
visualizing spark plan as UML diagram

APACHE-2.0 License


Visualizing Spark Plan as UML diagram

A library for drawing spark logic plan as UML. Using PlantUML.


Tested with spark 2.4.0 for lower spark version some code changes should be applied Not tested with Datasets




Room code example

import com.keks.plan.builder.{JsonDiagramBuilder, PlanUmlDiagramBuilder}
import com.keks.plan.parser.DefaultExpressionParser
import com.keks.plan.write.{LocalFilePlanSaver, UmlPlanSaver}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.IntegerType

val spark: SparkSession = _

import spark.implicits._

val userDF = Seq(("a", "b")).toDF("user_id", "user_name").as("USER_TABLE")
val phoneDF = Seq(("a", "b", "c")).toDF("phone_id", "user_id", "phone_number").as("PHONE_TABLE")
val roomDF = Seq(("a", "b", "c")).toDF("room_id", "phone_id", "room_number").as("ROOM_TABLE")

// find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'
val alexUsers = userDF.filter(lower(col("user_name")) === "alex")
val filteredPhones = phoneDF.filter(col("phone_number").startsWith("+7952"))
val result = alexUsers
  .join(filteredPhones, Seq("user_id"), "inner")
  .join(roomDF, Seq("phone_id"))
  .select("room_id", "room_number")


import com.keks.plan.implicits._
result.printPlan(planParser = new SparkLogicalRelationParser(new DefaultExpressionParser()),
                 builder = new PlanUmlDiagramBuilder(),
                 entityName = s"rooms",
                 reportDescription = "find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'",
                 savePath = "examples",
                 saver = new UmlPlanSaver())


import com.keks.plan.implicits._
result.printPlan(planParser = new SparkLogicalRelationParser(new DefaultExpressionParser()),
                 builder = new JsonDiagramBuilder(),
                 entityName = s"rooms",
                 reportDescription = "find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'",
                 savePath = "examples",
                 saver = new LocalFilePlanSaver())
  "entityName": "rooms",
  "reportDescription": "find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'",
  "edges": [
    {"from": 1, "to": 3}, {"from": 3, "to": 5}, {"from": 3, "to": 14}, {"from": 5, "to": 6},
    {"from": 5, "to": 10}, {"from": 6, "to": 7}, {"from": 10, "to": 11}
  "nodes": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "SELECT",
      "desc": "room_id\nroom_number"
      "id": 3,
      "name": "JOIN",
      "desc": "INNER\nPHONE_TABLE.phone_id == ROOM_TABLE.phone_id"
      "id": 5,
      "name": "JOIN",
      "desc": "INNER\nUSER_TABLE.user_id == PHONE_TABLE.user_id"
      "id": 6,
      "name": "FILTER",
      "desc": "Lower[user_name] == alex"
      "id": 7,
      "name": "NAMED_SOURCE_TABLE",
      "desc": "SourceType: GENERATED TABLE\nTableName: USER_TABLE\nuser_id: StringType\nuser_name: StringType"
      "id": 10,
      "name": "FILTER",
      "desc": "phone_number StartsWith[+7952]"
      "id": 11,
      "name": "NAMED_SOURCE_TABLE",
      "desc": "SourceType: GENERATED TABLE\nTableName: PHONE_TABLE\nphone_id: StringType\nuser_id: StringType\nphone_number: StringType"
      "id": 14,
      "name": "NAMED_SOURCE_TABLE",
      "desc": "SourceType: GENERATED TABLE\nTableName: ROOM_TABLE\nroom_id: StringType\nphone_id: StringType\nroom_number: StringType"

Use pretty prints

  entityName = "rooms",
  "find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'",
  savePath = "examples")
  entityName = "rooms",
  "find all rooms where 'alex' users live with phone_number starting with '+7952'",
  savePath = "examples")


In case of not implemented errors in DefaultExpressionParser or incorrect behavior you can extend, override and change logic in this class