
DevSecOps course project for Task Management.


Web UI

API Endpoints

  • GET /tasks : Return all tasks.
    curl --request GET http://localhost/tasks
  • GET /tasks/<id> : Return specific task by ID.
    curl --request GET http://localhost/tasks/1
  • POST /tasks : Add new task with POST request data. Return newly created task.
    curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"Title":"new title","Details":"new details"}' http://localhost/tasks
  • DELETE /tasks/<id> : Delete specific task by ID. Return deleted task.
    curl --request DELETE http://localhost/tasks/1
  • PUT /tasks/<id> : Update specific task with PUT request data. Return updated task.
    curl --request PUT --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"Title":"updated title","Details":"updated details","Status":"updated status"}' http://localhost/tasks/1
  • POST /tasks/<id>/done : Change the status of specific task to "Done". Return completed task.
    curl --request POST http://localhost/tasks/1/done
  • POST /tasks/reset : Start over. Return empty task list.
    curl --request POST http://localhost/tasks/reset
  • POST /tasks/<id>/ai : Ask ChatGPT to assist with specific task. ;)
    curl --request POST http://localhost/tasks/2/ai
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