
Contracts that implement a Registry for the DIP Ecosystem

APACHE-2.0 License


Decentralized Insurance Protocol Object Registry

This repository holds the smart contracts for the DIP registry.

Object DID

Registered objects are represented by NFT that get unique identifiers. A DID representation of the object is provided as URI.

Spec and example extracted from links below

spec    did:nft:{chainNamespace}:{chainReference}_erc721:{contractAddress}_{tokenId}
example did:nft:eip155:1_erc721:0x06012c8cf97BEaD5deAe237070F9587f8E7A266d_771769

External links regarding DID for NFT

Setup Assumptions

  1. Developing with VS Code
  2. Working with dev containers

Technical links

Chain Registry

Sample Brownie Console Session

Start the console

brownie console

In the console play around with the upgradable demo contracts

from scripts.util import contract_from_address

pao = accounts[0] # proxy admin owner
ro = accounts[1] # registry owner

a = accounts[10] # some random account

fpao = {'from':pao}
fro = {'from':ro}

# deploy the initial registry logic
r = ChainRegistryV01.deploy(fpao)

# deploy the proxy admin and provide the 
# registry implementation its initial owner
pa = OwnableProxyAdmin.deploy(r, ro, fpao)
p = ,contract_from_address(ChainRegistryV01, pa.getProxy())

# deploy the two next versions
i1 = DemoV1.deploy(fio)

## Upgradability with VersionedOwnable

VersionedOwnable: Base contract for versioned owned upgradable contracts. 
Versionable implements the activation logic that takes care of managing the version history
VersionedOwnable just adds ownability (OpenZeppelin) to Versionable.

Proxy deployment for upgradability of some contract based on VersionedOwnable is taken care of by OwnableProxyAdmin.
OwnableProxyAdmin is an ownable contract too and creates its own TransparentUpgradeableProxy (OpenZeppelin) contract inside.

The high level process works as follows:
1. deploy implementation contract (derived from VersionedOwnable)
1. deploy OwnableProxyAdmin providing implementation and owner of implementation as constructor arguments
1. work with the implementation trough the transparent proxy (OwnableProxyAdmin.getProxy)
1. deploy the next version newImplementation (derived from implementation)
1. upgrade the logic behind the proxy using OwnableProxyAdmin.upgrade(newImplementation)

After step 3 working with the initial upgradable contract is possible (using the proxy).
After step 5 working with the upgraded contract is possible (using the identical proxy as in step 3).
For further upgrades repeat steps 4 and 5.

### Sample Brownie Console Session

Start the console
brownie console

In the console play around with the upgradable demo contracts

from scripts.util import contract_from_address

po = accounts[0]
io = accounts[1]

a = accounts[10]
b = accounts[11]
c = accounts[12]

fpo = {'from':po}
fio = {'from':io}

# deploy the initial logic implementation
i = VersionedOwnable.deploy(fio)

# deploy the proxy admin and provide the implementation and the initial owner for the implementation
pa = OwnableProxyAdmin.deploy(i, io, fpo)
p = contract_from_address(VersionedOwnable, pa.getProxy())

# deploy the two next versions
i1 = DemoV1.deploy(fio)
i2 = DemoV2.deploy(fio)

# upgrade the initial implementation to DemoV1
pa.upgrade(i1, fpo)
p = contract_from_address(DemoV1, pa.getProxy())
# p.theValue() below fails as this function is not implemented in DemoV1

# further upgrade the initial implementation to DemoV2
pa.upgrade(i2, fpo)
p = contract_from_address(DemoV2, pa.getProxy())
# p.theValue now works as it is implemented in DemoV2

# the call below fails as a is not the owner of the implementation
p.setSpecialMessage('something completeley different', {'from':a})
# the call below world as io is the implementatoin owner
p.setSpecialMessage('something completeley different', {'from':io})

# show version history
# show the first deployed version

# show the full version history
list(map(lambda version: p.getVersionInfo(p.getVersion(version))[1:], range(p.versions())))

The version history should look like the following output

    ('v0.0.0', '0xe7CB1c67752cBb975a56815Af242ce2Ce63d3113', '0x3194cBDC3dbcd3E11a07892e7bA5c3394048Cc87', 2, 1675978743), 
    ('v1.0.0', '0xDA1C81E678CbafE8EF2cfa2eC9D8D7724bAA3DD2', '0x3194cBDC3dbcd3E11a07892e7bA5c3394048Cc87', 5, 1675978752), 
    ('v1.1.0', '0xE92E591c9661fe380Bb0949D22d27432E9f5b7F6', '0x3194cBDC3dbcd3E11a07892e7bA5c3394048Cc87', 6, 1675978780)

Interaction via Command Line

Running Unit Tests

brownie test -n 8

Deploy and Verify with Ganache

brownie console

Check Storage Layout of Upgraded Contract

Create JSON Files

Create JSON storage layout files using script scripts/

Start with files for StakingV02.sol. Comment out attribute Timestamp lockedUntil of StakeInfo to revert to the previous state of the contract.

python scripts/ contracts/staking/StakingV02.sol > tmp2a.json
python scripts/ --unify contracts/staking/StakingV02.sol > tmp2b.json

Use a diff viewer to verify that all diffs between tmp2a.json and tmp2b.json are as expected.

Comment in attribute Timestamp lockedUntil of StakeInfo again to the desired state for StakingV03.sol.

python scripts/ contracts/staking/StakingV03.sol > tmp3a.json
python scripts/ --unify contracts/staking/StakingV03.sol > tmp3b.json

Use a diff viewer to verify that all diffs between tmp3a.json and tmp3b.json are as expected.

Finally, use a diff viewer to verify all diffs between tmp2b.json and tmp3b.json and check that upgrading the smart contract from StakingV02.sol to StakingV03.sol does not contain incompatible storage layouts.

Storage Layout for StakingV03

/home/vscode/.solcx/solc-v0.8.19 @openzeppelin-upgradeable=/home/vscode/.brownie/packages/OpenZeppelin/[email protected] @openzeppelin=/home/vscode/.brownie/packages/OpenZeppelin/[email protected] --storage-layout contracts/staking/StakingV03.sol > solc_layout_StakingV03.txt

Storage Layout for StakingV02

Need to undo addition of lockedUntil in StakeInfo before executing the command below

/home/vscode/.solcx/solc-v0.8.19 @openzeppelin-upgradeable=/home/vscode/.brownie/packages/OpenZeppelin/[email protected] @openzeppelin=/home/vscode/.brownie/packages/OpenZeppelin/[email protected] --storage-layout contracts/staking/StakingV02.sol > solc_layout_StakingV02.txt


  • combine staking getInfo(nftid) + get bundle info(nftid), via interface
  • stakes(target)
    (+) code
    (-) tests
  • stakes(target, user)
    (+) not implemented
  • capitalSupport
    (+) code
    (-) tests