
NFT Badge for staking on Polygon. This smart contract give a staker a NFT that represents staking period (= vesting period ) which a staker chose.


NFT Badge for staking

Introduction of the NFT Badge for staking

  • This repo is the smart contract for NFT Badge for staking.
    • This smart contract give a staker a NFT depends on staking period (= vesting period ) which a staker chose.
      • Staking period that a staker can choose are 3 options: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year)
      • Each NFT works as a proof of deposit and represents staking period (= vesting period ) which a staker chose.
      • A staker can not unstake until chosen-period.
        (When a staker try to unstake, smart contract check whether staking period is passed or not by a NFT which a staker has)
  • This smart contract has been deployed on Polygon (mumbai).
    • By deploying on Polygon, a staker can reduce cost for each transactions and get a higher speed transaction.



  • Diagram of workflow
    DiagramNFT Badge for staking



  • Version
    • Solidity (Solc): v0.6.11
    • Truffle: v5.1.60
    • web3.js: v1.2.9
    • @openzeppelin/contracts: v3.4.0
    • ganache-cli: v6.9.1 (ganache-core: 2.10.2)



Install modules

  • Install npm modules in the root directory
npm install

Compile contracts

  • on Polygon (Matic) mumbai testnet
npm run compile:polygon_mumbai

Script for demoon Polygon (Matic) mumbai testnet

  • In advance, Please check MATIC token balance of executor's (user's) wallet address .
  • Idealy, MATIC tokens balance is more than 1 MATIC .
  • Matic fancet: (Please select Mumbai network)
  • Execute script on Polygon (Matic) mumbai testnet
    ( This script uses deployed-contract addresses on Polygon mumbai)
npm run script:StakingManager

Deployed-contract addresses

  • Smart contract addresses below are deployed on Polygon mumbai testnet:
    • LP Token: 0xCB9e421b1bF2f20E3EEbd3d16A8F44D50B7f56ad
    • Reward Token: 0xD68cE6B14d4E5f8ed28F6eb9b92A63f48FFDc0a7
    • StakingNFTBadgeFor3Months: 0x19bC3A74BB8de091fE4a76af093b031395cE17f2
    • StakingNFTBadgeFor6Months: 0xe5273E5D1bf82e60125968B6C9c3476A70E1FCaF
    • StakingNFTBadgeFor1Year: 0xBF3463C0def89691d765aB95d456402463310Ef3
    • StakingPool: 0xB8faeCcdF3Ce5Dc470720B212b7056113dbA386f
    • StakingManager: 0x404735352a45fc40fb1d10316e037219e1ADe25B
    • Fancet: 0xB786Ee2f65C6fec7568CA565Be9958713Ac24C18



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