
NFT Marketplace on Ethereum Blockchain based on course. Made in React/Next JS, Solidity and Typescript.


This is a Next.js project. Full process and video lectures how to create the application can be found here: NFT Marketplace in React, Typescript & Solidity - Full Guide


Marketplace has dependencies on multiple technologies.

  • Pinata - store images, and NFT metadata
  • Ganache - private Blockchain, to run application localy

To run the app

  1. run npm install to install dependencies

  2. In the root folder of the application create a .env.development file with following content:


SECRET_COOKIE_PASSWORD={your custom at least 32 characters long password!}

PINATA_API_KEY={your api key from pinata}
PINATA_SECRET_API_KEY={your api secret key from pinata}
  • (your api pinata key has to allow pinFileToIPFS and pinJSONToIPFS rules)
  1. Then migrate a contract to Ganache, contract can be found in the contracts folder. It's called NftMarket.sol
  • To migrate the contract run truffle migrate in the terminal while Ganache network is setup and running.

  • Do not forget to link trufle-config.js with Ganache, just go to config and click Add Project

  • keys.json must be created if you want to deploy to Ropsten, if not, just remove import of keys.json from trufle-config.js and also comment out ropsten configuration

  1. Now everything is setup and you can test out the app.
  • Run npm run dev in the terminal. App will run at localhost:3000
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