
Vagrant CentOS 7.1 PHP Development Environment


Vagrant CentOS7 PHP Development Environment

This project sets up a CentOS 7.1 (64bit) virtual machine to run your PHP project in. It mounts your PHP project directory so that you can use your favorite editors to work.


  • VirtualBox - Free virtualization software. Download
  • Vagrant - Tool for working with VirtualBox images. Download

Tested on

Host OS VirtualBox Vagrant
Mac OS X 10.10.5 5.0.10 1.7.4
Ubuntu 14.04 4.3.28 1.6.5

What's in the Development Environment?

Directory Structure

project/                 ... your project directory
 public/              ... web document root
 vagrant-centos7-php/ ... this repository

If your web document root is not public folder, but the project folder, try to run the following commands:

$ cd /path/to/project/
$ ln -s . public

How to Use


$ cd /path/to/project/
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-centos7-php/
$ vagrant up

Accessing Your Project


Here are common commands:

command description
vagrant up starts the virtual machine and provisions it
vagrant provision provisions the vagrant machine
vagrant suspend will save the current running state of the machine and stop it
vagrant halt attempts a graceful shutdown of the machine
vagrant ssh gives you SSH access to the virtual machine
vagrant destroy will destroy the machine
vagrant status shows status of the machine
vagrant global-status shows status of all virtual machines


If you look for CentOS6: