
Service for extracting tables from the CCAO system-of-record and uploading them to the Data Department's data warehouse

AGPL-3.0 License


Spark Extractor for iasWorld

This repository contains the dependencies and code necessary to run Spark extract jobs targeting Cook County's iasWorld property system-of-record. It is a replacement for service-sqoop-iasworld, which is now deprecated.

Each Spark job pulls an iasWorld table (or part of a table) via JDBC and writes it as Hive-partitioned Parquet files to AWS S3. The Data Department then queries the Parquet files using AWS Athena, providing a 1-1 mirror of the system-of-record for analytical queries.

Jobs are submitted in "batches" (called applications by Spark). Each batch may contain multiple extract jobs. Once all jobs for a batch are complete, we also (optionally) trigger four additional processes. In order:

  1. Upload the extracted Parquet files to AWS S3. Uploads to the bucket and
    prefix specified in the .env file.
  2. Run an AWS Glue crawler to update table data types and/or partitions in
    the Glue data catalog (which powers Athena). This process only occurs if
    new files are uploaded i.e. those not previously seen on S3.
  3. Run a dbt testing workflow
    on GitHub Actions. This automatically tests the iasWorld data for issues and
    outputs the results to various tables and reports.
  4. Upload the final logs to AWS CloudWatch.

Submitting job batches

[!NOTE] Before attempting to submit batches to the cluster, first make sure the Spark Docker Compose stack is active by running docker compose up -d in the repository. Also, make sure all secret and .env files are populated, see Files not included for more information.

service-spark-iasworld job batches are submitted via JSON, either as a string or as a file. All batches should have the format below. Note that the name of the job itself (e.g. job2 below) is arbitrary.

  "addn": {
    "table_name": "iasworld.addn",
    "min_year": 2020,
    "max_year": 2024,
    "cur": ["Y", "D"],
    "predicates_path": "default_predicates.sql"
  "job2": {
    "table_name": "iasworld.asmt_all",
    "min_year": 2021,
    "max_year": 2021,
    "cur": ["Y"],
    "predicates_path": "default_predicates.sql"

Field definitions

  • table_name (required) - Name of the iasWorld table to extract, must be
    prefixed with iasworld. (or ias. for test environment).
  • min_year (optional) - Minimum tax year (inclusive) to extract from the
    table. Set to null in a job definition to ignore this column when filtering
    and partitioning. Defaults to 1999.
  • max_year (optional) - Maximum tax year (inclusive) to extract from the
    table. To extract a single year, set min_year and max_year to the same
    value. Set to null in a job definition to ignore this column when filtering
    and partitioning. Defaults to the current year.
  • cur (optional) - Values of the cur column to extract from the table.
    Must be an array. Set to null in a job definition to ignore this column
    when filtering and partitioning. Defaults to ["Y", "N", "D"].
  • predicates_path (optional) - String path to a SQL file within the config/
    directory. The SQL file should define SQL BETWEEN expressions, where each
    expression is one chunk that will be extracted by Spark during JDBC reads.
    Expressions should not be overlapping. Set to null in a job definition
    to disable using predicates completely. Defaults to default_predicates.sql.

Creating batch JSON

The example batch above contains two separate jobs, one per table. If you want to add additional tables/jobs to the batch, you can manually add the corresponding table objects and modify the fields as listed above.

In practice, modifying JSON is a bit of a pain, so we store long-lived batch and job definitions in YAML, then convert them to JSON using yq. The file config/default_jobs.yaml contains definitions for three common job batches:

  1. A daily batch that pulls the most recent 2 years of each critical table.
  2. A weekend batch that pulls all tables and years.
  3. A test batch that pulls a subset of tables with representative situations.

Submitting via the command line

Batches are submitted to the Spark Docker cluster via the command line. The main job submission argument is either --json-string or --json-file. For example, to submit the test jobs in config/default_jobs.yaml via --json-string, run the following command:

docker exec spark-node-master ./ \
    --json-string "$(yq -o=json .test_jobs ./config/default_jobs.yaml)"

Or from a file:

yq -o=json .test_jobs ./config/default_jobs.yaml > /tmp/jobs.json
docker exec spark-node-master ./ --json-file /tmp/jobs.json

The command line interface also has multiple optional flags:

  • --extract-target - iasWorld target environment to extract data from. Must
    be one of prod or test. Defaults to prod.
  • --run-github-workflow/--no-run-github-workflow - Run the test_dbt_models
    workflow on batch completion?
  • --run-glue-crawler/--no-run-glue-crawler - Run the iasWorld Glue crawler
    on batch completion?
  • --upload-data/--no-upload-data - Upload extracted data to the iasWorld S3
  • --upload-logs/--no-upload-logs - Upload batch logs to AWS CloudWatch?

The default values for these flags are set in the config/default_settings.yaml file. The boolean flags are all True by default.

Additional notes

Data types

Spark automatically attempts to mirror the data types within iasWorld using its own equivalent types. However, on occasion, it may use an incorrect or undesirable type. In such cases, this repository provides a hierarchical system of column-level schema/type overrides, with each type overriding the previous one:

  1. By default, all NUMBER Oracle types are converted to DECIMAL(10,0)
    and TIMESTAMP Oracle types are converted to STRING. This behavior is
    ignored for columns with an override specified via the options below.
  2. Global schema overrides apply to all columns of a given name across all
    tables. They can be specified even for columns that do not exist in every
    table. They are defined in config/default_settings.yaml.
  3. Table schema overrides apply only to the columns of a single table. They
    take precedence over all other overrides. They are defined in

[!WARNING] NUMERIC types are implicitly converted to DECIMAL(10,0) because as of 2024, all NUMERIC columns without a specified precision and scale are actually just integers. If this changes in the future, it's possible that we could begin to silently truncate numbers via this implicit type conversion. As such, stay on top of schema updates from the iasWorld team.

Constructing jobs

Predicates, filters, and partitions are Spark concepts used to construct individual jobs in a batch. They are mostly handled automatically, but you may need to change them in rare cases. The list below outlines the role of each concept and how to change them if needed:

  • Predicates are SQL statements used to chunk a table during reads
    against the iasWorld database. The statements define mutually exclusive
    queries that run in parallel (in order to speed up query execution).
    Predicates are defined via a file of SQL statements in the config/
    directory, then passed to each table job via a file path.
  • Filters are logic conditions included in queries to the database. Spark
    uses predicate pushdown
    to compose the predicates and filter for each query into a single SQL
    statement. Think of filters as a SQL WHERE clause applied across all the
    predicate chunks specified above.
    Filters are constructed automatically from any min_year, max_year,
    and/or cur values passed as part of a job definition. If these values are
    all null, then the entire table is returned.
  • Partitions define how the output Parquet files returned from each should
    be broken up. We use Hive partitioning by default, which yields partitions
    with the structure $TABLE/taxyr=$YEAR/cur=$CUR_VALUE/part-0.parquet.
    Like filters, partitions are determined automatically via any min_year,
    max_year, and/or cur values that are set. If these values are all null,
    then the table is returned as a single file e.g. $TABLE/part-0.parquet.

Files not included

Some necessary setup and credential files are not included in this repository for security or licensing reasons. Templated versions are included for instructional purposes. If you want to use this repository, you will need to populate the following:

  • drivers/ojdbc8.jar - This is the JDBC driver for our Oracle backend and
    can be found for free on Oracle's site.
  • secrets/ - These are credential files needed to connect to other systems.
  • .env - This file sets a few non-critical but still private options.


Batches are currently scheduled via cron. To edit the schedule file, use crontab -e as the main server user. The example crontab file below schedules daily jobs for frequently updated tables and weekly ones for rarely-updated tables. Note that the jobs currently must be run as user 1003.

# Extract recent years from frequently used tables on weekdays at 1 AM CST
0 6 * * 1,2,3,4,5 docker exec spark-node-master ./ --json-string "$(yq -o=json .default_jobs /full/path/to/default_jobs.yaml)"

# Extract all tables on Saturday at 1 AM CST
0 6 * * 6 docker exec spark-node-master ./ --json-string "$(yq -o=json .weekend_jobs /full/path/to/default_jobs.yaml)"

# Extract all test environment tables on Sunday at 1 AM CST
0 6 * * 7 docker exec spark-node-master ./ --json-string "$(yq -o=json .weekend_jobs_test /full/path/to/default_jobs.yaml)" --no-run-github-workflow --extract-target test


Here's a breakdown of important files and the purpose of each one:

├── docker-compose.yaml        - Defines the Spark nodes, environment, and networking
├── Dockerfile                 - Defines dependencies bundled in each Spark node
├── .env                       - Runtime configuration variables passed to containers
├── pyproject.toml             - Project metadata and tool settings
├──                  - This file!
├──                     - Entrypoint shell script to create Spark jobs
├── .github/                   - GitHub Actions workflows for linting, builds, etc.
├── config/
│   ├── default_jobs.yaml      - Define batches of Spark jobs (one per table)
│   ├── default_predicates.sql - List of mutually exclusive SQL BETWEEN expressions
│   ├── default_settings.yaml  - Runtime defaults and schema overrides
│   ├── spark-defaults.conf    - Spark memory and driver settings
│   └── table_definitions.yaml - Possible job values per table and schema overrides
├── drivers/
│   └── ojdbc8.jar             - Not included, but necessary to connect to iasWorld
├── secrets/
│   ├── AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE   - AWS credentials config file specific to this job
│   ├── GH_PEM                 - GitHub PEM file used to authorize workflow dispatch
│   └── IPTS_PASSWORD          - Password file loaded at runtime into containers
├── src/
│   ├──         - Job submission entrypoint. Takes JSON as input
│   ├──              - Helper to launch jobs using spark-submit
│   └── utils/
│       ├──             - AWS client class for triggering Glue crawlers
│       ├──          - GitHub client class for running Actions workflows
│       ├──         - Miscellaneous helper functions
│       └──           - Spark job and session classes
└── target/
    ├── final/                 - Landing directory after Parquet repartitioning
    └── initial/               - Landing directory for initial JDBC read output
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