
Explore NLP tasks with Python using NLTK, SpaCy & scikit-learn: Tokenization, Normalization, NER, POS tagging, Encoding, Word embedding.

MIT License



This repository contains notebooks showcasing various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks implemented using Python and popular NLP libraries such as NLTK, SpaCy, and scikit-learn. The notebooks cover a wide range of NLP tasks including tokenization, normalization (stemming and lemmatization), bags of words, named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech (POS) tagging, different encoding techniques, word embedding using Word2Vec and GloVe, and TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency).


  • Tokenization : Notebook demonstrating tokenization techniques using NLTK and SpaCy.

  • Stemming : Implemented stemming techniques with NLTK and SpaCy in Python

  • Lemmatization : Explored lemmatization methods in Python using NLTK and SpaCy

  • Named Entity Recognition : Performed Named Entity Recognition (NER) using NLTK and SpaCy in Python. Understand how to identify and extract named entities such as person names, organization names, locations, etc.

  • Part-of-Speech Tagging : Implemented POS tagging techniques with NLTK and SpaCy in Python. Learn how to assign grammatical categories to words in a text corpus, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.

  • Stopwords : Demonstrated stopwords removal techniques using NLTK and SpaCy in Python. Understand how to filter out common words that do not carry significant meaning in text analysis tasks.

    Encoding Techniques -

    • One Hot Encoding : Performed OHE on text documents into binary vectors, demonstrated using NLTK and SpaCy in Python.
    • Bag of Words : Represented text documents as vectors based on word frequency, using NLTK and SpaCy in Python.
    • TF-IDF : Assigns scores to words in documents based on their frequency (term frequency) and rarity (inverse document frequency), using NLTK and SpaCy in Python.

    Word Embedding -

    • Word2Vec : Implementated of Word2Vec in Python using both pretrained and scratch-built models.
    • Avg Word2Vec : Utilization of average Word2Vec embeddings in Python, demonstrating efficient word embedding techniques for natural language processing tasks.
    • GloVe : Utilized Stanford's pre-trained GloVe model for efficient word embedding in natural language processing tasks.
    • FastText : Leveraged Gensim and the FastText library for effective text representation and classification using subword information and Skipgram architecture.


  • Python 3
  • Jupyter Notebook/Google Colab
  • NLTK
  • SpaCy
  • Scikit learn
  • Gensim


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.