
E-Commerce Web Application This is a backend API for an e-commerce platform built using Java Spring Boot. It supports essential product management features, including product listing, detail retrieval, and CRUD operations for sellers. The application is designed with scalability and efficiency in mind, utilizing PostgreSQL for data persistance

MIT License


E-Commerce Web Application

This project is a backend implementation of an e-commerce web application built using the Java Spring Boot framework. The application allows users to retrieve product information from a database and enables sellers to update product details.


  • Retrieve a list of products available in the database.
  • Sellers can update the details of a specific product.
  • Backend services that handle CRUD operations for product management.

Technologies Used

  • Java Spring Boot: Framework for building the backend REST API.
  • PostgreSQL: Database system used to store product details.
  • Hibernate: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework to map Java objects to database tables.
  • Apache Tomcat: Server for hosting and running the application.
  • Lombok: Used to reduce boilerplate code.
  • Maven: Dependency management tool for managing external libraries.

Project Structure

 SpringEcom               # Main project directory
    controller            # Contains the controllers for handling HTTP requests
       ProductController.java  # Handles product-related requests
    model                 # Contains the data model classes
       Product.java       # Product entity class
    repo                  # Repository layer for database interactions
       ProductRepo.java   # Repository interface for product data
    service               # Contains the service layer business logic
       ProductService.java # Service class for product operations
    SpringEcomApplication.java # Main entry point of the application
 README.md                 # Project documentation

Setup Instructions


  • Java 11 or higher
  • PostgreSQL (with a running instance)
  • Maven 3.6.x or higher
  • Apache Tomcat (optional, if not using embedded server)

Database Setup

  1. Install PostgreSQL and create a new database for the project.

  2. Update the application.properties file to configure the database connection.


Build and Run

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd E-commerce-web-Application-main
  2. Build the project using Maven:

    mvn clean install
  3. Run the Spring Boot application:

    mvn spring-boot:run

    The application should now be running at http://localhost:8080.

API Endpoints

The application exposes the following REST API endpoints:

  • GET /products: Retrieve a list of products.
  • GET /products/{id}: Retrieve product details by product ID.
  • POST /products: Add a new product (Seller only).
  • PUT /products/{id}: Update an existing product (Seller only).
  • DELETE /products/{id}: Delete a product by ID (Seller only).

Lombok Configuration

This project uses Lombok annotations to reduce boilerplate code. Make sure to install Lombok in your IDE:

  • For Eclipse, install the Lombok plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.
  • For IntelliJ IDEA, enable annotation processing under Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors.

Running Tests

To run the unit tests, use the following command:

mvn test


Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contact If you have any questions or would like to reach out, feel free to email me at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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