
Off-chain SVM payment channel.



A reference implementation of an off-chain state channel built using Anza's SVM API.

With the release of Agave 2.0, we've decoupled the SVM API from the rest of the runtime, which means it can be used outside the validator. This unlocks SVM-based solutions such as sidecars, channels, rollups, and more. This project demonstrates everything you need to know about boostrapping with this new API.

PayTube is a state channel (more specifically a payment channel), designed to allow multiple parties to transact amongst each other in SOL or SPL tokens off-chain. When the channel is closed, the resulting changes in each user's balances are posted to the base chain (Solana).

Although this project is for demonstration purposes, a payment channel similar to PayTube could be created that scales to handle massive bandwidth of transfers, saving the overhead of posting transactions to the chain for last.

Below is a diagram of the new SVM API.