
💫 Package to simplify parsing NFTs on Solana and build NFT galleries

MIT License



These packages created to simplify the process of parsing NFTs on Solana. The project written in TypeScript and is used/battle-tested by NftEyez.Global with thousands of daily users.

DEMO: Galley Demo

How to use

The simplest way to use it in your app is install package, also you need install @solana/web3.js in your project, since it is used as peer dependency.

npm i @solana/web3.js
npm i @nfteyez/sol-rayz

then use it this way:

import {
} from "@nfteyez/sol-rayz";

// const address = "3EqUrFrjgABCWAnqMYjZ36GcktiwDtFdkNYwY6C6cDzy;
// or use Solana Domain
const address = "NftEyez.sol";

const publicAddress = await resolveToWalletAddress({
  text: address

const nftArray = await getParsedNftAccountsByOwner({


This project consists of 2 packages. Please refer to specific README file for in-depth details:

  • @nfteyez/sol-rayz - basic functionality, like fetch all NFTs for specific wallet or by Authority. Designed to be used in browser or Node.JS env. Read Details.
  • @nfteyez/sol-rayz-react - bunch of hooks and utils to be used within React app. You can think of it as highlevel construction upon @nfteyez/sol-rayz package to simplify its use in UI. Read Details.


This section related only for the people who wants contribute to this project.

Instructions for starting project for the contributors. Clone repo, run in root of the project:

yarn run build

Development process

You might want to test package while you do changes. For this purpose you can use react app in packages/sol-rayz-dev and start package you are working on in watch mode, for example sol-rayz:

# go to sol-rayz
cd packages/sol-rayz
yarn run watch

# in new tab go to react app
cd packages/sol-rayz-dev
yarn run start

Now when you changes something sol-rayz package it will be automatically updated in sol-rayz-dev app.

Add New new dependency to some package

Here is example how to add new dependency module @solana/spl-name-service to @nfteyez/sol-rayz package:

 lerna add @solana/spl-name-service --scope=@nfteyez/sol-rayz