
vkl - a better "ls"-experience

GPL-3.0 License

  • vkl - a better "ls"-experience

This Python script is a wrapper for the GNU/Linux ls-tool for simple cases. To be precise, it's a substitute (only) for the following command:

: ls -lt --all --reverse --directory --classify --color=auto

In contrast to the standard ls output, this script visualizes time in a much better way:


Normal ls command is listing all files without proper way to visualize brand-new, new, old, and very old files. By introducing horizontal bars that sub-divide the output in a pseudo-logarithmical way, the user gets a much better feeling on the age of the items in the current directory.

By the way: yes, I tried to get this functionality to the GNU project to be included to ls. I failed miserably. To me, they don't seem to add such features for many years. Very conservative :-(

** Installation

Get it from [[https://github.com/novoid/vkl][GitHub]] or install it via «pip install vkl».

** Usage

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output :wrap src vkl --help #+END_SRC

#+BEGIN_src Usage: vkl

This tool lists the current directory content in various metric GNU ls does not provide.

©️ (c) 2010 by Karl Voit [email protected] :license: GPL v3 or any later version :bugreports: [email protected]

Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l, --log displays directory content by a pseudo logarithmic time (default option) -m, --mtime sort items using modification time (default option) -c, --ctime sort items using change time -a, --atime sort items using access time -d, --delegate delegate additional arguments to ls command -p, --primitivels use primitive output of directory rather than using GNU ls --debug enable (senseless) debug output #+END_src


: vkl ... the simplest case, sorted by modification time

: vkl -c ... sorted by change time

: vkl -p ... using its own (primitive, self-written) output to circumvent output issues or to use it on non-GNU/UNIX system

  • How to Thank Me

I'm glad you like my tools. If you want to support me:

  • Send old-fashioned postcard per snailmail - I love personal feedback!
    • see [[http://tinyurl.com/j6w8hyo][my address]]
  • Send feature wishes or improvements as an issue on GitHub
  • Create issues on GitHub for bugs
  • Contribute merge requests for bug fixes
  • Check out my other cool [[https://github.com/novoid][projects on GitHub]]
  • Local Variables :noexport:

Local Variables:

mode: auto-fill

mode: flyspell

eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
