
Merge Testnet module to probe and verify certain aspects of the testnet during its lifetime.


Merge Testnet Verifier

Performs a continuous verification of a Merge (Execution-Consensus) testnet and validates the final health by measuring and comparing a set of given metrics Post-Merge.

Command Line Arguments


Execution/Beacon client URL endpoint to check for the client's status in the form: ,http://:. Parameter can appear multiple times for multiple clients.


Terminal Total Difficulty of the Testnet.


Specifies the path to a verifications YML file to override the default verifications.


Specifies the path to a verifications YML file to be added to the default verifications.


Max number of epochs to wait for the TTD to be reached. Disable timeout: 0. Default: 5


Max number of epochs to wait for successful verifications after the merge has occurred. Disable timeout: 0. Default: 5

Verifications YML File Format

The verifications file is a YML formatted file that contains a list of all verifications to be performed during the testnet's runtime.

Each verification element contains the following fields (all mandatory unless specified otherwise):

- VerificationName, string

Name of the verification, which will be printed on the output to help identify when the verification fails.

- ClientLayer, string

Layer from which the verification data will be obtained -- only accepts "Execution" or "Beacon" values thus far.

- PostMerge, bool

Whether the verification data should only be gathered after the merge has occurred (true) or during all the testnet's runtime (false).

- MetricName, string

Metric to be collected which then will be aggregated and compared to obtain the verification's outcome. Only one data point of this metric will be collected per block/slot. See Supported Metrics section.

- AggregateFunction, string

Aggregation function used to produce a single value that can be compared in the PassCriteria. See Supported Aggregate Functions section.

- AggregateFunctionValue, string, optional

Optional aggregate value used for some of the aggregation functions.

- PassCriteria, string

Comparison criteria used to determine a successful verification. See Supported Pass Criterias secion.

- PassValue, string

Pass value used in the PassCriteria comparison.

Supported Metrics

Execution Layer

- ExecutionBlockCount

Number of execution blocks produced.

- ExecutionBaseFee

BaseFee Value of the block header.

- ExecutionGasUsed

Total gas used of the block header.

- ExecutionDifficulty

Difficulty value of the block header.

- ExecutionMixHash

MixHash value of the block header.

- ExecutionUnclesHash

Uncles hash value of the block header.

- ExecutionNonce

Nonce value of the block header.

Beacon Layer

- BeaconBlockCount

Number of beacon blocks produced -- can only be 0 or 1 per slot.

- FinalizedEpoch

Number of times the finalized_epoch value in the finality_checkpoints changes values; 1 if the finalized_epoch value changes, 0 if the value is the same as the previous slot.

- JustifiedEpoch

Number of times the justified_epoch value in the finality_checkpoints changes values; 1 if the justified_epoch value changes, 0 if the value is the same as the previous slot.

- EpochAttestationPerformance

Attestation performance throughout the Epoch. Currently can only be obtained if a Lighthouse client is provided, since it uses the validator_inclusion endpoint and it's calculated by getting the ratio between previous_epoch_head_attesting_gwei and previous_epoch_active_gwei.

- EpochTargetAttestationPerformance

Target attestation performance throughout the Epoch. Currently can only be obtained if a Lighthouse client is providedm, since it uses the validator_inclusion endpoint and it's calculated by getting the ratio between previous_epoch_target_attesting_gwei and previous_epoch_active_gwei.

- SyncParticipationCount

Sync participation per slot -- Set bit count of sync_committee_bits

- SyncParticipationPercentage

Sync participation percentage per slot -- Set bit count of sync_committee_bits divided by the SYNC_COMMITTEE_SIZE value of the spec.

Supported Aggregate Functions

- CountEqual

(Requires AggregateFunctionValue): Count all the values equal to AggregateFunctionValue.

- CountUnequal

(Requires AggregateFunctionValue): Count all the values not equal to AggregateFunctionValue.

- Average

Arithmetic mean of all the data points obtained -- 0 when no data points were obtained.

- Sum

Sum of all the data points obtained.

- Min

Minimum value of all data points obtained.

- Max

Maximum value of all data points obtained.

- Percentage

Percentage (0 - 100) of all data points that are greater than zero.

Supported Aggregate Functions

- MinimumValue

Minimum value that the aggregated value can have in order for the verification to be successful.

- MaximumValue

Maximum value that the aggregated value can have in order for the verification to be successful.

Default Verifications

See default_verifications.yml