
Apache Pekko HTTP Quickstart for Java

OTHER License


Apache Pekko HTTP quickstart in Java

You can use Giter8 to create your own project from the quickstart.


  • JDK 17 (Java Records are used in the sample code)
  • sbt 1.9.x or higher

Open a console and run the following command to apply this template:

sbt new apache/pekko-http-quickstart-java.g8

You can also install Giter8 and install using:

g8 apache/pekko-http-quickstart-java.g8

This template will prompt for the following parameters. Press Enter if the default values suit you:

  • name: Becomes the name of the project.
  • organisation: Provides an organisation name for the project.
  • pekko-http-version: Specifies which version of Pekko HTTP should be used for this project.
  • pekko-version: Specifies which version of Pekko should be used for this project.

This template comes with example for a Pekko HTTP server on Java QuickstartServer, along with their respective tests.

Once inside the project folder, to run this code, you can issue the following command to run the server:

sbt run

This template also provides build descriptors for maven and gradle. You can use any of the following commands to run the application:

mvn compile
mvn exec:java


gradle run

Both commands run QuickstartServer by default.

Template license

Written in 2017 by Lightbend, Inc.

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this template to the public domain worldwide. This template is distributed without any warranty. See