
Functions for helping your Slack bot get its point across.

MIT License



Helps Slack bots get their point across

Never have to look up how to use bold, italics, strikethrough, code, pre... formats again for Slack API (I still had to look it all up for this Github Markdown though).

Getting started

$ npm install --save botkit-helper-slack


var SS = require('botkit-helper-slack');

SS('My Emphatic Decree!').italic()  // -> '_My Emphatic Decree!_' (in Slack italics)

// or
'var meta = x'.slackCode() // -> '`var meta = x`' (in Slack code format)


Calling extendPrototype() will extend the Javascript String prototype, but in order to not poison the String namespace, each function name will start with 'slack' and maintain camelCase format

e.g. italic -> slackItalic

SS('I really need to italicize this').italic() //-> "_I really need to italicize this_"

// or extend the String prototype
'and this one'.slackItalic() //-> "_and this one_"
.italic( ) (slackItalic)

Italicizes your string according to Slack format 'italics' -> '_italics_' italics

.bold( ) (slackBold)

Bolds your string according to Slack format 'bold' -> '*bold*' bold

.code( ) (slackCode)

Makes your string look like code according to Slack format 'code' -> '`code`' code

.pre( ) (slackPre)

Makes your string look like pre-formatted fixed width text according to Slack format 'pre' -> '```pre```'

.strike( ) (slackStrike)

Strikes through your string, according to Slack format 'strike' -> '~strike~' strike

.quote( ) (slackQuote)

Creates a single line quote. This function does not surround your string with quotes. 'quote' -> '> quote'


.paragraph( ) (slackParagraph)

Creates a multi-line quote. 'paragraph' -> '>>> paragraph'

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris

.emoji( ) (slackEmoji)

Formats your string into Slack emoji style.

('Do NOT Litter').emoji( ) //-> ':do_not_litter:'`


.user( ) (slackUser)

Formats your user ID into Slack's desired format 'U112233' -> '<@U112233>'

.channel( ) (slackChannel)

Formats your channel ID into Slack's desired format 'C445566' -> '<@C445566>'

.subteam(handle) (slackSubteam)

Will create message linking to the subteam ID viewed as required @handle

// having called extendPrototype()
'S289524'.slackSubteam('the-homies') //-> '<!subteam^S289524|the-homies>'
.date(options) (slackDate)

Formats your date using optional options. Date can be a seconds since the epoch, a string, or an instance of Date

SS(1526249506).date() // -> '<!date^1526249506^{date}|Sun, 13 May 2018 22:11:46 GMT>'
SS(new Date()).date()

var options = {format: '{date} at {time}', link: '', fallback: 'Some great date'};
SS('1526249506').date(options) // -> '<!date^1526249506^{date} at {time}^|Some great date>');

// having called extendPrototype()
.url(handle) (slackSubteam)

Creates a formatted link displayed as optional handle

// having called extendPrototype()
''.slackUrl('My Portfolio') //-> '<|My Portfolio>'

My Portfolio

.email(handle) (slackEmail)

Creates a formatted mailto: email link displayed at handle

// having called extendPrototype()
'[email protected]'.slackEmail('Email Me') //-> '<mailto:[email protected]|Email Me>'

Email Me

.atHere( ) (slackAtHere)

See get('here')

.atEveryone( ) (slackAtEveryone)

See get('everyone')

.atGroup( ) (slackAtGroup)

See get('group')

.atChannel( ) (slackAtChannel)

See get('channel')

.html( ) (slackHtml)

Formats your HTML code using Slack desired format.

SS('<div></div>').html() //-> '&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;


Other functions to help you format Slack messages


Will return the corresponding string value for each key below.

key value (string)
'here' <!here|here>
'channel' <!channel>
'group' <!group>
'everyone' <!everyone>


$ npm test
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