
See only the most relevant information in your status bar

AGPL-3.0 License



twm-status-builder is a script that helps you compile succint information as text to be displayed in the status bar of your (tiling) window manager. Should work with any status bar that is able to display text from a shell script. Might also be used in your terminal.


./ [modules]

You have to supply a comma-separated list of modules to display. The first module to have a non-empty output will be displayed. Example:

./ pomodoro,calendar/upcoming,calendar/summary

See the documentation for each module to see the required configuration.

List of currently available modules: calendar/summary, calendar/upcoming, pomodoro, weather, task/count, task/strawberries, task/emojis, battery/headphones, battery/laptop, battery/controller

Usage with polybar


type = custom/script
exec = pomodoro,calendar/upcoming,calendar/summary
interval = 0.5

Cycling through multiple modules

If you have modules that could produce important information at the same time, you can cycle through them. Use this feature sparingly, as it can be distracting. To cycle between modules, prepend each module with a > character. Example:

./ pomodoro,>calendar/upcoming,>calendar/summary



The calendar modules rely on khal for data. In order to use the calendar modules, you need to first install khal. If you follow the instructions there, you'll be able to connect to CalDAV servers, such as Google Calendar.

Summary of your day

module name: calendar/summary

Provides a visual summary of your day using emoji. Each emoji represents a half-hour block, for for example a one-hour meeting will be represented by ๐Ÿ“…๐Ÿ“…. Any half hour block with a meeting will be represented with ๐Ÿ“…, even if the meeting starts in the middle of the half hour block.

Put the following configuration into your .twm-status-builder-rc:

let LAST_HOUR=23
let WORK_START="2*10"
let WORK_END="2*18"

Keep in mind that calendar/summary is based on half-hour blocks. You have to specify times in half-hour blocks, not hours. Therefore let WORK_START="2*10" means work starts at 10am.


  • ๐Ÿš€ - Current time
  • โฐ - Wake up time
  • ๐Ÿ’ค - Sleep time
  • ๐ŸŸฉ - Free time
  • ๐ŸŸฆ - Work time
  • ๐Ÿ“… - Meetings and calendar events
  • ๐Ÿด - Lunch break

output example:


Summary of ongoing and upcoming events

module name: calendar/upcoming

Provides a summary of ongoing and up

output example:

๐Ÿ“… In 51m: Dev standup


module name: pomodoro

If you use the Pomodoro technique, you might want to hide your other information and instead see your Pomodoro status. The pomodoro module lets you do that using i3-gnome-pomodoro.

In order to use this module, please set up i3-gnome-pomodoro first.

output example:

๐Ÿ… Pomodoro 23:47


module_name: weather:{city}

This module shows weather information about a given city, for example weather:London or weather:Berlin. Cities with spaces in their name can be spelled like so: weather:New_York.

output example:

New York: โ˜๏ธ +18ยฐC



module_name: task/count

This module shows the count of (over) due tasks in taskwarrior.

output example:

11 tasks due

module_name: task/count_icon

Same as task/count, but with an icon. Needs nerd fonts.

output example:



module_name: task/strawberries

This module shows the count of (over) due tasks in taskwarrior, represented as ๐Ÿ“ characters.

output example:



module_name: task/emojis

This module shows the count of (over) due tasks in taskwarrior, each task represented by an emoji that corresponds to its project. For this to work, you need to set your project names to emoji.

output example:



module_name: battery/headphones

This module shows the battery level of your bluetooth headphones as long as they are connected and as long as this feature is supported in upower for your headphones.

output example:

๐ŸŽง 70%

Laptop battery

module_name: battery/laptop

This module shows the battery level of your laptop as long as there is a battery installed.

output example:

๐Ÿ’ป 70%

Controller battery

module_name: battery/controllers

This module shows the battery level of your bluetooth controllers as long as they are connected and as long as this feature is supported in upower for your controllers.

output example:

๐ŸŽฎ 70%