


Abbreviated variable name comparison table

Short Name Full Name
Universal -----
mkt market
mlm million
mgt management
mgmt management
ele element
topo topology
spec specification
rtn return
conn connect
flw flow
clk click
ent entity
qlt quality
sls sales
inv inventory
srv service
svr service
prmt promotion
itm item
buyer byr
slr seller
dft default
TL timeline
trd trade
chnl channel
ACP Access Control Platform
no number
bd builder
res resource
co context object
act activity
lang language
docs documents
doc document
sim similar
feat feature
IP Internet Protocol
GMV Gross Merchandise Volume
RPS Requests Per Second
QPS Queries Per Second
QPM Queries Per Minute
QPH Queries Per Hour
tst test
FY Fiscal Year
tx transaction
BE backend
QA Quality Assurance
PM project manager
PD Production designer
DA Data analytics
BP Business Partner
BD Business Development
PR Public relations
PE private equity / Production Engineer
CSE Comptuer Science Engineering
dc datacenter / data center
lg log
POC Point Of Contact
DDL deadline
FYR for your reference
C2C Customer to customer
LTV life time value
GTM go to market
WIP work-in-progress
re review
re Salary Review
cfg config
pd people day
TL team leader
TL technical lead
kaf kafka
lib library
tpl template
mod module
ctr controller
ctl controller
act action
param parameter
cp control panel
pass password
TTL Time To Live
cont content
cur current
priv privilege
uid user_id
mid member_id
descrip description
desc description
cate category
reg register
dev develop
nav navigation
btn button
ipt input
calc calculation
stat statistic
ext extension
intro introduce
admin administrate
CL change list
svc service
DM direct message
BE back end
FE front end
rsp response
misc miscellaneous
cg consumer group
ts timestamp
acp accept
act accept
sth somethings
TIL today I learned
DSN Data source name
idc internet data center
RD Research and Development Engineer
FE Front End
sr search
DA Data Analyst
omit .
idle .
RDS redis
CH clickhouse
YTD Year to date
PoS Proof of Stake
Nonce Number once
PoW Proof of Work
DLT Distributed Ledger Technology
MW Middleware
WIP Work in process
hdlr handler
DRM Digital rights management
SOA Service-oriented architecture
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
DI Dependency Injection
JRE Java Runtime Environment
JDK Java Development Kit
deque Double-ended queue
CDC Change Data Capture
SPA single page application
SSR Server-Side Rendering
CEP complex event processing
cqc change data capture
rds Relational Database Service
WASM WebAssembly
TLD Top-level Domain
RTB Realtime Bidding
RTA Realtime API
ACL Access Control List
spi Service provider interface
bg background
t thread
th thread
thr thread
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
mod modify
CSP Content-Security-Policy
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
HA High Availability
SLA Service-Level Agreement
rw read-write
ro read-only
rr real-read-only
AUFS Advanced UnionFS
chroot change root
pid process id
LTS Long Term Support
DSL Domain Specific Language
WMS Warehouse Management System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
CRM Customer Relationship Management
IC individual contributor
ex example
DTX Distributed Transaction-eXtended
btw By the way
RTT round-trip time
RTD round-trip delay
YGC young gc
FGC full heap gc
PSD Poor, Smart And Desperate To Be Rich
SRE Site Reliability Engineering
IaC Infrastructure as Code
ln line
RPC Remote Procedure Call
FYI For Your Information
TSD Thread Specific Data
WSGI Web Server Gateway Interface
CGI Common Gateway Interface
ARQ Automatic Repeat-reQuest
SDK Software Development Kit
LINQ Language Integrated Query
UB undefined behavior
SOF StackOverFlow
svr server
AST Abstract Syntax Tree
PEG Parsing Expression Grammars
CSP Communicating Sequential Process
tbl table
pom project object model
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
CLI Command-Line Interface
MCN Multi-Channel Network
byr buyer
SEO search-engine-optimization
APM Application Performance Management
BPM Business Process Management
ROI return-on-investment
qry query
FSM finite-state machine
BFF Backends for frontends
PMO Project management office
PO Product Owner
SLOC Source lines of code
CR code review
nil null
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
SPU Standard Product Unit
RT Response-time
AAC Annual Active Consumer
ARPU Average Revenue Per User
TC test case
snd send
rcv recive
EOF End Of File
PD product designer / product director
PM product manager / project manager
PE Production Engineer
PR public relationship
PDM Product Data Management / product designer management
UE User Experience
UX User Experience
UI User Interface
UID User Interface Design
UED User Experience Design
UCD User Centered Design
pt Percentage
BaaS Backend as a Service
FaaS Function as a Service
ACC Annual Active Customer
MBT Model based testing
bio biography
cls class
clazz class
AOP Aspect Oriented Programming
SPI Service Provider Interface
AO Application Object
TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read.
cal calculation
UAT User Acceptance Test
OOM out of memory
OSS Object Storage Service
lck lock
pt partition
UAT User acceptance testing
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
TLS Transport Layer Security
T Type
E Element
JUC java.util.concurrent
BQ behavioral question
OA online assessment
mk make
HFT High-frequency trading
IoT Internet of Things
SSO SingleSignOn
fn function
ref reference
unref un reference
deinit Deinitialization
RAII Resource acquisition is initialization
NPE NullPointerException
RFC Request for Comments
URL uniform resource locator
URI uniform resource identifier
dat data
fis FileInputStream
fos FileOutputStream
ZC Zero Copy
MPI Message Passing Interface
tpl tuple
AQS AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
TCC Try Confirm Cancel
SO server object
RCF Remote Call Framework
MBG MyBatis Generator
S server
H handler
nv non-volatile
CPM Cost Per Mille
CPC Cost Per Click
CPA Cost Per Action
PTM product test manager
PO persistant object
VO value object
DAO data access object
BO business object
DTO Data Transfer Object
POJO plain ordinary java object
CC Carbon Copy
LGTM Looks Good To Me Riview
ACK acknowledgement
TPS Transaction Per Second
RDF Resource Description Framework
mvnw Maven Wrapper
dep dependency
MPI message passing interface
CRM Customer Relation Management
JWT JSON Web Token
DO data object
POJO Plain Old Java Objects
OGNL Object Graph Navigation Language
TP third partnar
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
PR Pull Request
LGTM Looks Good To Me
SGTM Sounds Good To Me
WIP Work In Progress
PTAL Please Take A Look
TBR To Be Reviewed
TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read
TBD To Be Done
lvl level
UDF user define function
amt amount
pref preference
ord order
pkg package
crt cart
DDD Domain-Driven Design
VO view object
evt event
gmt Greenwich Mean Time
util utility
biz business
dao data access object
jsn json
jdbc Java Database Connectivity
inst install
ins install
dsk disk
chk check
dic dictionary
res result
ans answer
attr attribute
idx index
impl implement
impl implementations
val value
prev previous / precursor
pre previous / precursor
arg arguments
args arguments
def define
ptr pointer
vptr vpointer
pptr pointer to pointer
err error
rand random
len length
del delete
num number
init initialize
tmp temporary
temp temporary
ret return
row row
col column
func function
fun function
dst destination
dest destination
infor information
vals value list / value array
seq sequence
cmp compare
comp compare
lo lower / low
hi higher / high
tab table
mid middle
obj object
cap capacity
addr address
srv server
serv server
cli client
clie client
clnt client
crt create
ctx context
ctxt context
recv receiver
st set
err_msg error message
SLO service level objectives
SLA service level agreements
TDD test driven development
rt return
TDD Test-Driven Development
Conetnt -----
JFR java flight recorder
UGC User Generated Content
PGC Professionally-generated Content
OGC Occupationally Generated Content
MGC Machine Generated Content
PUGC Professional User Generated Content
MCNGC Multi-Channel Network Generated Content
BGC Brand Generated Content
AGC Advertising Generated Content
GGC Government Generated Content
CGC Company Generated Content
Management System
CMS content management system
OMS order management system
PMS product management system
SMS sell management system
UMS user management system
DataStructure and Algorithm -----
dim dimensionality
stk stack
lst list
arr array
G graph
DG digraphs
DAG directed acyclic graph
UDG undigraphs
DP dynamic-programming
BFS breadth-first-search
DFS depth-first-search
BST binary search tree
mat matrix
anc ancestor
cnt count
deg degree
dep depth
diff difference
dist distance
div division
fa father
ind index
inf infinity
inv inverse
lim limit
mp map
img image
avg average
mst minimal spanning tree
mul multiply
pa pair
pos position
prod product
prd product
que queue
res residual
suc succeed
tim time
fwd forward
fd file descriptor
delim delimiter
sep separator
Math -----
fact factorial
gcd greatest common divisor
OperatorSystem -----
env environment
mtx mutex
f file
mem memory
buf buffer
mv move
fp file pointer
opt operator
os operator system
sys system
Network -----
LVS Linux Virtual Server
RS Real Server
DS Director Server
VIP Virtual IP address
DIP Directors IP address
RIP Real IP address
CIP Client IP address
net network
sock socket
req request
resp response
msg message
mq message queue
Database -----
db database
pk primary key
kv key-value
LanguageParticular -----
it iterator
iter iterator
enum enumerate
vec vector
chan channel
Operations Manager -----
CPM 每千人成本
CPT 每时间段成本
CPC 每点击成本
CPD 每下载成本
CPI 每安装成本
CPS Cost Per Sales 每销售成本
ASO App Store Optimization
SEM Search Engine Marketing
PV page view
UV user view
Business Logic -----
tt tiktok