
OTHER License



This is the Solana version of the WBTC contracts that enable wrapping the tokens in collaboration between merchants and a custodian 3rd party. The biggest focus of the program is to create a traceable chain of events on-chain to allow anyone to quickly be able to verify if the reserves among the custodian match the expected wrapped issuance along with matching any minting and redemtpions with their respective transactions on the native Token's chain being wrapped.

Unlike in other chains, there will be just a single smart contract capable of handling all the logistics given that we can rely on Solana`s native Tokenkeg program to deal with token minting/burning and Squads to handle the intricacies of DAO managament.

This program will have two main authorities: the authority is capable of changing the authorities and custodian info, and the merchant_authority that is responsible with merchant management.



program - BkeUQWpHeYQDTynE3q3XjWVnmgE6WGoWgDvjfc5aSPMo

mint - Hb5pJ53KeUPCkUvaDZm7Y7WafEjuP1xjD4owaXksJ86R

small dao - 49kUge8LHR6FoYEQqE7fq8UkZTE3ouLDeFeH8NmaxKBN

big dao - BoY4qapYaJpHrbpPDmhRpMwzMTWgYJhx3ZYkViEDYLts


This program has four different accounts:

  • Config: contains basic global info regarding the state of the program like the authorities, the token mint, whether certain functionality is enabled or disabled and information related to the custodian. There is only one config per the entire program.
  • Merchant: contains wallet address and btc addresses on merchants
  • MintRequest: temporary state for mint requests. Stores info on the client, merchant and amounts.
  • RedeemRequest: temporary state for redeem requests. Stores info on the merchant and amounts.


In order to make indexing easier, there are two main events surrouding the main functionality of this program:

  • MintEvent - Registers all the information and state changes on a given mint request. All fields are filled from the creation moment and all possible combinations of EventKind are used.
  • RedeemEvent - Register all the information and state changes on a given redeem request. All fields but transaction_id are filled from the moment of creation. transaction_id is only filled upon calling approve_redeem_request by the custodian after executing the transaction. Only Created and Approved variants of the EventKind are used here.


The following instructions either create or set basic functioning paramethers:

  • initialize - creates the Config account, and the token mint. Sets the two authorities, custodian info and mint decimals.
  • claim_authority - acts as a security buffer after changing the authority, in case of a wrongly typed addresses, the previous authority can call set_authority again. On initialize, the previous authority is set as the signer of initialize, and should be the calling set_authority if unable to call claim_authority after initialize
  • create_merchant - creates a Merchant. Requires the merchant wallet and btc address.
  • delete_merchant - deletes a Merchant.
  • set_authority - changes the authority address.
  • set_merchant_authority - changes the merchant_authority address.
  • set_custodian_btc_address - changes the custodian btc deposit address stored in a given Merchant account.
  • set_custodian - changes the wallet that the custodian can use to interact with the program.
  • set_merchant_btc_address - changes the stored btc address for a given Merchant.

NOTE: there is no set_merchant as it would break the PDA assumptions on account creation. Similar functionality can be easily done by calling delete_merchant and create_merchant.

For the intended workflow of the program, the following instructions are used:

  • create_mint_request - called by a merchant and creates a MintRequest with basic information needed for the custodian to aprove. Issues a MintEvent with kind Created.

  • approve_mint_request - called by the custodian over a given MintRequest that is deleted afterwards. This call will mint a number of tokens according to the information provided by the merchant on create_mint_request. Issues a MintEvent with kind Approved.

  • cancel_mint_request - called by the merchant that created a given MintRequest. This will delete the MintRequest. Issues a MintEvent with kind Deleted.

  • reject_mint_request - called by the custodian over a given MintRequest to reject the request and delete the account. Issues a MintEvent with kind Rejected.

  • create_redeem_request - called by a merchant and creates a RedeemRequest with basic information needed for the custodian to return the native tokens to the merchant. The wrapped tokens are burned immediately during this instruction. Issues a RedeemEvent with kind Created.

  • approve_redeem_request - called by the custodian to approve a given RedeemRequest and delete the temporary account afterwards. Issues a RedeemEvent with kind Approved.

Two more instructions are used to enable/disable certain functionality in the program:

  • toggle_merchant_enabled - changes a given Merchant enabled flag.
  • toggle_functionality_enabled - can change the following flags inside the Config account that will toggle the respective functionality: mint_enabled, redeem_enabled, custodian_enabled.

NOTE: additional cancel_redeem_request POC provided, but I think it is ultimately non-functional under this workflow.


The following table shows the permissions for calling each instruction:

instruction authority merchant_authority merchant custodian
create_merchant x
delete_merchant x
create_mint_request x
cancel_mint_request x
approve_mint_request x
reject_mint_request x
create_redeem_request x
approve_redeem_request x
set_authority x
claim_authority the new one
set_merchant_authority x
set_custodian x x
set_custodian_btc_address x
set_merchant_btc_address x
toggle_functionality_enabled x
toggle_merchant_enabled x

The remaining initialize instruction can be called by anyone, but ideally by the person who deploys the program to setup the initial accounts properly.


Audit performed by OtterSec can be reviewed here. All issues that were found are resolved and comitted to the current master branch.