
Twitter Clone: a full-stack, real-time twitter clone built using node.js, mongo db and


Twitter Clone: a full-stack, real-time twitter clone

Realtime Chat Demo

Notifcations Demo

This project is a full-stack Twitter clone built with modern JavaScript technologies. The application offers core functionalities similar to twitter, allowing users to:

  • Create, and view posts (tweets)
  • Follow & unfollow other users
  • View feeds from only users that you follow
  • Like and reply on posts
  • Retweet posts from other users
  • Search for users and posts
  • Experience real-time updates and chatting with Socket.IO

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Boostrap, JQuery, JavaScript, Pug
  • Backend: Node.js, Express
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Real-time communication: Socket.IO


  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration system.
  • Feed: View posts from followed users.
  • Notifications: View notifications from other users instantly.
  • Messaging: Chatting with other users instantly.
  • Profile Image and Banner Image upload with crop functionality.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes.

System Architecture

Server (Node.js)

  • The server is responsible for handling user requests, managing user authentication, interacting with the database, and facilitating real-time communication using Socket.IO.
  • Express.js provides routing for API endpoints to handle user actions like registration, login, posting tweets, following users, etc.
  • Mongoose ODM (Object Data Modeling) simplifies interaction with the MongoDB database.

Datebase (MongoDB):

MongoDB stores

  • User Data: first name, last name, username, email, password, profile picture, liked posts, retweeted posts, followed users, followers
  • Tweet/Post Data: content, likes, retweeted by, posted by, if it is a reply
  • Notifications Data: user to, user from, notification type(post like/reply/retweet/follow)
  • Chats Data: users, chat name, latest message, created time, last updated time, if it is a group chat
  • Messages Data: content, sender, chat id, read by


  • The frontend will be built using HTML, CSS, and Pug templates.
  • Pug templates will dynamically generate HTML pages based on user data and fetched content from the backend.
  • Socket.IO will be integrated on the client-side to enable real-time updates on messages and notifications

Functionality Breakdown

User Registration and Login

  • Users will register with a username and password.
  • Login will involve verifying username and password against the database.
  • Secure password hashing will be implemented for user credentials using bcrpyt npm package

User Profile

  • Users will have a profile page displaying a profile picture, a banner image, the number of followers, the number of users being followed, as well as all posts and replies by the user.

Creating and viewing tweets

  • Users can create tweets with text content.
  • Tweets will be stored in the database with timestamps and author information.
  • The frontend will display a timeline of tweets from followed users and the user themselves.

Following and Unfollowing users:

  • Users can follow other users.
  • Following relationships will be stored in the database.
  • Number of followers and followed users will be displayed on a user's profile
  • The home page feed will display tweets from followed users.

Liking and Retweeting posts:

  • Users can like and retweet existing tweets.
  • Likes and retweets will be stored with user and tweet references in the database.
  • The frontend will display like and retweet counts for each tweet.

Real-time Notifications:

  • Users will recieve notifications from their followers for post likes, retweets, and replies in real-time.
  • Users will receive notifications when someone new follows them in real-time.

Creating chats and Real-time Messaging:

  • Users can create chats with other users.
  • Users will receive messages in real-time.



  • The application can be horizontally scaled by adding more Node.js servers behind a load balancer.
  • MongoDB can be scaled by adding replica sets or sharding.

Future Improvements

  • Login and sign up using third party systems such as google, facebook, etc
  • Search Optimization
  • Security
  • Caching
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