
Apache hadoop

APACHE-2.0 License


HADOOP-18287. Provide a shim library for modern FS APIs: hadoop-api-shim

A shim library for allowing hadoop applications to call the recent higher-performance/cloud-aware filesystem API methods when available, but still compile against and link to older hadoop releases.

This allows them to call operations which are potentially significantly higher performance, especially when working with object stores.

For example, the openFile() builder API allows a library to declare the seek policy to use (sequential, random, etc), which is used to determine what kind of requests to make of the store. If a FileStatus is passed in, any initial HEAD request to determine the file size can be skipped. This will reduce latency and significantly improve read performance against s3a and abfs, both of which implement that feature. The GCS connector would also benefit from the API changes if/when it adds its own suppoort.

Another example is the high performance Vector IO API of HADOOP-18103. On hadoop releases with this API, it will parallelize a list of read operations. The base implementation converts these to seek/read calls, but object stores may implement the reads as a set of parallel ranged GET requests (as does s3a). File formats which read stripes of data can use this API call to gain significant performance improvements.

The library contains a number of shim classes, which can be instantiated with a supplied instance of a class available in the Hadoop 3.2.0 APIs.

These classes use reflection to bind to methods not available in the hadoop 3.2.0 release.

These API calls can be probed for before invocation. When unavailable, the operations will either fall back to a default implementation (example: openFile()), or raise an UnsupportedOperationException

Note that the presence of the methods does not guarantee that the invoked instance will succeed, rather that the outcome is the same as it would be if the method was called directly.

Why 3.2.0?

  1. Hadoop branch-3.2 is the oldest hadoop-3.x branch which has active releases for critical
    bugs. It is the de-facto baseline API for all Hadoop runtimes/platforms.
  2. It is the oldest Hadoop branch-3 branch getting security fixes: users of older releases MUST upgrade or keep their own version current.
  3. It is the first version whose client libraries work with Java 11.
  4. It is impossible to assert Hadoop 2 compatibility without actually building and testing on java7. Which is not easy to do any more.

Libraries which want to use these new APIs must build with a hadoop version of 3.2.0 or later.

Shimmed Classes and their API extensions.


Method Version JIRA Fallback
openFile() 3.3.0 HADOOP-15229 open(Path)
msync() 3.3.2 HDFS-15567 noop
hasPathCapability() 3.3.0 HADOOP-15691 false


Method Version JIRA Fallback
ByteBufferPositionedRead 3.3.0 HDFS-3246 Emulation
Vectored IO 3.3.5 HADOOP-18103 Emulation

HADOOP-15229 Add FileSystem builder-based openFile() API to match createFile() (since 3.3.0)

This allows for the operations defined in HADOOP-16202 to be used if set in the builder in .opt(key, value) parameters.

HDFS-3246 ByteBufferPositionedRead interface (since 3.3.0)

The ByteBufferPositionedRead interface allows an application to read/readFully into a byte buffer from a specific offset.

If the ByteBufferPositionedRead interface is not implemented by the wrapped input stream, the methods it exports, FSDataInputStream.read(long position, ByteBuffer buf) and FSDataInputStream.readFully(long position, ByteBuffer buf) will both throw UnsupportedOperationException.

To verify that a stream implements the API all the way through to the filesystem, call hasCapability("in:preadbytebuffer") on the stream. All streams which implement ByteBufferPositionedRead MUST return true on this probe a requirement which is upheld by all those implemented in the hadoop libraries themselves.

The shim library only considers the API available if the methods are found and the capability probe is true. If, even then, an UnsuportedOperationException is thrown, the fallback routine is used for that call and all subsequent calls.

HADOOP-18103. Vector IO. Since 3.3.5

The Vector IO API of HADOOP-18103 offers a high performance scatter/gather API for accessing columnar data. By giving the filesystem clients more information about the plan of future reads, they can optimize their requests to the remote stores, such as combining ranges, issuing ranged GET request to cover those combined ranges, etc. The S3A connector issues requests for different ranges in parallel, over different HTTP connections.

On Hadoop releases with the API, all input streams which support seek() support the API. That means everything except the ftp and sftp connectors.

Testing the library.

The hadoop-api-shim module's test JAR contains contract tests (subclasses of hadoop-common test AbstractFSContractTestBase) for different shim classes. the library module's implementations will verify that when executed on older versions they work/downgrade/fail as expected. The XML contracts will declare what APIs are available for that store; separate files will be needed for each release and (somehow) the appropriate version identified.

These test classes can be tested against different hadoop releases, by having a separate test module for each targeted version.

The package org.apache.hadoop.fs.shim.test.binding package contains feature classes for each hadoop version

For those ByteBufferPositionedRead a minihdfs cluster will be neede for the test suite, or an input stream with methods of the same name and arguments added.