
Adds a notification panel to your Laravel Spark Kiosk, allowing you to send notifications to users.

MIT License


Spark Kiosk Notify

Adds a notification panel to your Laravel Spark Kiosk, allowing you to send notifications to users.

Spark 4.x

Spark 4.0 replaced vue-resource for axios. The 2.1 release has been updated to use axios.

If you are upgrading to Spark 4.0 you will need to remove the spark-kiosk-notify.js file and republish the resources.

Please note the path was updated as well.

Vue 1.x

If you are using Vue 1.x please use the 1.0.5 release. The 2.x release is updated for Vue 2.x

Planned / Desired Features

  • View notifications
  • Update notifications
  • Delete notifications
  • Send Notification on User's tab
  • Select Multiple Users
  • Search for users instead of listing? Listing all could be an issue if you have many users.
  • Switch to SparkForm?

Installation process

This package comes with predefined views and routes to use with your existing Spark installation.

In order to install the Spark Kiosk Notifications Package into your Spark application:

1. Add this composer package to your composer.json using the command below

composer require vmitchell85/spark-kiosk-notify

2. Add the following to providers array in config\app.php


3. Publish the Spark resources (views, VueJS components):

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="vmitchell85\SparkKioskNotify\SparkKioskNotifyServiceProvider"

4. Add the javascript components to your bootstrap.js file

Add require('./components/SparkKioskNotify/spark-kiosk-notify'); to your resources/assets/js/components/app.js file.

5. Compile the Javascript components

npm run dev

6. Add the HTML snippets

File: resources/views/vendor/spark/kiosk.blade.php

Place a link to the notifications settings tab:

<!-- Notifications Link -->
<li role="presentation">
    <a href="#notifications" aria-controls="notifications" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">
        <i class="fa fa-fw fa-btn fa-bell"></i>Notifications

Inside the <!-- Tab Panels --> section, place the code to load the notifications tab:

<!-- Notifications -->
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="notifications">

7. Try it out

Log into your Spark application and access the new notifications tab located at:
