
Ethereum Buildbot

MIT License


Ethereum Buildbot

This project contains the configuration for the Ethereum Buildbot

Changes to this repository are automatically deployed once they are pushed to GitHub. Please open a pull request unless you really know what you are doing.

Configuration / Development

This is to create a local installation of buildbot for development purposes or to test changes to the buildbot's configurations.

Start by cloning this repository locally and follow the steps below for your platform.

git clone
cd ethereum-buildbot


Install Docker using the official documentation. Following the "Docker-maintained Package Installation" is recommended, as opposed to the "Ubuntu-maintained Package Installation".

Make sure you have pip installed, then install the requirements:

sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo python
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


Install Docker and boot2docker using Homebrew:

brew install docker boot2docker

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Common installation steps

Generate a new sqlite database:

buildbot upgrade-master .

Copy every .sample file to their respective filename without the .sample extension. Edit each file with your desired credentials and configurations if you plan on running the buildbot in a production environment, otherwise you can keep the default not-so-secret secret password.

Verify that your installation should work with:

buildbot checkconfig

You should get Config file is good! from the last step. Run buildbot checkconfig after making changes, especially before pushing changes or making pull requests. This will catch syntax errors and will notify you if you missed something in your buildbot configurations.

Note: For local testing, you'll need to change the WebStatus' http_port in to something else than the SSL configurations, typically 8010.

You should now be able to start your buildmaster instance with:

buildbot start .

Your buildmaster should now be accessible at http://localhost:8010

Buildslaves configuration

This part can get quite complex, make sure you have your thinking cap well adjusted, grab a coffee and be ready for a lot of tinkering. You've been warned.

Remember installing Docker earlier on? This is where it comes into play.

Make sure Docker is running and well configured. On OSX, you need to run boot2docker up and follow the instructions about environment variables. On Ubuntu, make sure docker info mentions it is using AUFS (you'll see Storage Driver: aufs).

Create a test buildslave, we'll call it testslave and put it in a folder with the same name:

buildslave create-slave testslave localhost testslave secret

That test buildslave will be used to create the other buildslaves using Docker containers.

On OSX, you can use that same technique to create a native OSX buildslave, just give it a different name or use osx for the currently configured buildslave name. Be careful as this will affect your main system since it is not running in a container.

Open and look for the # Buildslave builders section. Add your testslave to the slavenames parameter of the builder of your choice, or all the buildslave builders.

Save your change and reconfigure your buildmaster with:

buildbot reconfig .

You can now start your buildslave with:

buildslave start testslave

It should attach itself to your buildmaster. Once you have at least one instance of our testslave running and attached, you should see the builder become available in the waterfall. Trigger a forced build and enjoy the first run fail on a missing buildbot.tac. This is where tinkering really gets taken to a whole new level.

You'll need to enter the failing container and set the appropriate values in the right buildbot.tac file at the right location.

First, note your host's IP under Docker using ifconfig to find Docker's network interface. You need this to tell the buildslave we're trying to create to connect to your host's buildmaster.

Click on the stdio link of the failing step, and note the second line that should look like:

in dir /home/your_username/ethereum-buildbot/testslave/build-buildslave-cpp-one/build

Move to that folder:

cd /home/your_username/ethereum-buildbot/testslave/build-buildslave-cpp-one/build

Copy the failing buildslave's buildbot.tac.sample to buildbot.tac:

cp cpp-ethereum-buildslave/buildbot.tac.sample cpp-ethereum-buildslave/buildbot.tac

Edit the buildbot.tac file with your favorite editor:

vim cpp-ethereum-buildslave/buildbot.tac

Set buildmaster_host to your previously noted host IP. Make sure slavename and passwd also correspond to the buildslave you're trying to create.

Rinse and repeat for every buildslave.

Useful tricks

Enter a running container with:

docker exec -ti CONTAINER_NAME bash


Make sure you have a local installation of the Ethereum Buildbot to test your changes, since any modification can greatly affect many builders and processes, and even bring the whole buildmaster to a halt if changes are blindly pushed to the repository. Pull requests are always welcome and recommended for any modification.