
Referral System for $WORK Rewards on Opolis platform (that the Linkdrop is also used)


Referral System for $WORK Rewards

【Introduction of the Referral System for $WORK Rewards】

  • This is a smart contract to deliver a functioning referral system for the $WORK token.
    • Unique, sharable referral links for each Member who is referring new Members to Opolis
    • 5M $WORK Rewards are issued per “Payroll Mining Block” to Employee Members, Coalition Members and Stakers.
    • Blocks are mined as the Network grows by increments of $50K or 5% in periodic payroll volume, whichever is greater.
    • Members receive 100% of the referral credit for Employee Members who join
    • Members receive 15% of the referral credit for referring Coalition Organizations who act as channel partners for referring new Employee Members.
      • NO multi-level referral credit except for referring Organizations where the referring Member receives 15%)
    • All members receive $WORK Rewards in perpetuity so long as the referred Member consumes services.
    • Linkdrop is used for realizing the referral structure.





  • Version
    • Solidity (Solc): v0.5.16
    • Truffle: v5.1.60
    • web3.js: v1.2.9
    • openzeppelin-solidity: v2.2.0
    • ganache-cli: v6.9.1 (ganache-core: 2.10.2)



① Install modules

  • Install npm modules in the root directory
$ npm install

② Compile & migrate contracts (on local)

$ npm run migrate:local

③ Test (Mainnet-fork approach)

  • 1: Start ganache-cli
$ ganache-cli -d

(※ -d option is the option in order to be able to use same address on Ganache-CLI every time)

  • 2: Execute test of the smart-contracts (on the local)
    • Test for the contract
      • $ npm run test:referral ($ truffle test ./test/test-local/Referral.test.js)

      • $ npm run test:payroll_mining ($ truffle test ./test/test-local/PayrollMining.test.js)


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