        behaviour: [:ranch_protocol]
      compile: [
        options: [
        version: '7.1.4',
        source: '/Users/Ls/code/blockchain/tendermint-elixir/blockchain_tendermint/deps/abci_server/src/abci_server.erl'
      native: false,
      md5: <<65, 110, ..., 206>>
    iex>  defmodule Foo do             
            def bar() do               
              IO.puts("Hello, World!") 
    iex> {ok, _} = :abci_server.start_listener(Foo, 46658)
    {:ok, #PID<0.181.0>}
  • Integration Tests run against the ABCI Server (Erlang) (separate Bash Terminal Tab) https://github.com/tendermint/abci#tools

    abci-cli test
    • View Output (in the Bash Terminal Tab running IEx)
      14:27:53.961 [error] GenServer #PID<0.242.0> terminating
      ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Foo.handle_request/1 is undefined (module Foo is not available)
                { :Validator, <<1, 229, ..., 36>>, 1647107211121726315 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 243, ..., 78>>, 8186817011543816184 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 102, ..., 16>>, 7982159435569315414 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 135, ..., 64>>, 2846252370576207682 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 241,..., 159>>, 637770835807807961 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 16, ..., 76>>, 4097788002864909056 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 152, ..., 70>>, 8116718250853054711 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 19, ..., 246>>, 3891949616163017026 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 179, ..., 254>>, 7045591847215797995 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 189, ..., 80>>, 4226073179895220771 }
          (abci_server) src/abci_server.erl:117: :abci_server.handle_requests/2
          (abci_server) src/abci_server.erl:83: :abci_server.handle_info/2
          (stdlib) gen_server.erl:616: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
          (stdlib) gen_server.erl:686: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
          (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
      Last message: { :tcp, #Port<0.5297>, <<2, 1, ..., 148, ...>> }
      State:        { :state, #Port<0.5297>, :ranch_tcp, "", Foo}
      14:27:53.965 [error] Ranch listener Foo had connection process started with :abci_server:start_link/4 at #PID<0.242.0> exit with reason: 
      { :undef, 
            :handle_request, [ 
              RequestInitChain: [ 
                { :Validator, <<1, 229, ..., 36>>, 1647107211121726315 }, 
                { :Validator, <<1, 189, ..., 112, ...>>, 4226073179895220771 }
            [file: 'src/abci_server.erl', line: 117]
            [file: 'src/abci_server.erl', line: 83]
            [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 616]
            [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 686]
            [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 247]
  • Update Elixir App to define handle_request Handle Request. Re-run the following in a separete Bash Terminal whilst ABCI Server (Erlang) is running and it will return Passed test: InitChain.

    abci-cli test

Experimentation with Merkle Tree Elixir Library (in IEx REPL)

  • Merkle Tree Library
    • MerkleTree Module Example

      iex> MerkleTree.__info__(:functions)
      [__struct__: 0, __struct__: 1, build: 2, new: 1, new: 2]
      iex> mt = MerkleTree.new ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        blocks: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 
        hash_function: &MerkleTree.Crypto.sha256/1,
          %MerkleTree.Node {
            children: [ 
              %MerkleTree.Node {
                children: [ 
                  %MerkleTree.Node {
                    children: [],
                    value: "ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da786eff8147c4e72b9807785afee48bb"
                  %MerkleTree.Node {
                    children: [], 
                    value: "3e23e8160039594a33894f6564e1b1348bbd7a0088d42c4acb73eeaed59c009d"
                value: "62af5c3cb8da3e4f25061e829ebeea5c7513c54949115b1acc225930a90154da"
              %MerkleTree.Node {
                children: [
                  %MerkleTree.Node {
                    children: [], 
                    value: "2e7d2c03a9507ae265ecf5b5356885a53393a2029d241394997265a1a25aefc6"
                  %MerkleTree.Node {
                    children: [], 
                    value: "18ac3e7343f016890c510e93f935261169d9e3f565436429830faf0934f4f8e4"}
                value: "d3a0f1c792ccf7f1708d5422696263e35755a86917ea76ef9242bd4a8cf4891a"
            value: "58c89d709329eb37285837b042ab6ff72c7c8f74de0446b091b6a0131c102cfd"
      $ mt.blocks()
      ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] 
      $ mt.hash_function()
      $ mt.root()
    • MerkleTree.Proof Module Example (requires merkle_tree >1.2.0)

      • Generate and Verify Merkle Proofs
      iex> MerkleTree.Proof.__info__(:functions)           
      [__struct__: 0, __struct__: 1, prove: 2, proven?: 3]
      iex> proof1 = MerkleTree.Proof.prove(mt, 1)
      iex> proven1 = MerkleTree.Proof.proven?({"b", 1}, "58c89d709329eb37285837b042ab6ff72c7c8f74de0446b091b6a0131c102cfd", proof1)
      iex> proof3 = MerkleTree.Proof.prove(mt, 3)                                              
        hash_function: &MerkleTree.Crypto.sha256/1,
        hashes: ["62af5c3cb8da3e4f25061e829ebeea5c7513c54949115b1acc225930a90154da",
      iex> proven3 = MerkleTree.Proof.proven?({"d", 3}, "58c89d709329eb37285837b042ab6ff72c7c8f74de0446b091b6a0131c102cfd", proof3)
    • MerkleTree.Crypto Module Example

      iex> MerkleTree.Crypto.__info__(:functions) 
      [hash: 2, sha256: 1]
      iex> MerkleTree.Crypto.hash("tendermint", :sha256) 
    iex> MerkleTree.Crypto.hash("tendermint", :md5)
    iex> MerkleTree.Crypto.sha256("tendermint")

Open Source Contributions and Community Questions

Troubleshooting and FAQ

About Tendermint

  • Tendermint

    • Background - https://blockchainhub.net/blog/blog/scaling-ethereum-2/

    • Diagrams

    • TendermintCore (BFT "consensus engine" Protocol that is mostly Asynchronous that uses a Simple State Machine https://tendermint.readthedocs.io/en/master/introduction.html#consensus-overview, and that communicates with an Application via TSP socket protocol that satisfies the ABCI)

      • About

        • Tendermint Core
          • Definition - a general purpose blockchain data structure (transactions batched in blocks where each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, and the blocks form a chain) to replicate your Application on distributed systems (many machines) to provide fault tolerance
            • Secure Replication - Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) since it still works when up to 1/3 of machines fail (from causes including hacking and malicious attacks)
            • Consistent Replication - all non-faulty machines may see same Transaction Log and computes same State
            • Consensus Engine - sharing Blocks and Transactions between Nodes to ensure recorded on all machines in same immutable order (blockchain)
            • Hosts Arbitrary States - may be used as plug-and-play replacement for consensus engines of other blockchain software (i.e. run any programming language implementation of Ethereum as an ABCI application using Tendermint consensus, i.e. Ethermint, Cosmos network)
      • Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) Consensus engine

        • Note: Non Proof-of-Work (PoW) system
        • Reference: https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wiki/Byzantine-Consensus-Algorithm
          • Summary
            • Block Data Structure - https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wiki/Block-Structure

              • Header - chain info and Last State

                • ChainId (string): name of the Blockchain, e.g. "tendermint"
                • Height (int): sequential Block Number starting with 1
                • Time (time): local time of the Proposer of this Block
                • LastBlockHash ([]byte): Block Hash of the Previous Block at Height - 1
                • LastBlockPartsetHeader (PartSetHeader): Partset Header of the Previous Block
                • StateHash ([]byte): State Hash of the State after processing this Block
                  • StateHash is a hash derived from a encoding the State's Fields (i.e. BondedValidators, UnbondingValidators, Accounts, ValidatorInfos, and NameRegistry), using a Simple Tree (Binary Tree) to merkelise a dictionary list of KV Pair structs.
                  • StateHash is recursively included in the block Header and indirectly into the BlockHash
              • Data - Transactions of the Block that are any sequence of Bytes comprising:

                • Txs ([]Tx): list of Transactions.
                  Note: ABCI Applications (previuosly known as TMSP) may Accept or Reject a Tx
              • LastCommit - Comprises Precommit Signatures of the Previous Block

                • Precommits ([]Vote): confirms that Consensus Decided for the Last Block was performed by over 2/3 (i.e. +2/3) of valid Voting Participants
                  • Vote
                    • Height (int): Block Height being Decided on
                    • Round (int): Consensus Round number (starting with 0)
                    • Type (byte): Vote Type, either:
                      • Prevote or Precommit - Vote Type to Broadcast
                        i.e. "type": 2
                      • Note: Proof-of-Lock-Change (PoLC) is the Set of +2/3 Prevote's for a Block, or <nil> at Node (H, R)
                    • BlockHash ([]byte):
                      • Block Hash of a valid Block, or nil.
                      • Blockhash is a hash derived from a encoding the Block Header fields using a Simple Tree (Binary Tree) to merkelise a dictionary list of KV Pair structs
                    • BlockPartsetHeader (PartSetHeader):
                      • PartSet Header, or x0000 if Block Hash is nil
                      • PartSet (inspired by LibSwift project) is used to propagate a Large File over a Gossip Protocol Network (i.e. multicast a message to all nodes in a network, where each node only sends the message to a few of the nodes)
                      • PartSet splits a Byteslice of Data (a Part) into a Transmission Parts List. Compute the Merke Root Hash of the Transmission Parts List. Verify that a Part is legitimately a Part of the Data by using the Merkle Root Hash of the Transmission Parts List prior to Forwarding the Part to other Peers (even before other Parts are known)
                        i.e. { "hash": "XYZ", "total": 123 }
                      • Example code: https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wiki/Block-Structure#commit
                    • Signature (Signature): Signature field of Vote's Transaction
                      • sign-bytes: JSON stringified (ordered) encoding (excluding the Signature) of Vote's Transaction
                        i.e. Example Precommit Vote:
                        { "chain_id": "tendermint","vote": { ... } }
            • Consensus Process (State Machine) - https://tendermint.readthedocs.io/en/master/introduction.html#consensus-overview

              • Deciding Next Block (at each Block Height H)
                • Rounds (Round-based Protocol) - each Round has a State Machine RoundStep representation (aka "Step") comprising Optimally 3x Steps + 2x Special Steps:
                  • Round (sequence)
                    • Step 1: Propose (H, R)
                      • Prerequisite, either:
                        • CommitTime + timeoutCommit (after NewHeight committed) OR
                        • timeoutPrecommit
                      • Start:
                        • Proposer (designated) proposes a Block at (H, R)
                      • End:
                    • Step 2: Prevote (H, R)
                      • Start:
                        • Validators broadcast their Prevote Vote
                      • Situations:
                        • Unlocking happens when Validators that have been Locked on a Block since LastLockRound
                          who also have a PoLC for something else at PoLC-Round where LastLockRound < PoLC-Round < R
                        • Prevote for a Block happens when a Validator is still Locked on a Block
                        • Prevote for a Proposed Block from Propose (H, R) happens when it is Valid
                        • Prevote of <nil> happens for a Proposed Block that is Invalid or received late
                      • End:
                        • After +2/3 Prevotes for a specific Block or <nil> -> Step 3
                        • After timeoutPrevote after receiving any +2/3 Prevotes -> Step 3
                        • After "Common Exit Conditions"
                    • Step 3: Precommit (H, R) after +2/3 Precommits for Block found
                      • Start:
                        • Validators broadcast their Precommit Vote
                      • Situation:
                        • Re-Locks / Changes Lock and Precommits Block B and Sets LastLockRound = R when Validator has PoLC (H, R) for specific Block B
                        • Unlocks and Precommits <nil> (i.e. obtained +2/3 Prevotes and waited but did not see PoLC for the Round) when Validator has PoLC at (H, R) for <nil>
                        • Lock remains and Precommits <nil> otherwise
                      • End:
                        • After +2/3 Precommits for <nil> -> Step 1 Propose (H, R + 1)
                        • After timeoutPrecommit after receiving any +2/3 Precommits -> Step 1 Propose (H, R + 1)
                        • After "Common Exit Conditions"
                  • Special Step A: Commit (H) by:
                    • Setting CommitTime = now
                    • Waiting to receive Block and then Stage, Save, and Commit the Block -> Step B NewHeight (H + 1)
                  • Special Step B: NewHeight (H)
                    • Move Precommits to LastCommit
                    • Increment Block Height
                    • Set StartTime = CommitTime + timeoutCommit
                    • Wait until StartTime to receive straggling commits -> Step 1 Propose (H, 0)
                      i.e. NewHeight -> (Propose -> Prevote -> Precommit) + -> Commit -> NewHeight ->
                  • Note: See Diagram: https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/wiki/Byzantine-Consensus-Algorithm
                • Note: Multiple Rounds may be required to due to:
                  • Problems
                    • Proposer (designated) was not online
                    • Proposer (designated) had proposed an Invalid Block
                    • Proposer (designated) had proposed a Valid Block that did not propogate in time
                    • Proposer (designated) had proposed a Valid Block but +2/3 of its Prevotes were not received in time (i.e. at least 1x Validator may have voted <nil> or performed a malicious votes) so there were Insufficient Validator Nodes when the Precommit step was reached
                    • Proposer (designated) had proposed a Valid Block and +2/3 of its Prevotes were received for sufficent nodes, but +2/3 of the Precommits for the Proposed Block were not received for sufficient Validator nodes.
                  • Solutions
                    • Subsequent Round and Proposer (designated)
                    • Increasing Round parameters (i.e. Timeout) for successive rounds
            • Proposal

              • Signed & Published by Proposer (designated) at each Round
              • Proposal at Node (H, R) comprises:
                • Block
                • Optional PoLC Round (which is less than R), included if Proposer is aware of one, and provides a hint to the network to allow "unlocking" of Nodes when safe to ensure "Proof of Liveness"
            • Proposer (NOT Validators)

              • Selected in proportion to their Voting Power (using round robin selection algorithm)
              • Reference: Code
            • Nodes - optionally connected in the network, are at a given:

              • Height H - Block Height being decided upon
              • Round R - Consensus Round number (starting from 0)
              • Step S
                • i.e. (H, R, S)
            • Peers - are Nodes that are directly connected to a Node

            • Channel (Throttled information)

              • Connection - between 2x Nodes
            • Epidemic Gossip Protocol - implemented by some Channels to update Peers on latest State of Consensus

              • Nodes use PartSet algorithm (LibSwift inspired) to gossip/broadcast Parts (split Data) across the network for the current Round decision for a Proposed Block by a Proposer
              • Nodes gossip Prevote/Precommit Votes to enable Other Nodes to progress forward
                i.e. Node A (ahead of Node B) may send Node B Prevotes/Precommits for Node B's current/future Round
              • Nodes gossip Prevotes for Proposed Proof-of-Lock-Change (PoLC) Round (i.e. requires Set of +2/3 Prevote's for a Block, or <nil> at Node (H, R)
              • Nodes gossip Block Commits for Older Blocks to Other Nodes that are lagging with a lower Blockchain Height
              • Nodes gossip HasVote messages opportunistically to hint to Peers what Votes they have
              • Nodes broadcast to all Peers their current State
            • Gossip Protocol Participants are "Validators"

              • Validators

                • Validators take turns as Proposer (delegate) Blocks containing Transactions and Voting on Blocks to be Committed on-chain at Block Height
                • Validators Vote to move to Next Round after waiting a Timeout interval (the only Synchronous aspect of the Protocol) to receive a complete Proposal Block from the Proposer
                • Validators only progress after hearing from 2/3+ of the Validator Set
              • Blocks

                • Failure of a Block Commit causes the Protocol to move to the Next Round with a New Validator as Proposer (delegate) to propose the Next Block Height
                • Tendermint uses same mechanism for Block Commits as it does for Skipping to Next Round
                • Tendermint guarantees Safety without Validators ever committing a Block Commit that conflicts at the same Block Height on the assumption that 1/3- of Validators are BFT by using "Locking" rules that modulate the paths that may be followed in the Consensus Flow Diagram
              • Block Commit Failure

                • Causes
                  • Proposer (delegate) may be Offline
                  • Network may be slow
                • Solutions
                  • Skip a Validator
              • Voting Stages required for Block Commit

                • Prevote
                  • Block Committed when 2/3+ of Validators Precommit for the same Block in the same Round.
                  • "Polka" occurs when 2/3+ of Validators Prevote for the same Block
                • Precommit
                  • Precommitted Blocks by a Validator are "Locked" on the Block and then must Prevote for the Block it is "Locked" on
                  • Validators may only "Unlock" and Precommit for a New Block if there is a "Polka" for the New Block in a later Round
                  • Precommits must be justified by a "Polka" in the same Round
              • Nodes

                • Non-Active Validators
                  • No Validator Private Key
                  • Relays to Peers any Consensus Process information (i.e. meta-data, Proposals, Blocks, and Votes)
                  • State (Current H, R, S)
                  • Enable other Nodes to progress forward
                • Active Validator (aka "Validator-Node")
                  • Validator Private Keys
                  • Signs Votes
                  • State (Current H, R, S)
                  • Enable other Nodes to progress forward
              • Stake

                • Validator "Weight" varies in the Consensys Protocol of some systems
                  • Voting Power Proportion may not be uniformly distributed across individual Validators
                • Tendermint allows for creation of Proof-of-Stake systems through definition of a native Currency that denominates Voting Power. Cosmos Network is designed using this PoS mechanism across an array of cryptocurrencies implemented as ABCI Applications
                  • Validators "bond" their Voting Power Currency holdings in a security deposit that may be destroyed if found to misbehave in the Consensys Protocol, which quantifies an economic security element whereby the Cost of Violating the assumption that 2/3- of Voting Power is Byzantine
            • Proofs

      • Benefits:

        • Speed
          • Tendermint blocks can commit to finality in the order of 1 second
          • TendermintCore can handle transaction volume at the rate of 10,000 transactions per second for 250 byte transactions.
        • Security
          • Tendermint consensus is optimally BFT with accountability since liability may be determined when the blockchain forks
        • Scalability
          • Tendermint may be used for Sharding since it allows running parallel blockchains in parallel without the speed or security of each chain diminishing (unlike with PoW)
          • Tendermint algorithm can scale to hundreds or thousands of validators (depending on desired block times), and improves over time with advances in bandwidth and CPU capacity.
    • Tendermint Generic Application BlockChain "Interface" (ABCI) is an API between Application Process and Consensus Process. ABCI has a Tendermint Socket Protocol (TSP aka Teaspoon) Implementation:

      • Run in separate Unix processes.

      • De-coupling (abstracting away) the Application State Details of a particular blockchain Application (using a socket protocol) from the Tendermint Core (consensus engine and P2P layers) to avoid a "monolithic" blockchain "stack" design so not limited to just using language of the blockchain stack that compile down to say the Turing-complete bytecode of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) (i.e. Serpent, Solidity)

      • Allows BFT replication of applications with Transactions processed in any programming language

      • Security guarantees

      • ABCI has 3x Primary Message Types (delivered from Tendermint Core to the ABCI, then ABCI replies with response messages)

        • DeliverTx Message
          • Transactions on the blockchain are delivered with it
          • Validation of Transactions received with the DeliverTx message must be validated by the Application against the current State, Application Protocol, and Transaction's Cryptographic Credentials
          • Valid Transactions update the Application State (i.e binding a value in a KV Store or updating the UTXO DB)
        • CheckTx Message
          • Only for Validating Transactions
          • Validates Transaction using Tendermint Core's Mempool
          • Only Relays Valid Transactions to Peers
          • Invalid Transactions may be caused if a Capabilities Based System is used but they have not renewed their capabilities with each Transaction, or CheckTx in an Application may return an error if a sequence number in a Transaction was not incremented
        • Commit Message
          • Computes the Cryptographic Commitment to the current Application State to be inserted into Next Block Header
          • Inconsistencies and errors in updating State appear as Blockchain Forks
          • Secure Lightweight Client development is simplified since Merkle-Hash Proofs may be Verified against the Block Hash, which is Signed by a Quorum
      • Applications may have Multiple ABCI Socket Connections (3x created by Tendermint Core), including (see Diagram in https://tendermint.readthedocs.io/en/master/introduction.html#intro-to-abci):

        • Connection 1: Validates Transactions when broadcasting in the Mempool
        • Connection 2: Consensus Engine to run Block Proposals
        • Connection 3: Querying the Application State
      • Application Logic Deterministic

        • Transaction processing on blockchain must be Deterministic so Consensus is reached among Tendermint Core replica Nodes
        • Blockchain Developers should avoid Non-Determinism by using Linters and Static Analysers:
          • Avoid Random Number Generators without Deterministic Seeding
          • Avoid Race Conditions on threads
          • Avoid use of System Clock
          • Avoid Uninitialised Memory (in Unsafe languages like C or C++)
          • Avoid Floating Point Arithmetic
          • Avoid Random Language Features
    • Communication between TendermintCore and Tendermint Applications

      • TMSP (Simple Messaging Protocol)


Unsorted Notes

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint
git tag -l
git checkout v0.14.0