
Back up ZFS snapshots to Borg

GPL-3.0 License



  • shellcheck pass
  • no docs yet (!!!), this is a collection of scripts i threw together in one weekend pretty much
    • not production quality, but runs in production on my box with syncoid
  • pretty much ./backup_all.sh rpool/data/stuff
    • .../stuff/* will be turned into borg repos
    • nested datasets are not supported (e.g rpool/data/stuff/x/y)
  • generate ~/.ssh/backup_key_ed25519 (or configure ZORG_SSH_KEY envvar)
    • ssh-keygen -N "" -C "" -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/backup_key_ed25519 there you go
  • ignored.txt can do something like
    to skip unwanted snapshots made by various tools

GPL-3.0 also


  • Yes, it works on macOS


  • mount credentials into ramfs to prevent risking with swapping raw credentials on disk
    • needs more fiddling with user & mount namespaces, doable
  • mechanism to delete zfs snapshots after being backed up into borg repo
  • restore zfs snapshots from borg repository
  • support for nested datasets
  • support for multiple repository & credentials directories
    • currently assumes that whole script dir is for one dataset set
  • more credential management solutions
    • sops
    • vault
    • custom? (need a spec)
  • support for one big monster borg repo (?)
    • + potentially better dedup gains?
    • - gigantic single point of failure