
An Open Action Module for Lens Protocol that transforms a publication into a poll, using Ethereum Attestation Service for on-chain voting.

MIT License


Smart Polls

Smart Polls transform Lens posts into polls using the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) for on-chain voting.

EasPollActionModule.sol is an Open Action Module (Publication Module) for Lens Protocol that can be added to any publication to create a poll. The poll options and votes are stored on-chain and can be queried using the EAS GraphQL API or by running a subgraph.


  • EasPollActionModule: The Open Action module contract for creating and querying polls and votes.
  • eas-poll-action-module: A helper library for interacting with EasPollActionModule, available for installation via npm.

Benefits over using Snapshot

The EasPollActionModule contract provides a number of benefits over using Snapshot for polls:

  1. 100% on-chain: The poll and votes are stored on-chain, providing a high level of trust and transparency.
  2. Protocol-wide: Unlike Snapshot, the EasPollActionModule can be used on any Lens Protocol publication, and polls can be voted on from any Lens app. No DAO hack necessary!
  3. EAS Integration: Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) allows for easy and permissionless querying of votes using their GraphQL API or your own subgraph.
  4. Token gating: Easily restrict voting to followers of the publication author or to any arbitrary ERC20/ERC721 token holders.
  5. Require Signature: Optionally require a signature for voting, creating a delegated attestation.

Using the EasPollActionModule Contract

To use the live EasPollActionModule you can use the address and metadata below:

Network Chain ID Deployed Contract Metadata EAS Schema UID
Polygon 137 0x3d06AA6ca4FC7eE0D5581B85CB52CA7714175e43 link 0xd91d9a230a4f60495ff79cd81fa5d7f27ee75b28e71f1ce144c7affae8cc8c52
Mumbai 80001 0xc91C3d3eD7089a9b52945c8967CF0854f08E9e7a link 0x44c235a2465c4d70bd980bdcf968d1997b237e2c7d30a2de1b59b98fee4a1f37

The EasPollActionModule contract can be used as an Open Action Module on Lens Protocol publications. Here are examples of successful transactions on Mumbai using the poll module:

Post (init) transaction

Act (process) transaction

Example Attestation

Install eas-poll-action-module Helper Library

The helper library provides functions for creating the Lens SDK OpenActionModuleInput and ActOnOpenActionRequest which can be used to attach and act on the Open Action Module. To use the eas-poll-action-module helper library, you can install it from npm:

npm i -D eas-poll-action-module
yarn add -D eas-poll-action-module
pnpm add -D eas-poll-action-module

Create a Poll

To create a poll, the initialize calldata ABI is:

Name Type Description Required
options bytes32[4] An array of 2 to 4 voting choice strings that have been encoded into bytes32 format true
followersOnly bool Restrict voting to followers of the publication author false
endTimestamp uint40 The timestamp (in seconds) when the poll ends or zero for open-ended false
signatureRequired bool Whether a signature is required for voting false
gateParams tuple Token gating parameters false

The optional gateParams tuple is used to restrict voting to holders of a specific ERC20 or ERC721 token:

Name Type Description Required
tokenAddress address The address of the token contract true
minBalance uint256 The minimum balance required to vote true

Here's an example of creating the poll action with the eas-poll-action-module helper library:

import { OpenActionModuleInput, OnchainPostRequest } from "@lens-protocol/client";
import { type EasPoll, createPollActionModuleInput } from "eas-poll-action-module";

const poll: EasPoll = {
  options: ["Option A", "Option B", "Option C", "Option D"],
  followersOnly: true, // Optional
  endTimestamp: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 60 * 24, // Optional
  signatureRequired: false, // Optional
  gateParams: { // Optional
    tokenAddress: "0x9B8cc6320F22325759B7D2CA5CD27347bB4eCD86",
    minBalance: 1000000000000000000n,

const pollAction: OpenActionModuleInput = createPollActionModuleInput(poll);

const postRequest: OnchainPostRequest = { contentURI };
postRequest.openActionModules= [{ unknownOpenAction: pollAction }];
await lensClient.publication.postOnchain(postRequest);

Vote on a Poll

To vote on a poll, you create a vote tuple:

Parameter Description Type
publicationProfileId The profile id of the publication author uint256
publicationId The publication id uint256
actorProfileId The profile id of the voter uint256
actorProfileOwner The address of the voter address
transactionExecutor The address of the transaction executor address
optionIndex The index of the option the voter selected (0 to 3) uint8
timestamp The timestamp (in seconds) when the vote was cast uint40

Here's how you can use the eas-poll-action-module helper library to create the vote "act on" request to be used with the Lens SDK:

import { ActOnOpenActionRequest } from "@lens-protocol/client";
import { type EasVote, createVoteActionRequest } from "eas-poll-action-module";

const vote: EasVote = {
  publicationId: "0xd8-0x01",
  optionIndex: 1,

const voteAction: ActOnOpenActionRequest = createVoteActionRequest(vote);
await lensClient.publication.actions.actOn(voteAction);

⚠️ Note:

When signatureRequired is true on the Poll you must sign the vote using the transactionExecutor address. You can provide an ethers.Signer to the createVoteActionRequest function to sign the vote.


The scemaUid can also be used to query the EAS GraphQL API for votes. The eas-poll-action-module helper library provides functions for encoding the pollId and optionIndex to be used in the GraphQL query.

Here's how you can get an attestation (vote) count from EAS:

import { createVoteCountQueryVariables, getVoteCount } from "eas-poll-action-module";

const variables = createVoteCountQueryVariables(publicationId);
const count = await getVoteCount(variables);

Here's how you can get an attestation (vote) count for a specific option from EAS.

import { createVoteCountForOptionQueryVariables, getVoteCountForOption } from "eas-poll-action-module";

const optionIndex = 1;
const variables = createVoteCountForOptionQueryVariables(publicationId, optionIndex);
const count = await getVoteCountForOption(variables);

Get Poll Results

The contract also provides many ways to get poll results.

 * @dev Get the number of votes/attestations for a publication.
 * @param profileId The profile id of the publication author
 * @param pubId The publication id
 * @return The number of attestations
function getAttestationCount(
    uint256 profileId,
    uint256 pubId
) external view returns (uint256);

 * @dev Get the attestation for a vote at a specific index.
 * @param profileId The profile id of the publication author
 * @param pubId The publication id
 * @param index The index of the vote
 * @return The vote
function getAttestationByIndex(
    uint256 profileId,
    uint256 pubId,
    uint256 index
) external view returns (bytes32);

 * @dev Get the attested vote for an actor.
 * @param profileId The profile id of the publication author
 * @param pubId The publication id
 * @param actor The actor address
 * @return The vote
function getVote(
    uint256 profileId,
    uint256 pubId,
    address actor
) external view returns (Vote memory);

 * @dev Get the attestation for a vote at a specific index.
 * @param profileId The profile id of the publication author
 * @param pubId The publication id
 * @param index The index of the vote
 * @return The vote
function getVoteByIndex(
    uint256 profileId,
    uint256 pubId,
    uint256 index
) external view returns (Vote memory);