
string, integer and list integer utils for solidity


Solidity Utils

We want to improve solidity basic skill and we also create a basic library for learning and practice. You can see how to use as below:

pragma solidity ^0.4.16;

import "";

import "";

import "";

contract ExampleContract {
    using ListInteger for *;
    using Strings for string;
    using Integers for uint;

    uint[] items;



Add unsigned integer to array

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items;


Remove item last index like function pop() in array

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items;


Remove item by value in array

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items;


Remove item by index in array start at 0

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items;

find(uint) : uint

Find index by value in array

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    uint index = items.find(99);
    return index;

sort() : uint[]

Sort ascending unsigned integer in array

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items.sort();

sortDESC() : uint[]

Sort descending unsigned integer in array

function example() public view returns (uint[]) {
    return items.sortDESC();

getSize() : uint

Get size array

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    uint size = items.getSize();
    return size;

sum() : uint

Sum unsigned integer in array

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    uint result = items.sum();
    return result;



Join two strings

function example() {
    string memory str = "20scoops";
    str = str.concat(" ").concat("CNX");

length() : uint

Get the length of a string

function example() returns (uint) {
    string memory str = "20scoops CNX";
    return str.length();

replaceAll(bytes1, btyes1) : string

Replace all character in string

function example() public view returns (string) {
    string memory str = "20scoops CNX ";
    return str.replaceAll(" ", "");

replace(bytes1, bytes1) : string

Replace character in string

function example() public view returns (string) {
    string memory str = "20scoops CNX ";
    return str.replace(" ", "");

compareTo(string) : bool

Compare two string

function example() public view returns (bool) {
    string memory str = "20scoops CNX";
    return str.compareTo("20scoops");


parseInt(string) : uint

Convert string to unsigned integer

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    return Integers.parseInt("99.00");

toString() : uint

Convert unsigned integer to string

function example(uint value) public view returns (string) {
    return value.toString();

plus(uint) : uint

Plus unsigned integer

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    uint myInt = 5;

minus(uint) : uint

Minus unsigned integer

function example() public view returns (string) {
    uint myInt = 5;
    return myInt.minus(5);

divide(uint) : uint

Divide unsigned integer

function example(uint value) public view returns (uint) {
    uint myInt = 5;
    return myInt.divide(5);

multiply(uint) : uint

Multiply unsigned integer to string

function example() public view returns (uint) {
    uint myInt = 5;
    return myInt.multiply(5);

mod(uint) : uint

Modular unsigned integer

function example() public view returns (string) {
    uint myInt = 500;
    return myInt.mod(6);
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