


This is an extremely WIP proof of concept for an NFT with shielded transfers. It was created as part of 0xPARC's first Applied ZK Learning Group.

How it works

The ZkNft contract has four methods (it's not ERC-721 compatible):

  • mint(id) mints the token id to the sender.
  • shield(..., [commitment, id]) shields the token id and adds the commitment
    to the merkle tree.
    The commitment is a hash of the id of the token and a
    secret. The proof shows that you know the secret to generate that hash.
  • unshield(..., [nullifier, id, owner, root]) unshields the token.
    The proof shows that you know the secret to generate a commitment that exists
    in the merkle tree. The nullifier is the hash of the id and the secret, but
    using a different hasher. The owner is not used in the proof, but it's
    included to prevent front-running.
  • transfer(nullifier, newCommitment, root) is similar to unshield, but instead
    of revealing the token, it assigns to it a new secret, and nullifies the
    previous commitment.

In practice this means that transferring a token means sending your secret to the other person, and then they can do the transfer that changes the secret to a new one only known by them.

Running the code

  1. Run yarn to install the dependencies
  2. Run npx hardhat circom to build the circuits and generate the
    Verifier.sol file.
  3. Run node generate-inputs.js. This will generate the input values for
    running the example script.
  4. Run ./generate-calldata.sh to generate the calldata used by the script to
    interact with the contract.
  5. Finally, run npx hardhat run script.js to run the example script. This will
    deploy the relevant contracts, mint and shield pair of tokens, transfer one
    of them, and then unshield the transferred one.