
Named Entity Recognition based on dictionaries

MIT License


spacy-lookup: Named Entity Recognition based on dictionaries

spaCy v2.0 <>_ extension and pipeline component for adding Named Entities metadata to Doc objects. Detects Named Entities using dictionaries. The extension sets the custom Doc, Token and Span attributes ._.is_entity, ._.entity_type, ._.has_entities and ._.entities.

Named Entities are matched using the python module flashtext, and looks up in the data provided by different dictionaries.


spacy-lookup requires spacy v2.0.16 or higher.

.. code:: bash

pip install spacy-lookup


First, you need to download a language model.

.. code:: bash

python -m spacy download en

Import the component and initialise it with the shared nlp object (i.e. an instance of Language), which is used to initialise flashtext with the shared vocab, and create the match patterns. Then add the component anywhere in your pipeline.

.. code:: python

import spacy
from spacy_lookup import Entity

nlp = spacy.load('en')
entity = Entity(keywords_list=['python', 'product manager', 'java platform'])
nlp.add_pipe(entity, last=True)

doc = nlp(u"I am a product manager for a java and python.")
assert doc._.has_entities == True
assert doc[0]._.is_entity == False
assert doc[3]._.entity_desc == 'product manager'
assert doc[3]._.is_entity == True

print([(token.text, token._.canonical) for token in doc if token._.is_entity])

spacy-lookup only cares about the token text, so you can use it on a blank Language instance (it should work for all available languages <>_!), or in a pipeline with a loaded model. If you're loading a model and your pipeline includes a tagger, parser and entity recognizer, make sure to add the entity component as last=True, so the spans are merged at the end of the pipeline.

Available attributes

The extension sets attributes on the Doc, Span and Token. You can change the attribute names on initialisation of the extension. For more details on custom components and attributes, see the processing pipelines documentation <>_.

====================== ======= === Token._.is_entity bool Whether the token is an entity. Token._.entity_type unicode A human-readable description of the entity. Doc._.has_entities bool Whether the document contains entity. Doc._.entities list (entity, index, description) tuples of the document's entities. Span._.has_entities bool Whether the span contains entity. Span._.entities list (entity, index, description) tuples of the span's entities. ====================== ======= ===


On initialisation of Entity, you can define the following settings:

=============== ============ === nlp Language The shared nlp object. Used to initialise the matcher with the shared Vocab, and create Doc match patterns. attrs tuple Attributes to set on the ._ property. Defaults to ('has_entities', 'is_entity', 'entity_type', 'entity'). keywords_list list Optional lookup table with the list of terms to look for. keywords_dict dict Optional lookup table with the list of terms to look for. keywords_file string Optional filename with the list of terms to look for. =============== ============ ===

.. code:: python

entity = Entity(nlp, keywords_list=['python', 'java platform'], label='ACME')
doc = nlp(u"I am a product manager for a java platform and python.")
assert doc[3]._.is_entity
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